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Alternative Treatment Options for Patients with Fears and Phobias over Dental Services

Description:  All patients that have avoided their dental exams due to anxiety should call our dentist to discuss their sedation dentistry options.



There will always be countless reasons in which patients will avoid regular dental checkups and exams.  For some, they may feel as if they do not have the time or finances to afford regular treatments as often as every six months.  For a very high percentage of individuals though, neglecting their oral health is the result of fear or phobias over dental services.  This is why our Los Angeles dentist is proud to be able to offer some of the most effective and pain-free services along with a wide array of sedation dentistry treatment options that could help you restore your smile and maintain your oral health unlike ever before.


Phobias over dental treatments are extremely prevalent in patients of all ages and are quite often the result of painful procedures or conditions that have taken place in the past.  Other patients may have slowly picked up on stigmas over dental treatments from family members, friends, or even the media.  For these patients, as well as those with a low tolerance for pain or a sensitive gag reflex, sedation options may be just what is needed to get them back into the dentist’s chair.


There are three primary forms of sedation that are used with the field of dentistry today.  One of the most common is inhaled sedatives, often referred to as “laughing gas.”  This is an odorless and tasteless gas that will result in the patient not feeling anything and most likely not remembering anything throughout the entirety of their treatment.  It can also be used in conjunction with oral sedatives that can be taken before the appointment to put patients at ease before they ever step through our doors.


For some of the more comprehensive treatments and for patients that have an intense fear of dental services, our Los Angeles sedation dentistry expert may suggest the use of an IV.  These IVs will allow us to utilize a number of powerful sedatives that could put the patient at ease, numb their senses, or completely put them under throughout the rest of the treatment.  If you would like to see if any of these options may be right for you, give us a call today.


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