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The business trip to Riyadh had been an uneventful one for Peter. Having just started with an American petrochemical company he had been excited to be offered the chance to travel as part of his job. Little did he know that his trip was about to take a decided turn for the worse.
Across the breakfast room in the hotel Mehmet was staring at the clean-shaven handsome American while he slowly sipped his coffee. This white man was just Mehmet’s type – smooth light skin, slim build, an almost effeminate look. He decided right there that he had to possess this object of his desires, and he began to hatch his plan as he finished his breakfast.
It had been simple for a wealthy and connected man like Mehmet to bribe the American’s hired driver. After all, Mehmet was a close friend of a certain Saudi prince who secretly shared some of Mehmet’s more private proclivities. In Saudi Arabia on business from the home base of his company in Ankara, the procurement of his prize he knew would not be difficult – rather the extraction of his conquest back to his native Turkey. This is where the help of his high-ranking friend would come in handy.
Sorry Sir, sorry Sir the driver repeated to Peter as he explained the fake breakdown of the car on the way to Peter’s last business meeting. Quite quickly the driver had blurted out something about going back to the gas station they had passed not long ago to get a mechanic to come and sort out the car trouble. With that the driver took off leaving Peter with the car, and quite confused. Peter did not speak any Arabic, and frankly had no idea where they were in the city as this had been his first trip to Riyadh. Trying to sort out how he could get a hold of the colleagues he was supposed to be meeting with 20 minutes later he did not even notice the sleek black limousine pull up beside his car.
Shit! Peter muttered under his breath. Even though the delay would not be his fault he was upset at this inconvenience disrupting his first business trip in his new job. Peter desperately wanted to make a good impression for his bosses, and hopefully move up the corporate ladder. The more impatient he became the more convinced he seemed that this untimely breakdown would jeopardize his advancement.
“What seems to be the trouble” the tall dark Arab driver of the limo said to Peter as he leaned his head into Peter’s rolled down car window. Peter sat right back in the seat, startled by the statement as he had not even noticed the limo’s approach never mind the fact that the driver had gotten out and approached his car.
“Uh – we seem to have had some kind of engine trouble” Peter replied. My driver has gone back to a gas station to get some assistance. “I see” said Ahmet – the limo driver. “I will tell my employer that we can be on our way then. He had wanted to check that there was no serious trouble before we continued on to his office downtown. You don’t by chance require a lift to that part of town do you? My employer has instructed me that if this is the case he would be happy to offer you transport.”
Peter couldn’t believe his luck – and more out of his ambition to please his superiors than out of any good & common sense, he exited his vehicle and was ushered in to the limo of an absolute stranger. It would be one of the last conscious decisions for himself that he would ever make.
As Ahmet opened the limo door for Peter, he was struck by the size of the driver. Standing 6’2” tall, Ahmet was built like a bull. He had been a wrestler in Turkey prior to his employment by Mehmet – whom he now served as driver and bodyguard. Peter slipped past the giant man and into the cool interior of the car where he found himself seated across from the man who would become his master. Mehmet was himself a large man, only standing 5’10” tall, but weighing a portly 240 lbs. He lived a life of privilege, and liked to indulge himself as his wealth would allow.
“Good morning” Mehmet said to Peter in his heavily accented English. Peter returned the pleasantry and thanked his seemingly good Samaritan for stopping to help. “Think nothing of it my friend” came the reply – “my driver Ahmet will leave a note in your car stating that we have delivered you on to your destination.” There would of course be no note, and shortly after the limo took off, Peter’s car would disappear forever, as would his hired driver – just one more mysterious disappearance of a foreigner in a foreign land like so many other times throughout history.
“Please please” Mehmet insisted, “have some water with lemon.” Peter eagerly accepted as even the short disruption in his car trip had made him quite thirsty in the heat of the Saudi summer. The lemon perfectly disguised the slightly bitter taste of the strong tranquilizer that laced the beverage. “Where can we take you?” inquired Mehmet. Peter turned and gave the name of the office building to Ahmet, but then began to drift into a deep slumber that he would not awaken from for a few hours.
During the time that he had been drugged, Ahmet had sped the limo through the streets of Riyadh to his boss’s warehouse on the outskirts of town. The big Turk slung the unconscious American over his shoulder, and lugged his human cargo into the warehouse to begin the next phase of Mehmet’s plan.
As Peter began to waken, he tried to move his arms and legs but found that he was restrained by handcuffs and leg irons. Feeling totally perplexed he tried to sit up but was snapped back down onto the thin mattress by a chain attached to both the wall, and a collar around his neck. Instantly panicked, Peter began to yell for help. He was shocked to see Ahmet, the limo driver who had offered him a ride enter the room. Without a word, Ahmet strode over to Peter and delivered a clubbing blow across his face with the back of his hand. “Silence” Ahmet demanded. “You will not speak without permission from your master to do so.” “What?!” Peter exclaimed – which was followed by another such blow from Ahmet’s other hand. Now bleeding from his nose Peter decided against another outburst while he tried to figure out his situation. “You will remain silent” Ahmet demanded, “and await your Master’s arrival”. With that Ahmet spun on his heels, and exited the room.
Peter took stock of his surroundings, a dimly lit empty room with nothing in it save the small bed to which he was shackled. It was only at that point that Peter realized that all he had on was a thin muslin cloth wrapped around his midsection. Barely enough fabric to cover his manhood. Desperately Peter tried to sort out in his head what had happened, but he could come up with no definitive answer save that if Ahmet was here, then his current predicament must also have something to do with the heavy set owner of the limo that he had gotten in to.
About 15 minutes later, the door opened again, and this time both Ahmet and Mehmet entered one after another. “Remain silent” warned Ahmet as he removed Peter’s collar, and replaced it with the loop at the end of a long 1” wide strip of leather. Ahmet cinched up the loop almost to the point of stangling Peter, and dragged him up to a standing position. His change in position was brief however, for as soon as he was brought upright, he was forced by the muscular manservant to a kneeling position in front of Mehmet. Greet your new Master with respect growled Ahmet as he forced Peter’s head down to the floor in front of Mehmet’s feet. “Very nice” whispered Mehmet, as he gazed down at the milky white vision prostrated at his feet. “Bring him” commanded Mehmet as he turned and exited the room.
Ahmet began to drag Peter from the room by his “leash” leaving Peter no choice but to crawl as fast as he could to keep up with the two men.
He was led down the hall to another much larger room, sumptuously decorated with ornate furnishings and smelling vaguely of incense. Mehmet took his seat on a large padded wing chair while Ahmet deposited Peter on the floor in front of him. At least he was more comfortable in this room as the floor was covered from wall to wall in several layers of rich Turkish carpets.
“So” Mehmet began, “you must be wondering what has happened to you.” Peter was instructed to listen carefully as his situation would only be explained to him once. “ I have decided to take you as my concubine, and my slave. I have looked for a very long time for a man such as you to turn into my sex slave and personal property. You will remain here where you are until you are sufficiently trained to return with me to my home in Ankara. You will now begin the process of learning how to obey, pleasure, and service me in whatever way I desire. Your will is no longer your own. You will exist to service me.”
Peter had no way of knowing how dire those statements were. Mehmet was a single-minded man with a voracious and perverse sexual appetite. Being a Muslim in the secular country of Turkey did not afford him the kind of control over others that he longed for. In fact, even here in Saudi Arabia where a wealthy man could control women and others to a great extent, the laws did not provide for what Mehmet had in store for his new slave.
With the explanation of his enslavement complete, Mehmet instructed Ahmet to prepare the slave for his first lesson. With that Ahmet dragged Peter over to an adjoining room that looked like a cross between a bedroom and a torture chamber. A huge gilt king size bed dominated one side of the room, while the rest contained furniture and equipment right out of a BDSM enthusiast’s fantasy. Ahmet manhandled Peter over to one corner of the room, and although Peter struggled he was no match for the former wrestler. Ahmet wrapped one of his large hands around Peter’s already constricted throat and began to squeeze. With his air supply all but cut off he saw a demonic glare in Ahmet’s eyes. He would come to recognize that look very well as Ahmet loved to inflict pain on a submissive slut. Peter stopped his struggling and allowed the powerful Turk to position him as his master required. Positioned on his knees, Peter’s feet and hands were both chained to the floor, effectively keeping him from moving. Ahmet went to the wall and removed a leather harness which he began strapping on to Peter’s head. The harness included a hard molded plastic ring gag that Ahmet shoved in to Peter’s mouth. With the harness cinched up the gag kept Peter’s mouth wide open, and the plastic component continued back in his mouth almost to the point of making him gag. Your first lesson slut, Ahmet instructed, will be learning how to pleasure your master’s cock with that pussy on your face. Peter began to panic – he was completely straight and this surreal situation was becoming more and more alarming by the minute.
