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Please visit These sites below this is important information

View these videos(2) About Biweekly Mortgages-Oprah even approved this !
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Other ways to save money
Quick biweekly Calculator find out your savings
Christian debt consolidators.
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B25 crash site of a personal friend's father WW2
Good Christian humor
Ever use STP in your car or Truck check this website out
Radio commercials about Power save 1200 click the >
America Must learn to recycle

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I am not in a get Rich plan or anything of the kind this is a dream that I had and got up at 3 am. and decided to put my dream to work.

Donations will be not for my own use

Will be adding more important links soon.

America is in trouble and we must band together and help everyone.

Visit my room on paltalk
What Bankers will not tell you
Donate to help out this sweet lady that

does not have a computer to view her website we built her

Now she is about ready to take her Amateur radio license test so she can Go with us and operate radio equipment in Disaster situations when cell phone towers are out etc. We want to Buy her a Desk and computer & some ham Gear and we need you help.Please...

Youtube video below will explain how she lays down her all putting

herself aside to help others now lets her . Email the webservant if need a website built
Install this device in your Home to save 1/3 on the electric bill
View the powersave1200 video Below explains it all

The Power-Save 1200™ is a small gray box that fits neatly next to your breaker panel, saves you money year after year and protects the entire home. The Power-Save 1200™ was designed with the homeowner in mind, providing lower energy bills, increased motor and appliance life, for all of the equipment inside of your house. Residential customers throughout North America could see a realized savings of 8% - 10% typically and as much as 25% on their electrical usage (and thus power bills). The Power-Save 1200™ is UL Certified as the Cat. No. ABET 2201 and CSA certified. Money isn't all that you are saving when you use Power-Save Energy Corp. products. It's an energy-wise purchasing decision with many positive environmental implications. Power Suppliers also benefit by being able to supply power to more customers without the generation or acquisition of additional power.
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