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Personal injury lawyers represent a person who claims to be injured due to negligence of another person, a company or an association or entity. When it comes to damages to a person, be it his property, reputation or rights, personal injury lawyers are the experts. Basically, they are lawyers who specialize in accidents, work related injuries, mishaps, and other accidents related to defective products and services.

It is also the personal injury lawyer's duty to calculate the amount to be claimed. If the company wants to settle, the personal injury lawyer is the one who negotiated the amount based different factors. These factors include the nature of the injury, the extent of the injury, and the amount of damages like medical bills, destroyed property and even the time that the injury is expected to last.

All these factors are carefully analyzed until justifiable amount is calculated. Include in the computation is the loss of time that the injured could have used for work or to simply put it, lost wages. These are called economic damages. There is also what we call general damages.

These include the humiliation, damage to reputation, pain, distress, sleepless nights and suffering of the injured person. It is the job of your personal injury lawyer to take all of these into consideration before settling for an amount. Else, if the amount is already paid, the injured can no longer claim for additional damages.

Personal injury lawyers do not only compute for the damages, they need to prepare all the evidences to prove that the injury or accident was not the fault of the injured. Records, documents and even video recordings help a lot during the presentation of evidence. But still, he has to prove that it is not the fault of the injured person.

To do this, he must make sure that the injured employee has followed all the standard operating procedures and safety precautions as required by the company. As a result, the personal injury lawyer has done a great job of proving that it was not the fault of the injured and that the company must pay for all the damages.

Personal injury lawyers from do not only serve the injured. The company or employer may hire their own personal injury lawyer for their defense. This time, the personal injury lawyer uses all the evidences gathered and prepared all the necessary questions to prove that the person injured can be blamed for his accident.