With that, Ahmet withdrew to a position about 10 feet away while Mehmet entered the room. He had removed all of his clothes, and strode over to his new slave with his semi-erect cock swinging proudly in front of him. Mehmet loved to be deep throated, but had found few women or men who could take his extra large cock as deeply or as vigorously as he liked for as long as he liked. The solution – train a slave that has no option but to do his bidding – and that process was about to begin. Mehmet grasped his swelling shaft and began to rub his meaty cockhead all over Peter’s face. A thick trail of precum began to form, clinging to Peter’s cheeks, forehead, and distended lips. “For now we will conduct your training with the assistance of this gag” Mehmet told him, “but soon you will beg for my cock in your mouth and throat without such a cumbersome device.” With that Mehmet inserted his still growing cockhead into the tube gag, and worked it slowly deeper until he could feel the back of Peter’s throat. Peter began to gag and retch, which completed the hardening of his master’s cock. Fully erect, Mehmet possessed a 9” circumcised cock that that was as thick as a toilet roll. He pressed another inch of his meat into his slave’s spasming throat. The gagging intensified but unfazed Mehmet kept feeding his tool into Peter’s waiting throat until the entire length of his meat was buried in Peter’s face. The violent gagging and retching continued and Peter’s body tried to expel the invader by vomiting – but he was so thoroughly plugged by the Arab’s cock that the bile had nowhere to go but back into Peter’s belly. Snot began to pour from Peter’s nostrils and just as he was starting to black out from lack of oxygen Mehmet withdrew his snake enough to allow the slave a gulp of air. This process was repeated several times until Mehmet’s cock was coated with a thick layer of slime from deep inside of Peter’s throat, providing perfect lubrication for the Arab master. The tight contractions of Peter’s throat were providing a great deal of pleasure for Mehmet, and he continued the oral raping of his slave for another 20 minutes. Exhausted, Peter’s throat began to relax and accommodate the thick invader, reducing the spasming contractions that Mehmet had been enjoying. So he snapped his fingers and Ahmet moved in on Peter. Out of his peripheral vision Peter saw Ahmet’s approach, and soon felt the bodyguard’s meaty hand back around his throat – once again squeezing and cutting off Peter’s air supply. Struggling for air, the slave’s throat muscles once again started to spasm, and Mehmet blew his huge load of cum directly down his pussyboy’s gullet. Once he came down from his orgasm Mehmet had to tell Ahmet three times to release Peter’s throat from his grasp. Peter would later learn that the previous candidate for the position he was now in had inadvertently been killed by Ahmet due to his lust for inflicting pain and suffering. Gasping for air around the now spongy fuckmeat of his master, Peter became aware that Mehmet was neither withdrawing his cock from his mouth, nor continuing to thrust it inward. Mehmet had decided that Peter’s next lesson should be his first step to becoming the domineering Turk’s personal toilet. This was something that Mehmet very much liked training a submissive slave to do – and before he was through this bitch would be turned into his full service toilet whore amongst other degrading and humiliating tasks. As Mehmet relaxed, he told his slave to get ready to receive a gift – the gift of his master’s piss. Peter desperately wanted to get away, but Mehmet’s hands wrapped around the back of his head ensured that he stayed put while the long stream of urine was deposited into his belly.
With both his cock and his bladder relieved, Mehmet unceremoniously removed his cock from Peter’s mouth with a loud slurp. This was followed by a large glob of phlegm that erupted from Peter’s mouth and began running down his chin onto the floor.
See to her cleaning and preparation for tonight Mehmet instructed his bodyguard. I shall want to use her throat again as well as her cunt. Peter was alarmed by his master’s referral to him in the female gender, but had little time to contemplate the matter as Ahmet was once again on him in an instant. Mehmet strode out of the room while Ahmet stood over Peter with that increasingly familiar gleam in his eyes. Peter was about to start suffering for the pleasure of his master. A role that he would fulfill for the rest of his life.
Next Chapter : Peter is opened, greased, and mounted.
The burly bodyguard un-strapped the gag from Peter’s mouth and yanked it out. Peter coughed and spluttered as his face had become stiff with his mouth being stretched open for such a long period of time. Ahmet replaced the gag on a nearby shelf and then returned to unlatch the slave’s chains holding him in place on the floor. He then grabbed Peter’s face and squeezed causing his eyes to tear, and his mouth to open and contort. “Time to get ready for your next lesson bitch” Ahmet growled, giving Peter’s face an extra squeeze before shoving his head back with such force that Peter found himself flat on his back on the floor.
Ahmet scooped up the end of the slave’s leather leash that was still attached around his neck, and proceeded to drag Peter off towards yet another room within the private apartments built in to Mehmet’s huge warehouse.
Paying little attention to his surroundings and just trying not to get strangled by the tight leather leash Peter didn’t notice right away that the next room in the complex was tiled from floor to ceiling in marble. This was in fact the first chamber of Mehmet’s Turkish bath that he had installed in the warehouse. The room was warm but not hot, and very slightly steamy & humid. Ahmet placed his size 13 foot square in the middle of Peter’s back and forced him roughly down on to his belly on the floor. Pinning him there while he removed the cord from around the slave’s neck.
“First you will sweat” Ahmet said, “and then you will be prepared for your master’s pleasure.” With that Ahmet practically picked Peter up by the back of his neck and dragged him over to the side of the room, throwing him through a doorway and then slamming the door behind him. Peter now found himself in a small sauna, and heard Ahmet bolting the door from the outside. He was stuck in this cedar box until his captors decided to let him out. Slowly the temperature began to climb as Ahmet adjusted the dial on the wall. He left his quarry to stew while he disappeared into yet another anteroom to undress and get ready.
After nearly 20 minutes in the stifling heat of the sauna, Peter felt weak and was covered in a thick layer of sweat. He was relieved to hear the door being unlocked, but was quietly alarmed when the door swung open and the sight of Ahmet stripped except for a thin cotton wrap around his midsection filled the doorframe. Ahmet’s skin was the colour of caramel but was covered in a tick pelt of coarse black hair that seemingly extended across his entire body. Huge muscular arms with bulging biceps, traps raising menacingly from the tops of his shoulders, two enormous slabs of muscle for pecs on his chest, and powerful thick legs. Ahmet simply raised his hand and motioned with his index finger for Peter to approach him and exit the sauna. Maybe it was the heat and his desire to get out of the sauna, or maybe it was the first sign of the breakdown of his free will – but peter simply looked at the floor and complied with the silent command, walking right up in front of the hulking Arab and hanging his head down in submission.
“First your filthy infidel’s body must be cleansed” Ahmet stated as he guided Peter towards the marble platform that dominated the centre of the room. Ahmet donned a sock-like tool over his right hand and proceeded to use it to scrub every square inch of Peter’s body with such vigour that the slave thought he would be rubbed raw. Not even his face was spared as Ahmet pried open Peter’s mouth and grabbed a hold of his lower jaw by inserting his four meaty thick fingers in to fill the slaves mouth while his thumb was positioned underneath the jaw. Peter felt like he was being held in a vice as Ahmet raked and scrubbed the coarse cloth over the slave’s face. After being doused with warm soapy water and rinsed thoroughly, the process of tenderizing the slave’s body began. By the end of the process Peter felt like little more than a slab of meat that was being prepared to be served up on a platter to the waiting Mehmet. In fact that is exactly what he was.
The massage portion of the cleaning began with Ahmet flipping Peter over on to his belly and grabbing handfuls of the muscle tissue on his back – wringing it and squeezing it with such force that Peter yelped in pain and wriggled to try to break free. The more Peter wriggled the harder Ahmet grabbed and mauled the submissive’s body, beginning to grunt and work up a sweat himself. After wringing out all of Peter’s scrawny muscles, Ahmet began limbering up Peter’s joints. This was where things had all gone wrong with the previous slave, Ahmet inadvertently snapping his spine while preparing him for the use of his master.
