Here are the links
This is the site you need to go to to start
Here is a youtube video that shows it really works.
Here is more proof. This is the company that is behind it all.
Follow these steps for the Free Playstation 3
1. First go to this link (if you have not done so yet): (If you want to stay on this page, and sign-up in a different window or tab, right click, and click "Open in new...")
2. Then create an account. Make sure you select "referral account" then complete the rest of the page with your information. I'd suggest creating a throw-a-way email account. Just in case of SPAM or Junk Mail. Any FREE account from Hotmail , Yahoo, Gmail, etc. will do. I DON'T RECOMMEND USING YOUR PERSONAL EMAIL ACCOUNT!
3. Press "continue" when done, now you are taken to the progress tab. Now select the "offers" tab and choose an offer that you wouldn't mind applying for. You NEED to complete ONE offer in order for it to give your referree credit, and also in order to get your own gift when you get your 9-12 referrals. (which is much easier than getting the 1300 pts needed from offers)
I choose It's an official federal post office site, no spam no nothing, which was totally free for a month when I did it for my free Mac Mini and after I canceled a few months ago it cost me nothing but you have to wait 21 days before canceling.
Don't worry, is a legitimate site. You can even email or talk to the United States Postal Service (USPS) to confirm it (which is what I did). They are an approved vendor, and their product is real. You can also check google for reveiws.
Or check here .
(Be sure to cancel your account before the free trial ends so you won't be charged. You can do this after you have done the printout by calling 1-877-782-6736, or you can keep the service if you really like it).
If you are in Canada, complete the offer (the only 100 % FREE offer which is for Canadian residents) You will have to sign up for a two week free trial, and select the plan (it doesn't matter which plan you pick, because you don't pay it during those two weeks).
Then, before the two weeks are over, close your account by going online to, logging in, click on the "My Account" tab, and then on the "Stop My Membership" (during the two weeks, you can also rent unlimited movies from their service at no charge, but there is no need) (WARNING: Do not do the Blockbuster offer, because it is fraudulent. I contacted with the link that was provided, and they confirmed it) There is also the Rising Star offer on page 4.
I've done this also and you get credit instantly. Once you get credit which is often given same day on this offer just cancel.
4. Copy this ad and use eBay to get referrals.
5. Receive your PS3 for free!! Even shipping is free!
-This whole process takes merely 10 minutes of your time, and if you use ebay for referrals like my friends did, and as I am now, and tell your friends/coworkers etc, you can get your free Mac Mini within ONE WEEK.