My book, untitled as of yet
Something Important
Air. Soon, we won't even need that, she thought. The air filtration portion of her body was working overtime in the rank, polluted winds swirling about her form. She registered the temperature as almost freezing. Not that it matters she thought. She began thinking about the old day dreams again. "Rhi, you have to get off this planet."
The End
It takes a long time sometimes for the end to come. They all knew it was coming. The failed attempt by the World Council to correct the suns unexpected rise in radiation had gone wrong in the worst possible way. After the cover-up was exposed, they tried to tell everyone that it didn't matter, we would have all died from radiation or had to get off the planet anyway in the same amount of time. The signs were everywhere that they knew different, and had accelerated the lunar ship plans. People were starting to not care about covering things up anymore, and leaks in the story were everywhere. The dull blue glow of the striken sun was warning enough. It was time to go.
The World Council had realized long ago the need for humans and what we were becoming to leave this planet. There simply wasn't enough room and resources.. not hard to figure out. A way had to be thought of to get as many people off the planet as possible, and there was no way to build a ship big enough to carry close to everyone. The first whisperings of what the plans were were laughed off as impossible and a pipe dream.. but it became apparent that the rumors were true when the actual shape of the moon began to change. It was hard to miss the giant ion engines and construction on the surface. You didnt even need a telescope to see it was true. As the sun began it's tumultuous demise at our own hand, people began to panic anyway, saying how could there be room for everyone on the moon. Then one of the Worldnet sites that publishes information leaks got hold of the plans, and much to the chagrin of the Council, everyone on the planet found out just how much of the population could go on the ride of humanities life. Three fourths. The speicific number didn't matter, just that it was obvious there were some hard decisions to be made. This oddly calmed everyone down a bit. At least we had a clear picture of what our goals were. Private spaceship manufacturers were booming, and the Work Corps were openly discussing the lunar plans with the world leaders in the media, uncensored. It seems we had a 50/50 chance, and that was better than nothing.
chapter 1
"Turn it OFF." said the female voice on the wall speaker. One of the men walked over casually. "Hold it." the man with the weapon told two other men as he walked closer. "You will all die here on this rock." said the prisoner to the man. The looming, almost friendly looking man looked at the prisoner with what might have been disgust mixed with pity "You first." He put his disrupter directly to the prisoner's upper right chest area, and pulled the trigger. The metallic and still partially biological form fell limp, and to the ground, without a sound except for the rustle of its clothes and the clank of its head on the concrete floor. As the gunman stood watching the lifeless form, he breathed a small sigh of relief. This particular Cynja wasn't on top of its game or more people would have died.
"Norman, come in the main room please." the wall speaker barked at him. He walked into the next room, and found a spot to stand and appear menacing. He liked to do that, his large body exuding manliness and strength, but inside he enjoyed everything he saw with the delight of the kid he still was. It was all a game to him. "We can't have them getting this close. This was the closest yet, and it just proves that things will get worse in the future. That was an OLD model. The new ones have a near invisible skin coating that projects whats on the other side of them... someone finally perfected it.." The woman walked closer to Norman and looked him in the eye. "We need help." she said. "I want you to call her." Norman looked down at his wife, and nodded his head. "Yeah, you're right."