Still on his belly, Peter felt Ahmet’s bare size 13 once again planted on his back, this time right at the base of his spine. Ahmet then leaned forward and grabbed both of Peter’s wrists, pulling them straight upward as he pressed down with the strength of his massive legs. Peter’s entire upper body was raised up towards the ceiling with his lower body firmly planted on the marble platform by Ahmet’s foot. The strain on Peter’s shoulders and lower spine was tremendous, and he began to gasp in pain from the experience. A wide grin began to spread across Ahmet’s face. Peter was held in this painful position for a full minute before Ahmet unceremoniously let go of both wrists letting Peter flop back down on to the marble like a dead fish. Next Ahmet gave himself a quarter turn and leaving his foot planted in Peter’s lower back he grabbed one of the slave’s ankles. Peter’s leg was then yanked up into the air behind him once again eliciting a cry of pure agony. This process was repeated for the opposite leg before Ahmet climbed fully on top of the slave, placing each of his knees right into the fleshy mounds of either of Peter’s ass globes. Ahmet then leaned forward and placed his ham hock hands on the back of Peter’s ribcage. At this point Peter had the full weight of the former wrestler pressing him down into the unforgiving marble, making it very difficult for the slave even to breathe. As Peter allowed some air to escape his lungs, Ahmet thrust his weight downward on to Peter’s mid-back and ribs eliciting an audible crack and forcing the rest of the air from Peter’s struggling lungs. It was like the most severe chiropractic maneuver Peter had ever experienced. Ahmet eased his weight back, allowed Peter to catch a breath, and then repeated the procedure a little lower on the slave’s spine. Four cracks in all, Peter was beginning to feel completely limp and unable to move on his own. Ahmet then flipped him over like a side of meat onto his back. The sadistic masseur sat beside Peter and placed one of his feet in Peter’s left armpit, the other against the left side of Peter’s neck. Grabbing a hold of Peter’s left wrist Ahmet leaned back and pulled on Peter’s arm to the point that the slave was certain that his shoulder would be torn from its socket. Peter begged to be let go, but Ahmet just laughed and gave an extra tug to his quarry’s wing. The procedure was repeated to Peter’s right arm. The final part of the “massage” involved Ahmet bringing Peter’s knees in towards his chest, and then leaning onto the slave’s shins forcing him even further into the balled up position. Ahmet lunged forward onto Peter’s compressed body with all of his weight behind him, and another mighty crack was released from somewhere in Peter’s spinal column. As Ahmet stood up beside the tenderized slave, Peter laid limply like the vanquished opponent in a wrestling match beside his cruel man-handler. “Now you are ready to be opened” Ahmet announced as he exited the room to retrieve some needed equipment. Peter might have been able to escape Ahmet’s clutches at this point if he had been able to move. The truth however was that the big Arab’s “massage” had left Peter barely able to sit up never mind effect an escape. Ahmet knew this to be the case as he leisurely went about collecting the items he needed.
An extra large enema bag complete with plug applicator, a thick but flexible 24” long rubber dildo, a canister of thickened greasy lube, a device that looked like an enormous hypodermic syringe, and a set of steel fetters – Ahmet’s collection was now complete.
Placing all of his equipment on the marble platform, Ahmet grabbed a handful of Peter’s hair and dragged him off and down to the floor. Peter yelped and grabbed his head, but Ahmet paid no more attention to this cry of pain than he had any of the previous ones. He had deliberately not brought in a gag as he like to hear his prey squeal, moan, and scream in agony.
Ahmet yanked Peter’s hands back between his knees and proceeded to lock each ankle and each wrist in to the fetters. This done, Pete was face down on the floor with his ass stuck up invitingly for Ahmet to prepare. The first step was to flush out Peter’s pussy. The enema bag was filled with warm soapy water, and without any lube the plug applicator was shoved in to Peter’s cunt. Peter grunted at the forced intrusion, but was about to experience the cramping filling pain of a deep large enema. He was filled and emptied five times, each time with warmer and warmer water until the last enema consisted of hot water that was making Peter sweat profusely. With his waters now running clear, Ahmet prepared to grease the prostrated bitch. The big Turk filled the oversized hypo with a pint of the thickened greasy lube and attached a long thin applicator to it. Since the applicator was smaller than that of the enema bag Peter barely felt its insertion. What he did feel however was the filling feeling of a pint of lubrication being expressed into his innards. The applicator on the lubricator was long and extended deep into Peter’s bowels, thoroughly greasing him for the next step. “Now” Ahmet announced, “we loosen up that cunt.” With that Ahmet gripped the two foot long rubber dong and placed the head of it at the winking sphincter of Peter’s anus. Taking his time, Ahmet slowly increased the pressure until the slave’s ass lips began to surrender their resistance to the rubber invader. He then eased off allowing the unwilling pussy to close up again. This was not done to be kind to Peter however – rather because Ahmet liked to savor this part of his duties. Gradually Ahmet worked the head of the dildo into the slave’s hole, stopping at that point to take in the sight of the virgin hole trying to stretch to accommodate its girth. “This dildo is 2 feet long” Peter heard his abuser announce. “You will take all of it before we are finished here bitch” came the next pronouncement. With that Peter let loose with another grunt as he felt the thick rubber shaft begin to move deeper inside of his guts.
Slowly, inch by inch, Ahmet began to feed the length of the dildo into Peter’s ass. Mehmet had been quite precise with his instructions – training for depth first, and girth would come later conducted by Mehmet himself. He loved to take tight male anuses and turn them into gaping slut pussies on a permanent basis. Peter was now moaning pretty continuously as Ahmet’s progress was mad by advancing about an inch at a time and then backing off by about half that length of the rubber cock. The dildo had been specifically chosen for its flexibility which would allow Ahmet to work through the twists and turns of Peter’s bowels that would need to be navigated in order to fill the slut with two full feet of thick rubber. “How are you enjoying your first cock bitch?” Ahmet asked with a sneer – not expecting an answer from the now babbling slave boy. “Please” Peter began to beg – “no more, no more”. “You are not even half way to what your master requires of you slut” came the response. Once Ahmet had about 10 inches of the snake buried in Peter’s guts he began to slowly withdraw it from the slowly stretching tunnel until it was almost all of the way removed. Only the head remained buried. Mehmet had instructed Ahmet about what he wanted…how Ahmet accomplished the task was up to him alone. The big Turk then began to give the bitch boy a good old fashioned dildo fucking with 10 full inches of black rubber. Over and over Ahmet with drew the dong only to shove it deep back down into Peter’s belly. After about 5 minutes of long dicking the slave with 10 inches, Ahmet returned to feeding more of the length into the virgin ass-pussy. At about 13 inches Ahmet met a resistance that must have been a kink in Peter’s bowels. Ahmet applied more and constant inward pressure on the dildo which prompted a new decibel level of Peter’s moaning. Peter was now drooling profusely from his mouth and nose as his face was squashed against the marble floor and his once virgin asshole was being plumbed by his master’s muscular manservant. The constant pressure paid off as all of a sudden another three full inches of rubber sank into Peter’s bowels. And so the process continued until only the base of the 2 foot monster remained outside of Peter’s anal opening. It had taken a full hour, but he was now packed full of black rubber cock, slowly stretching in order to accommodate whatever plans his master Mehmet had for him that evening.
In order to keep the dildo from being expelled, Ahmet worked a tight pair of rubber panties up Peter’s legs which fit so snugly that the dildo could not even back out of the bitch’s ass by so much as an inch. The panties were bright pink, another ominous reference to femininity that caused Peter more than a little concern. If only he knew what was in store in the days, weeks, months and even years ahead.
“Up you get cunt” Ahmet instructed as he dragged Peter into a full standing position in front of him. “You are almost ready to service your master once again” came the next pronouncement. Back into the anteroom Peter was led so that the last required piece of equipment could be applied for his full preparation. “You will once again be servicing your lord & master’s cock with your mouth pussy tonight bitch, and you still need help in order to take him down into your throat as is required.” Peter was sure that this meant he would once again have his head strapped in to the vicious ring gag that Mehmet has used earlier to allow for the long deep throating session, but instead Ahmet grabbed a different item from the shelf and approached Peter grabbing a firm hold of his face and jaw. “Open up cunt” he ordered, squeezing Peter’s face so forcefully that he either had to open his mouth or have his face crushed by the iron grip of his abusers powerful hand. Peter was forced to his knees as the head of a dildo similar to one now occupying his intestines was fed into his mouth. This dildo however had three main differences. First, it was not as thick as the version that was buried in his pussy, but was certainly already a mouthful with only the head in his mouth. Second, it was only one foot long instead of two. The last difference was that even though it was made of very flexible soft black rubber, there was a hollow centre to the dildo that was only about a quarter of an inch in diameter, but ran the entire length of the dildo. “Your throat pussy must also be stretched for your master’s pleasure” Ahmet announced as he began to feed the dildo towards the back of Peter’s gullet. Peter was trying to throw up – gagging violently but to no avail as the super strong Ahmet pushed past the gag reflex depositing the head of the dildo into Peter’s throat. “I suggest you learn how to breathe through the hole in the centre” Ahmet advised “if you want to live”. It was at this point that Peter truly understood that this swarthy giant of a man really didn’t care if his brutality caused Peter’s death. Slowly and with a great deal of spluttering and retching Peter began to get air through the small hole in the centre of his penis gag. Because the hole was so small, Peter had to concentrate fully on just breathing in and out, making him less aware of Ahmet’s continuing assault. Slowly but surely 12 inches of rubber was fed down into Peter’s throat – acclimatizing his windpipe to its new function as cockshaft massager. At the base of the sinister gag was a bulb of solid rubber with a metal pull ring embedded into it. The last part of the process involved Ahmet placing the heel of his massive hand onto this bulb of rubber and shoving in to Peter’s mouth to fully seat it behind the slave’s teeth. This was not going to be easy, or painless, to remove. With only the metal ring dangling outside of his mouth and a small portion of the black rubber visible, Peter’s face looked like a bathtub drain with the stopper in place. Ahmet proudly ran his thumb along the outline of the footlong invader clearly visible along the slave’s neck & throat. In addition to stretching his windpipe, this device also kept peter completely mute as it pressed on his vocal cords during it’s progress down the inside of Peter’s throat.
