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Bayou Pride Rabbitry is owned and operated by the Floyd family of West Monroe, LA. We have been raising rabbits for about 4 years now for show. We show at 4-H, LRBA and ARBA shows. We have won many Best In Show, Best of Breed and Best Opposite of Breed. Along with several Champion and Rev. Champion Rabbit Meat Pen Competition.


 Currently we raise 4 different breeds in several different varieties. We raise Lionheads (exhibition breed) in Black, Blue, Pearl Point, Pointed White, Ruby Eyed White, Sable Point, Siamese Sable and Smoke Pearl.

Mini Satins take up most of the cage space in our little barn. We have done quiet well with our Mini Satins and have won Louisiana Mini Satin breeder in production and quality. Our varieties include Black, Blue, Chinchilla -Black, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac, Copper, Red, Siamese - Black and Blue and White.

Satins are being raised for our meat pen competitions. Every now and then some of our older stock will be shown in open/youth shows in the Satin breed class. We currently only raise Black, however, would love to add Siamese later on when we expand our barn.

  Last but not least are our Velveteen Lops (exhibition breed). These guys and gals are just precious, they are like basset hounds of the rabbit world. We currently have Blacks, Blues, Castor, Opal and Tort -Black and Blue.