Still trying hard not to choke to death, Ahmet led the fully stuffed living sextoy to Mehmet’s bedchamber. There he fastened a metal a metal harness around the base of Peter’s cock, with the harness being attached to the wall via a long thin chain. Without another word Ahmet left the slave there – slowly stretching and stewing while awaiting whatever degradations would be visited upon him by his new master.
Next: Fucked, fisted, and instructions for another hole to be stretched & opened.
Peter had only been alone in the bedchamber for 10 minutes when Mehmet entered the room, wrapped in a luxurious silk robe. He sat in an armchair beside the bed and put his feet up on the bed, rubbing his large toes around on Peter’s face, which was covered in drool from having his mouth and throat stuffed by the long black rubber dildo. As the master relaxed and played with his new slave Ahmet came in to the room carrying a nargileh, a water pipe, and placed it beside his employer. “That will be all” Mehmet said to his manservant. Ahmet turned and left, disappointed that he would not be able to watch the evening’s festivities, but buoyed by the fact that he would soon enough get another opportunity to place with the skinny white infidel.
Mehmet puffed away at his pipe, getting more high and more aroused by the minute. The smell of the smoke was thick in the room, and Peter got the feeling that his master was simply preparing himself for what was to come. Once satisfied, Mehmet moved his pipe off to the side, took off his robe, and strode over toward his tethered prey. He was self confident and decadent, and cared not at all about the opinions of others. He rubbed his bulging belly and belched as he grabbed the chain attached to Peter’s balls. “Get ready to service your lord and master bitch” Mehmet announced as he yanked on the chain applying a vicious stretch to the slavetoy’s sack. If Peter could have cried out or even moaned he would have – but the rubber invader occupying his throat prevented even the most basic of sounds. Instead a tear rolled down his cheek – which made Mehmet smile from ear to ear. He leaned in and whispered in Peter’s ear…”you’re going to do more than cry for me tonight my girl.” Once again Peter was perplexed by the referral to him in the feminine. Little did he know that before Mehmet was through with him he would be little more than a harem girl in the finest tradition of Muslim overlords of ancient times. A slave, a concubine, a living breathing sextoy to be used, modified, abused, degraded, and plied for her master’s pure pleasure. Unfortunately for Peter his master was a sadist of the highest order.
“Perhaps we will start with that warm wet mouth of yours my dear” Mehmet suggested. “Would you like me to remove your gag?” he asked. Peter nodded his head vigorously as Mehmet rubbed his stubby thumb in the drool collected around Peter’s tightly stretched lips. Mehmet took hold of the ring embedded in Peter’s penis gag, and began to pull. As the dildo began to back out of the slave’s mouth the bulbous rubber end that was seated behind Peter’s teeth started to stretch his mouth even wider. Peter’s lips turned completely white as the blood was squelched out of them from the extreme tension. The skin at the corners of his mouth began to tear ever so slightly as the end of the dildo popped free with a slurp. Peter’s relief was almost immediate as he thought the entire length of the diabolical throat stretcher would soon be removed. He was wrong of course, as Mehmet decided to take this opportunity to play with his new toy. He slowly withdrew the shaft of the dildo from Peter’s throat, amazed that this thick column of rubber had been able to fit in such a tight space. Mehmet was mesmerized, looking at the lump in Peter’s throat slowly recede. The surface of the dildo was coated in thick phlegm from Peter’s throat, making it easier for Mehmet to slide the invader back in to rest deeply in his bitch’s throat. “How about we fuck your throat with this before we fuck it with your Master’s cock my little whore?” Mehmet asked. Peter began to cry uncontrollably from the pain as his master repeatedly pulled eight inches of the dildo’s length out, only to ram it back home with brutal thrusts. Peter’s throat began to gurgle and spasm, coughing up copious amounts of gelatinous saliva. Mehemt wanted to work up a good lather in his cuntwhore’s throat before plumbing it with his huge Arab cock.
As Mehmet completely removed the dildo from Peter’s mouth the slave’s head slung forward, coughing and spluttering while trying to gulp in large amounts of air. Even this mild amount of suffering had hardened Mehmet’s cock into a steel rod, which he quickly inserted into his slave’s mouth pussy in one long stroke. Peter’s reprieve had been brief, as he once again found his throat invaded and stretched – this time around the pulsing thick member of his Master. Mehmet groaned in satisfaction as he felt his pubic bush grind into his slaves nose. Peter was now completely impaled on the Arab’s meat, and the big Turk began to slowly fuck in and out of his new toy. How quickly this slave had been trained to deep throat a cock – and Mehmet made a mental note that more work would need to be done in the future to eradicate the bitch’s gag reflex. He wanted a totally receptive fuck hole built right in to his concubine’s face…and that is exactly what he would get.
After ten minutes of long dicking Peter’s throat, Mehmet withdrew his member and forced Peter face down on the bed. It was time to pay some attention to the other orifice that had been stuffed and prepared for his use. With Peter on his knees, doubled over on the bed, his round ass was poking straight up and fully available for Mehmet to plunder. He used a sharp blade to cut away the tight rubber shorts, and almost immediately the end of the two foot schlong that was buried up Peter’s pussy came in to view. Mehmet groaned with anticipation and delight as the asslips around Peter’s cunt began to work rhythmically to expel the intruder. Mehmet merely watched as Peter strained to push six inches of the extralong dildo out of his ass. “Oooh not so fast. Tsk tsk” Mehmet chided as he placed his palm on the end of the dildo and shoved it straight back into the tunnel from which it had come. He enjoyed watching Peter’s sphincter close over the end of the dildo, making it totally disappear from view as it once again filled the slave’s bowels’ to capacity. Almost immediately it began to re-emerge, coated in the thick greasy lube that Ahmet had pumped into the slave using the huge hypodermic apparatus. This time Mehmet allowed a full foot of the dildo to emerge before grabbing hold of it with both of his meaty hands to prevent it from moving any further. “I think we need to open your pussy up a little wider as well as nice and deeply my dear” Mehmet cooed as he wrenched the rubber dong from side to side – stretching the walls of Peter’s rectum and manipulating the already dilated sphincter. Peter grunted with each yank and shove, feeling like his Master had a hold of him by some deep seated internal leash – making it impossible for his to get away. A maniacal grin overtook Mehmet’s face as he scoured and shoved with the thick rubber dildo, punishing his bitch’s pussy and tenderizing it for first his cock, and then his fist and arm. Before the night was through, his bitchboy would feel the stretch of his Master’s entire forearm embedded inside of him.
After some lengthy and rough fucking with the brutal sex toy, Mehmet removed all two feet of it from Peter’s gut. Peter felt completely empty – he had almost gotten used to the sensation of being fully and completely plugged along the entire length of his innards. Mehmet repositioned Peter’s upturned ass on the bed in front of him, and leaned in to once again whisper in his slave’s ear. “Do you want me to fuck you bitch” Mehmet asked? Peter merely babbled in response, slipping in to an almost trance like state while his body became an amusement for this portly Turkish master. “Ask me to fuck you my dear. Let me hear you ask me to put my thick cock deep inside your cunt.” “I don’t have a cunt – I am a man” Peter exclaimed in one final burst of defiance. “That is where you are wrong my dear – you will be whatever I want you to be, and before I am done with you you will be a compliant, accommodating, attentive and willing little bitch for my pleasure. I am going to turn you into a proper slave girl, and train you to pleasure your man in any way he requires. Your days as a man are over – you are going to spend the rest of your life with no other purpose but to service my sexual desires – and believe me I have many. Your body is going to be trained to do things you never thought possible. You are going to experience extreme pain my dear – more exquisite pain than you thought existed. And know this – I will relish every moment of pain and humiliation that I inflict upon you.
With that Mehmet plunged his tool into Peter’s pussy to the hilt – causing the slave to wail in pain. Mehmet shoved Peter flat on the bed, and buried his cock in the warm lubricated hole as he straddled the slave’s lily-white ass. Then, by shoving his hips back and forth rapidly he set up a relentless rhythm allowing him to brutally fuck his sextoy’s ass without even laying his hands upon the prostrated body in front of him. Mehmet began to grunt and sweat as he worked his bitch’s hole into a frenzy. Peter sounded like a stuck pig as the air was repeatedly forced from his lungs by the strength of his master’s thrusts. As he neared climax Mehmet reached down and grabbed the hair on the back of Peter’s head and yanked backwards. Peter’s head and neck were thrust up and back, making him wail in pain. The more he wailed the closer the big Turk got to hosing down the bitch’s insides with hot Arab cum. With one final yank and an ear-shattering scream from Peter’s wide open mouth Mehmet shoved his cock deep into Peter’s cunt and blasted six shots of thick ropey jism into his personal pussyhole. As the sexual tension in his muscles eased, Mehmet shoved peter back down on to the bed, both master and slave being completely spent. Mehmet sat straddling Peter’s fully packed ass, relaxing as his tumescent shaft slowly deflated. Rivulets of sweat poured off of his large belly onto the back of his prostrated slave. Mehmet grunted his satisfaction and gave another couple of thrusts before pulling free from the grip of his slave’s asslips. As he climbed off of Peter’s back he moved around to the slut’s head and instructed that his cock be cleansed by Peter’s pussymouth. Almost like a robot, Peter opened his mouth and sucked in the slimy rubbery cock that was coated in cum, and the thick lubricating substance t hat had been used to grease his insides. Mehmet made a point of also shoving his pendulous but now empty balls into Peter’s stretched out mouth for a thorough cleaning. Once fully serviced, he set about preparing for the next phase of his cuntslave’s training. He opened the bedside table drawer and removed a thick, elbow length industrial black rubber glove. Mehmet’s hands were already large and meaty, but once he had stretched this thick rubber covering over all of his fingers they looked like five thick black cigars. The industrial latex glove loosely covered Mehmet’s sizeable forearm, and the big Turk stared intently at his rubber-covered hand as he repeatedly flexed and relaxed his fingers into a fist the size of a small melon. “You see this beautiful fist?” he said to Peter as he flexed in front of the slave’s face. “Give it a nice sloppy wet kiss before I shove it up your cunt my dirty little whore” Mehmet demanded. Peter placed his lips against Mehmet’s enormous fist and could immediately taste the pungent black rubber. “I just love the look, feel, and smell of tight black rubber” Mehmet announced. “Perhaps I will have some special outfits made for you my dear. Tight restrictive rubber outfits that you can model for me in the heat of the Turkish sun. Sweating and suffering for my delight as my complete slave.”
With that Mehmet moved around to Peter’s recently vacated pussy, and placed one thick black fingertip to the winking spasming sphincter of his slave’s cunthole. This was going to take some time, but he was going to enjoy feeding his entire arm up into the guts of his new toy.
With a gentle push Mehmet inserted his index finger into Peter’s anus and swirled it around, feeling the spongy walls of his bitch’s pussyhole. This was soon joined by his middle finger, and so far the intrusion was barely noticeable to Peter who had just had his back passage reamed by his master’s thick cock. The lube that Ahmet had used to prepare him for Mehmet’s pleasure was still coating his insides, and now was clinging also to the sadist’s thick rubber-covered fingers making them gleam in the light of the bedchamber. Within minutes the big Turkish Master had all four of his fingers buried in Peter’s hole, twisting them around and roughly stretching the already abused sphincter that Mehmet fully intended on turning into a stretched out cumhole. As Mehmet repeatedly shoved his four fat fingers in and out of Peter’s snatch the friction of the hot black rubber against the taut ring of muscle started to make a squeaking sound that was music to the master’s ears. Then, with his fingers buried inside of his slave, Mehemt began to rub the tip of his thumb against Peter’s distended ring. As he began to shove his thumb in to join the four rubbered digits already invading the slave’s rectum Peter’s body began to tense and quiver. His head shook back and forth in a silent protest of what was about to happen. The length of Mehmet’s thumb disappeared inside of Peter’s pussy, and now the huge hand was wedged in as far as the knuckles. Mehmet began to sweat and grunt with the effort, and twisted his hand back and forth, screwing it into his sextoy’s ass. Peter’s ass-ring was stretched to the limit, and was completely blanched as all of the blood had been forced out of it. Just as it was on the verge of tearing the widest part of Mehmet’s hand slipped silently into the depths of Peter’s cunt. Giving his slave only a moment to relax, Mehmet began to with draw his hand just to the point that the widest and most punishing stretch was inflicted on the slave’s hole. Peter was blubbering and babbling incoherently now, delirious with pain and humiliation. With each shove inward more of Mehmet’s thick rubber glove disappeared into the cavernous space within that was being created by this human battering ram. The Master flexed and relaxed his huge hand inside of Peter’s bowels, twisting and shoving, grunting and snorting as he inched his way toward being elbow deep in Peter’s pussy. Mehmet could fell the grip of Peter’s sphincter around his upper forearm like a tourniquet – and was determined not to relent until the slave’s intestines felt like no more than a warm sleeve around his hairy arm. Once fully buried, Mehmet began the process of punch fucking the abused businessman, yanking his ham hock fist all the way out of his sextoy’s cunthole, and then shoving it back in with the force of a bludgeon. After several minutes of this degree of abuse Peter’s pussylips began to engorge and swell. This was exactly what Mehmet wanted – puffy distended pussylips that he could lengthen and stretch. With his ungloved hand he reached down and pinched and tweeked the extruded lips of Peter’s ass. He made a mental note that he would have to have Ahmet wrap a leather thong around the stretched out lips to strap them to the shaft of a nice thick dildo after he was done enjoying Peter’s body. He wanted to make these wonderfully sensitive puffy asslips a regular site of abuse and torture for the slave.
Beginning to tire, Mehmet withdrew his hand from Peter’s rectum, removed his thick black rubber glove, and shoved it inside of the slave’s ass. This was easy to do as the ruined sphincter was unable to completely close and seal off the slave’s insides from the outside world. Mehmet grabbed his robe, and headed towards his beloved baths to relax and enjoy the afterglow of his first real session of using his new toy. On his way, he stopped to give Ahmet his next set of instructions. “Get the glove out of her pussy, but find something else to keep it opened up for me, and work those asslips in to as large and painful a state as you can. I also want you to work on the pee hole in her clit. It is far too small and I want o be able to stick my finger into her clit hole by the end of my next session with the bitch. I think we should plan to be back in Ankara by the beginning of next week, so measure her up for her special burka to wear during our travels. Understood?”
“I understand completely Sir” Ahmet replied, grinning as he now relished his next turn at using and abusing the bitch.
Peter was nothing but a blubbering ball of drooling and exhausted sweaty flesh when Ahmet entered the bedchamber/torture room. From across the room the manservant could see that the bitch-boy’s pussy was gaped open and spasming trying to expel the large rubber glove that had been shoved up inside of it. A small portion of the forearm part of the glove was now dangling from Peter’s anus so Ahmet grabbed hold of it and yanked it out in one fell swoop. Peter actually sighed with relief, hoping that his ordeal was over at least for the moment. He could not have been more wrong. “We need to speed up your training whore” the big turk announced. “Your master wants you installed in your permanent home by this time next week, so you still have a lot to learn in order to service him as he requires.”
The first of Ahmet’s tasks was to keep the harem girl’s stretched out pussy from closing. Mehmet like cuntholes that could accommodate very large objects and insertables. By the time Peter was fully trained he would be able to accommodate Mehmet’s muscular thick forearm without any lubrication. Ahmet retrieved an extra large inflatable dildo from the toy shelf and began to work the tip of the diabolical device into the slut’s trench. In it’s deflated state the dildo had a solid rubber core that was two inches in diameter, and was surrounded by an inflatable bladder of rubber that could reach an incredible six inches in diameter when fully engaged. Small nipples in the rubber bladder also filled with air and pressed outward against the walls of the wearer’s rectum. The dildo was designed to go only to a depth of 10 inches, but had a solid rubber handle as wide as the dildo itself that protruded a good 6 inches outside of the slut’s ass. With the invader firmly embedded inside of Peter, Ahmet began to inflate it to its full and most painful girth. Peter had already taken the width of Mehmet’s forearm inside of his body so he actually accommodated this new intrusion relatively easily. That was until the Turkish sadist began working on his pussy lips. Mehmet liked a nice sloppy set of distended cunt lips that could be tortured and manipulated to inflict heavy amounts of pain for his submissive. With his meaty thumbs and fingers Ahmet began to pinch and tweek the already swollen engorged lips of Peter’s ass – making them turn a deep shade of red and swell to an even greater proportion. The fuller his asslips became the more Ahmet would grab and tug on them to cause the slave incredible amounts of primal pain. “You are probably wondering how we are going to get your sloppy cunt to hold on to this wonderfully thick rubber cock aren’t you slut?”Ahmet asked. The answer of course lay in the now stretched out rim around Peter’s snatch. With one hand Ahmet smoothed the lips down along the length of the dildo handle protruding from Peter’s ass, and with the other he began wrapping a one inch wide band of black rubber tape around the lips starting immediately next to Peter’s lovehole. With each wrap around the dildo the lips flattened out and lengthened along the handle of the inflated cock. By the time Ahmet was done, Peter’s cuntlips were stretched almost three inches along the rubber surface of the rubber handle. There was now no way for the dildo to be expelled, but the constant contractions of Peter’s ass to try to do just that were producing an increasing amount of stretch to his distended asslips. The entire arrangement was devious and sadistic – but highly amusing to the abusive Ahmet.
One hole attended to, the manservant began working on his next task – to open up Peter’s piss hole so that it too could be used for Mehmet’s pleasure in terms of insertable torture.
Peter was dragged from the bed and strapped into a special chair that had a cut-out in the seat to allow for the protruding portion of the dildo in his ass. Peter’s forehead, neck, chest, arms, and legs were secured with thick leather straps, and buckled tightly into place. He could hardly move a muscle. Ahmet then used special electrical stimulators to bring Peter’s cock to full erection before securing a tight cock ring in order to maintain the hard on throughout the next phase of his training.
Using a footpedal to raise the barber’s-type chair to a more workable height, Ahmet sat on a high stool in front of Peter with a full set of both stainless steel as well as hard rubber sounds – fully lubed. The next hour was spent slowly increasing the stretch on the inner walls of Peter’s urethra with ever increasing sizes of metal and rubber rods. Proud of his handiwork, Ahmet held the final device in front of Peter’s face so that he could get a good look at it. It was a shaft of hard black rubber, glistening with lube. It had the diameter of an American dime, and was slightly longer than the length of the slave’s erect cock. The insertable end was shaped like a bullet for easy introduction into the cocktube, and the other end had two wing-like attachments, spring loaded, each being roughly semi-circular in shape. Once the evil looking sound had been plumbed down into his penis, the two wing like attachments were folded down, snapping closed around the shaft of Peter’s cock just below the crown of his cockhead. Closing with strong spring-like action they effectively kept the device embedded all the way down into the pussyboy’s clit. “Your master doesn’t like his slave-girls to be able to shoot cum like a man you little slut – so once your hole is permanently stretched out – if you are allowed to cum – it will just dribble pathetically out of the end of your clit.” Hearing this announcement from Ahmet’s lips Peter began to cry a new set of tears. Ahmet merely laughed in his face and began unbuckling the straps holding the slave in the modified barber’s chair.
Forced now to stand in front of his tormenter, Peter submissively allowed Ahmet to take a multitude of measurements all over his abused body. “You need an outfit to travel to your new home in that is fitting for one of such a low and worthless station slave” Ahmet told him. “After I finish taking these measurements we can have it made so that it fits your little bitch body perfectly. Know this though – you will despise every second that you spend in your new clothing. It will have many ways of inflicting ongoing pain and suffering upon your worthless infidel’s whoring flesh.” Ahmet could not have been more accurate. Mehmet had perfected the manufacture of a full body burka that was made of regular fabric on the outside, but had an inner shell comprised entirely of restrictive thick rubber. The garment was capable of stuffing and torturing each orifice on the wearer’s body, as well as being unspeakable hot and sticky for the slave to endure due to the intense sweating that occurred the longer the wearer was forced to keep the garment on. The only visible portion of Peter’s body would be his eyes, and once encased in his new burka he would look like so many other women in Saudi Arabia…on the outside at least. On the inside, he would be a muted, tortured, plugged, stuffed and encased slave-bitch being abused purely for the amusement of his master. Although Mehmet could easily afford to fly back to Ankara using a private jet, he relished the thought of taking his new conquest on a passenger jet – so close to being able to attain freedom, but unable to tell anyone about the predicament that he was in. Everyone around him that he was the wife of his male traveling companion. This was where the help of his high ranking friends would come in handy. Mehmet would have asured security clearance , a favour that would be repaid in full using the cunt-whore’s body when his friends would come to visit him in Turkey.
Next chapter – suited up and taken on a plane.
Harem 5
After having been measured all over his entire body for the custom made rubber torture-burka that his master was going to encase him in for the trip back to his permanent hell in Turkey, Peter was led to a fucking bench and secured in a prone position on his hands and knees. Ahmet pulled a thick rubber hood over the slave’s head, and stuffed his mouth and throat with an extra thick penis gag, buckled around the outside of the hood. The gag helped to once again stretch out Peter’s throat for his Master’s thick Arab meat, and further diminished his gag reflex. It had been Mehmet’s order from the beginning that his slave-bitch be able to deep throat not only his cock, but any and all thick long objects that he wished to insert into the slave’s gullet. Ahmet unwound the rubber tape around Peter’s abused cuntlips, and deflated the gigantic dildo that had been occupying his rectum. The extra thick hard rubber sound opening up his urethra was left in place for the Master to deal with personally. With the dildo removed, the sight of Peter’s anus was something to behold. Gaped open, making faint sucking sounds as it reflexively twitched and tried to seal itself closed. The whoreboy’s pussylips were swollen and engorged, crimson red and begging for more abuse. Ahmet retrieved a dental gag usually used to hold open the mouth of an unwilling patient, and placed the arms of the gag into the winking lovetunnel of the slave in front of him on the fuck bench. Peter tried to scream as the gag was winched open, stretching his asshole open, and into a roughly square shape as the pressure at each of the four “corners” was increased by each turning of the screw performed by the sadistic Ahmet. A series of clothes pins were then systematically placed along the perimeter of the wide open hole, punishing the swollen asslips to which they were clipped. Inside of the rubber hood Peter’s head was sweating bullets, his throat painfully stuffed, his asshole stretched to its limits and his cuntlips being stretched and pinched by two dozen clothes pins.
In this position Peter stayed for a full hour, until his Master re-entered the room. Dressed only in a loose flowing robe Mehmet took time to drink in the sight of his slave-in-training, bound and gagged before him, being stretched and modified for his pleasure. It was the conquest that Mehmet truly loved – being able to take another free-thinking human being and transform him into a mindless slave with no independent will whatsoever. Taking a man and turning him into a feminized, rubberized, chastised, modified slut to be used and abused solely for his amusement. If only this little bitch on her hands and knees had any idea what she was in for. And from that moment on, Peter existed no more – he had become to his Master, a feminized sextoy that would be moulded and shaped to suit his perverse whims. Now to begin the process of transformation.
“I know you can hear me inside of your delightful and sexy rubber hood my dear, so I will explain your situation to you – listen carefully. You have only just begun the process of learning how to please and pleasure me. What you have already endured does not even begin to scratch the surface of what I have in store for you. It is my intention to turn your body into nothing more than a personal playground for myself or anyone else whom I choose for you to service and amuse. Part of what I wish to accomplish with you is to transform the male body to which you have become accustomed into a feminized living sex doll that can be tortured and exploited in a multitude of ways. You will therefore my dear need some special treatment s that I will be only too happy to supply for you.” As Mehmet spoke he had been drawing off a large amount of clear fluid into a hypodermic syringe. The liquid was intensified female hormones, designed to boost the more feminine features of the human body. “Any good slave bitch must have tits for her master to use and abuse my dear, and yours are much to small the way that they are…but all of that will change.” With that, Mehmet reached under Peter and pinched the flesh around her left nipple together before slowly inserting the needle directly into the slave’s nipple. Peter vibrated with pain as the needle was slowly inserted to inflict as much pain as possible. Once fully seated inside of the bitch’s flat tit, Mehmet depressed the plunger, filling the currently male mammary tissue with female hormones. The chemical burned terribly as it went in, and Peter thought he would pass out from the pain. Fully dosed, the needle was then slowly withdrawn, refilled, and the process was repeated to the other tiny tit. “After a week or so of injections four times per day my dear you should have a nice set of small but functioning titties for me to play with. They will be very sensitive I am afraid, but I am looking forward to training them for my pleasure. You know what I mean by functioning don’t you my dear? I mean that you should be able to start producing milk from your delicious little bossoms. After a few weeks of injections you will have a nice set of jugs for your Master – jugs that will become intensely painful if they are not milked regularly. Won’t that be nice? You will feel like an inhuman little cow needing to be milked by her master to relieve the pain. I will enjoy watching you beg for relief for a very long time before any is granted you little whore. A very long time. Now – let’s see about that pussy.”
Mehmet yanked off all of the clothspins, almost making the sensitive and raw pusslips of his slavecunt bleed in the process. He loosened the dental gag that had been holding Peter’s pussy wide open, and pulled it out to leave a naked, gaping tunnel in it’s wake. “You will learn my little bitch that I like to stretch a tight pussyhole into a wide open pit that can be stuffed with any number of objects. I think we should work on your cunt for a while to facilitate that process.” With that Mehmet pulled up a comfortable stool behind Peter’s upturned ass, as well as a large bowl of the same thickened lubricant that Ahmet had earlier injected deep into the slave’s bowels. Lastly, he donned another pair of the same thick industrial rubber gloves that he had earlier used to fist his bitch’s ass. The main difference…this time both of his ham hock hands were gloved up and ready to go. This was going to be a very intense session for the hobbled bitchboy.
Mehmet thoroughly greased up both of his hands, and then began to take handfuls of the thickened slop to shove into the open hole before him. With both his hands and their target lubed up, he began to work one of his rubbered hands into Peter’s cunt. It took little effort to get the first one in, but working his bitch for depth would take a little more time. Mehmet twisted and shoved with his forearm until it way mid-way into the bithcunt before him. Peter’s anal ring was getting tight at this point, so Mehmet stopped to allow the muscle tissue to stretch out and accommodate his girth. Feeling some loosening of the cuntflesh constricting his arm he once again began to roughly twist and shove his arm deeper into his slavetoy’s tunnel. All the while he was opening and closing his huge hand into a fist to stretch out the inner walls of his playspace as much as possible. Soon the Turkish master was elbow deep in Peter’s ass, and with that he began to slide his arm all the way back until just the widest part of his hand remained buried inside. He then began the process of longdicking Peter’s ass – with his forearm. Repeatedly he shoved all the way in to his elbow, and then drew back slowly, watching the cunt’s burgeoning pussylips cling to his slicked up rubber glove with each stroke. Every time the master shoved inward Peter exhaled as forcefully through the small tube in his penis gag as the small aperature would allow. She was barely getting enough oxygen to breathe as the assault on her cunnyhole continued. After working up a good sweat by feeding the cunt in front of him a generous portion of Arab forearm, Mehmet with drew to the level of his wrist, and allowed Peter (and himself) a short rest before starting the next phase.
“I think it is time you were trained to take both of your master’s hands at once my little American whore.” With that Mehmet began to work the fingers of his other hand in past the sphincter ring alongside his already implanted wrist & hand. One, two, three fingers went in quite smoothly, but getting the rest of the hand in was proving to be quite an effort. As persistent as he was sadistic, Mehmet continued to thrust and pull and shove at the straining ring of muscle until all four of his finger and thumb lay alongside his buried hand inside of Peter’s pussy. Before going any further Mehmet summoned Ahmet in to the room. “Remove her gag please Ahmet” Mehmet instructed, I wish to hear her scream and suffer through this next portion of her training.” Ahmet unstrapped the thick throat stretching penis gag from around Peter’s rubbered head, and yanked it out unceremoniously. Finally able to breathe feely Peter gulped in as much oxygen as he could. Almost immediately however the pain from his asshole intensified and Mehmet began to work his second hand in past the ring of his sphincter. A low moan began to rumble from deep inside of Peter’s belly as the pressure at his back passage began to increase. That moan became a blood curdling scream as the widest part of Mehmet’s second hand began to force its way through like a battering ram. At the point of maximum stretch Mehmet halted his advancement so that he could fully enjoy the screaming, wailing, and attempted thrashing of his restrained slave who was too tightly bound to the fuck bench to move more than an inch or two despite her best efforts. Carrying on with the session, one last mighty shove found both of the Turk’s hands buried inside of his slave’s snatch, stretching it to unimaginable proportions – but Mehmet wanted more. Opening and closing both hands now into softball sized fists, Mehmet rotated and worked both of his forearms until his slavegirl had been turned into nothing more than a babbling drooling incoherent blob. “Keep her conscious Ahmet” Mehmet ordered, “she is to feel every inch of my arms as they train her pathetic hole.” With that, Ahmet yanked back Peter’s head and began to deliver a series of stunning slaps across her face, as well and grabbing both rubbered cheeks and pinching and twisting them to add another dimension to Peter’s level of pain. Mehmet then began to work both arms in unison, shoving inward and then drawing outward, slowly advancing his body into that of his slave. It looked as though Peter’s ass was swallowing the master’s forearms, and slowly but surely the hole into which they sank became deeper, and wider.
Mehmet was now dripping with sweat and instructed his manservant to leave the bitch’s face alone for the moment and come mop his brow. Both forearms were going to be elbow deep in this whore’s trench before the session was to end. It took another thirty minutes, but by the end of the diabolical fisting the entirety of Mehmet’s forearms were encased by the rubbery stretched out walls of Peter’s womb. All that was visible of the thick industrial rubber gloves was the very end of them, otherwise completely buried inside. Slowly withdrawing one hand and then the other, the lips of Peter’s ass were now even longer and looser than they had been after Ahmet’s earlier torture session. As both arms withdrew from the tunnel they left in their wake a completely opened up gaping hole with no resistance left whatsoever. One of the last things Peter heard before passing out was the master state that this would need to be done regularly until he could warm both his hands using the slave’s insides without breaking a sweat.
Allowing Peter to sleep and get some rest, Mehmet removed his gloves and retired for a well earned rest himself. “Plug the bitch with something large” he instructed, and then come and bathe me he said to Ahmet. With that Ahmet nodded and began to insert a thick column of hard rubber into Peter’s pussy. It looked like a coffee can made of rubber, only longer. This would keep the bitch opened up not only for girth, but for depth as well. Shoving it all the way in to the slave took little effort, and the manservant then used some rubber strapping to hold it securely in place. After his Master had been properly bathed and attended to, they would continue to work the slave bitch to complete the training process.
Over the next several days the waking hours consisted of a steady diet of fucking, deep throating, double fisting and torture sessions for Peter – inflicted by both Mehmet or Ahmet, but never both at the same time. At night, Peter would either be chained by the collar while in Mehmet’s bed – so as to be available whenever the need arose, or bound, gagged, hooded and stuffed while placed in either a rubber sleep sack or a metal dog cage. Either way Peter hardly slept and with the physical toll that the daytime activities were taking – the will to resist or maintain any sense of individuality was quickly fading. The slave had also been completely denuded – relieved of all body hair via a depilatory treatment with chemicals that killed all of his hair follicles, including those on his head. With the injections four times daily into each nipple, the bitchslave was also starting to develop a small but distinct set of pre-pubescent looking titties.
“Good news my little pet!” Mehmet exclaimed as he burst into the room in which Ahmet was conducting a punishment enema session with the slave-bitch’s ass. “Your new outfit has arrived – we may now make our return to Ankara to set you up properly in your new home.” Peter had been horrified to learn that Mehmet’s house in Ankara contained a playroom that made anything in the Riyadh warehouse look tame by comparison. “Empty her out Ahmet – I want her into her new burka this minute.”
After draining the immense volume of liquid from the slave’s innards, Ahmet dragged her over to a rubber covered table that looked something like an examination platform in a doctor’s office. Mehmet produced a box from which he withdrew two separate garments. The first was made entirely of black cloth, and this was the outer layer of the burka which would effectively hide its more punishing and devious counterpart in the complete outfit. The second item of course, was constructed entirely of thick black rubber. It had the same thickness as a cold water wetsuit, and Peter knew straightaway that wearing this garment for any length of time in the heat of the middle east was going to be torture in and of itself. The rubber suit had an attached hood, as well as attached gloves and feet, effectively turning the wearer into a rubber-mummy. The suit had a full zip down the back, which opened up the garment so that the slave’s body could be easily encased. The hood component had no zipper – meaning that Peter’s head would have to be shoved through an opening that was only as big as his neck. Once on it would be a painful endeaver to get the garment off again. Peter barely got a look at the outfit before he was manhandled by Ahmet and plunked down on the exam table for his first fitting.
Ahmet took hold of the rubber garb from his employer and opened up the long zip on the back as Mehmet sat back in a comfortable chair to enjoy the show. The inside of the suit was coated in an ultra-thin layer of special chemicals to allow the skin of the slave to slide without resistance into the arms, legs, gloves, feet and hood. Peter put up no resistance as Ahmet grabbed a hold of one of his feet and shoved it into the leg of the rubber suit. In fact, Peter began to assist with the donning process as his independent will was now at a low ebb. Once both legs were secured Peter shoved in his arms like putting on a painting smock. Ahmet roughly worked the slaves hands into the fingers of the glove portions of the suit. With all four of his limbs now in place, Peter found that his back end was sticking outside of the garment. He thought that the overall height or length of the suit must have been mis-measured. He could not have been more wrong. The suit was designed to stretch a little as it heated to the slave’s body temperature, but the idea behind the tight fit was to make it permanently uncomfortable and laborious for the slave to stand fully upright. The last remaining portion – and the most dreaded – was the hood. With this portion Peter discovered a last remaining amount of defiance and refused to assist Ahmet with the entry of his head into the seemingly tiny hole. It made little matter however, and Ahmet simply wrapped one of his huge powerful hands around the back of the bitchboy’s neck and shoved his head where he wanted it to go. “In you go cunt” Ahmet grunted as he shoved and shoved, wedging the crown of Peter’s bald head into the neck/hood opening of the suit. Once his head was part of the way through, Ahmet put his super-strong wrestler’s mitts on the outside of the slaves head and began to drag the rubber hood down over the slave’s smooth nude skull. Gradually Peter’s head began to slide into place, but the pressure on his head and face was immense. Then all of a sudden, the hood slid right into place and the neck closure formed itself snugly around Peter’s throat. The rubber hood was extremely form fitting, as was the rest of the suit, but because it was made of such thick rubber it seemed to be relentlessly squeezing inward on the wearer’s skull. Small perforations at each ear allowed Peter to hear what was going on around him, openings for the nose and mouth allowed for relatively easy breathing, and two round hole in the hood allowed him to see. With the cuntslave’s head now secured, Ahmet turned his attention to shoving Peter’s torso into the suit, and working the long full zip up the back of the suit. With each inch of closure by the zip Peter felt more like the life was being squeezed out of him. The rubber around his midsection was so tight that it made breathing laborious even at rest. With a satisfied flair Ahmet finally closed the last inch of the zipper, and Peter was now transformed into a completely rubber covered sex toy, with only the eyes and lips visible. There was one more hole in the suit however , as a removable patch of rubber at the slave’s backside could be removed to expose her smooth ass and gaping cunt.
Mehmet was grinning wildly as the mere sight of his conquest decked out in full body restrictive punishing rubber made him very horny and excited. “Apply the outer garments please Ahmet” he instructed. Peter had failed to notice that the box still contained several rubber items that needed to be put in place before the outer fabric covering of the burka could be donned. The first of these attachments was wrapped around his midsection by Ahmet’s burly arms, and fastened relatively loosely at his back. This was the corset portion of the rubber suit, and would help Mehmet mould his slut’s body into a more feminine shape. The hormone injections were already helping to form her bitch-tits, and his corset wrap would help to complete that process. Ahmet forced Peter face down on the floor, and then placed his big size 13 in the middle of the slave’s back as he began to mercilessly tighten the laces of the corset. Working from the base of the cunt’s spine up towards her shoulders the muscular Turk cinched Peter in so tight that drawing a shallow breath was all that the slave could do. Once the corset was completely laced up Ahmet zipped up two flaps of rubber that covered over the laces. Peter was then brought upright again and the gag attachment was tried on for size. The gag was a penis gag that was an exact replica of his master’s cock, formed from a plaster casting that had been done prior to the slave’s measurements being sent off to the suit’s manufacturer. Attached to the base of the oral dildo was a thick rubber strap that could be wound around the hood of the suit and fastened in the back. The breadth of the strap increased the compression around Peter’s head, and forced the rubber cock right down his stretched out throat. Finally, a hard moulded rubber collar was snapped around the slave’s neck . Being an exact fit to Peter’s neck, it prevented any turning or nodding of his head, and had d-rings on all sides that could be used to attach the wearer’s hands to the neck, or pull them up behind the back. The last thing to be dealt with was the slave’s cunt. Ahmet removed the patch of rubber at the back of the suit, and Peter could feel the rush of cold air tickle his anus. To stuff Peter’s innards, Mehmet had come up with a truly diabolical idea. His throbbing cock was not the only thing that had been reproduced via a plaster mould prior to the suit’s fabrication. He had also had made a thick rubber dildo that was an exact replica of his two forearms and hands, pressed together with each hand balled into an enormous fist. Ahmet placed the dildo on the floor, and began to force Peter down over top of it. Since the slave had just been subjected to a long session of olive oil & chili powder enemas prior to being rubbered up, there was no need to grease the invader for insertion. As Peter squatted over the immense column of rubber his stretched out cunthole began to swallow it relatively easily. The last few inches took several minutes, and by the time that both “arms’ were completely seated inside of her snatch, Peter was sweating profusely inside of the thick rubber suit. With the plug completely inserted, Ahmet replaced the covering rubber patch that sealed the intruder deeply inside of the slave, not allowing it to be removed until Mehmet gave his order to do so.
Now bound, silenced, and stuffed with rubber, the fabric burka was fit overtop of the submissive slave girl. All that remained visible were Peter’s pleading eyes, barely perceptible through the tiny slit in the formless garment. Nobody would ever guess that underneath the dark shroud like cloth lay a feminized, rubberized fuck slave that would be transported back to a life of toil and torture for no other purpose than her master’s sadistic pleasure.
“Call the airport Ahmet – we’re going home.” And with that, Peter’s final journey into complete slavery began.
Next – Master needs to use the toilet.
Ahmet pulled up in the smooth black limousine in front of the warehouse that had been converted in to the Arabian home of his employer, and loaded two large suitcases into the trunk of the car. There was however one more piece of cargo that needed to be loaded very carefully into the vehicle. The rubberized slut slave had been standing outside of the building with her master for about five minutes while Ahmet had gone around to the garage to get the car. The heat was punishing even for someone dressed for bright sunshine – never mind someone encased in restrictive rubber garments and covered in another layer of jet-black cloth. Peter began to feel light-headed as a result of the heat, the clothing, and the restricted breathing due to the corset component of her suit. She had been ordered in no uncertain terms not only to obey her master’s every command on their journey out of the country, but also remain two steps behind him when walking, with her eyes cast downwards towards the floor. The penalty for non-compliance would be a severe session with Ahmet that would make anything that had come before pale in comparison. Partly out of fear, but also because of a rapidly diminishing independent will, Peter complied with every order that had been given to her.
Ahmet opened the passenger door to the limousine so that his boss could enter the air-conditioned car. He reclined in the rear seat of the limo and stretched out his legs before pouring himself a cool drink. He then ordered that his slut be loaded in to the car, and with that Ahmet roughly shoved the bitch into the back of the car and onto the seat facing the rear of the passenger cabin. A series of three different seat belts secured Peter against the rigid backrest of the seat into which she had been placed. The belting was cinched in so tightly that it further restricted her already laborious breathing. To make the ride to the airport even more uncomfortable for the sissy bitch, Ahmet then grabbed the top of the back rest and shoved in forward and down, effectively doubling over the rubberized slave-girl, increasing the pressure inside from the gigantic dildo filling her cunt-hole, and causing excruciating pain in her lower back. The icing on the cake was Mehmet resting his feet and therefore the weight of his thick legs on the top of the backrest, forcing Peter’s face even further down towards her knees. “Enjoy the ride bitch,” Ahmet said as he shut the door and slid in behind the driver’s seat of the limo.
The ride to the airport was about half an hour, but felt like an eternity to Peter who spent the entire ride doubled over, stuffed and strapped with rubber, and turned in to a footrest for her lord and master. The limo by-passed the regular departure terminal at the airport in Riyadh, and continued on to the section of the airport reserved for private jets. Pulling up beside Mehmet’s personal aircraft, Ahmet began to unload all of the “baggage” while Mehmet spoke with the customs official at the base of the staircase. The wealthy Turk handed over a letter carrying the seal of his friend the prince and with that, was ushered on to his plane without delay. Mehmet’s influential connections had once again allowed him to exit the country with human cargo without so much as a single question asked. Shortly afterwards, the trio was on their was back to Ankara.
When the plane had cleared Saudi air space Mehmet was snoozing comfortably in his leather captain’s chair, when Ahmet grabbed a hold of Peter’s arm and dragged her up off of the low wooden stool on to which she had been secured for take off. “Your Master will have need of you when he awakens slut.” And with that, Peter was dragged towards the back of the passenger cabin and into a small room in which she would suffer the next of a long line of degradations that yet awaited her for the rest of her days.
Ahmet removed the fabric burka covering the rubberized slut, and placed it on a table at the side of the small room. He also undid the strap holding the penis gag in place and slowly pulled the column of rubber out of the slave’s throat. It was covered in thick saliva and Peter felt like her throat had been permanently misshapen by its intrusion over the past few hours. Peter was then forced to lie on a rubber-covered platform and was strapped in to place with heavy-duty black rubber belts. A large black box shaped item was then placed over her torso and head, with a cutout to accommodate the contour of her torso. She could hear the box being buckled in to place, but was then left alone in silence and complete darkness. Almost an hour must have passed before Peter heard the door to the small cabin open and close. She recognized the grunting and snorting of her master, who behaved almost piggishly in terms of hacking up phlegm, picking his nose, adjusting his package, or other forms of behaviour. Peter’s face was then bathed in light as the lid of the box was raised, and she was faced with the sadistic grinning face of her master staring down at her. “Open your mouth-pussy” my dear Mehmet ordered, “as wide as you can.” Peter complied and opened her mouth, confused at this point as to what exactly was going to happen. Mehmet reached down and shoved in a mouthpiece that seated itself behind the slut’s lips, but in front of her teeth, and held her mouth painfully wide open. The flange on the mouth-piece was quite wide all the way around and pressed painfully at the top of Peter’s gums all the way around her mouth. Mehmet then reached down beside his slave’s head and released a sheath of thin rubber that had been rolled down to the base of the platform. As it was unrolled, Mehmet pulled it upwards making it taut, and stretched it around the outside of the top of the box like he was securing a garbage bag around the rim of a waste basket. In fact, that is exactly what the whole set up now resembled. Peter’s face peered upward as though it was at the bottom of the inside of a garbage bag, only this bag was made of latex, and was about to become much more than simply a garbage bag.
Peter’s vantage point at the inside of the bottom of the box had not allowed her to see the inner portion of the lid that had been raised to allow her master access to his slave’s face. It was not until Mehmet lowered the inner portion of that lid that she realized just what might be about to happen – and she began to quietly panic. “You are about to start another phase of your training my dear” Mehmet announced. “I require complete servitude from my sluts, and that includes using them as toilet holes whenever it pleases me…and it pleases me now.” With that pronouncement the Turk shoved his finger up his nostril and pulled out an enormous plug of mucous which clung to his index finger. Sticking his finger through the opening of the mouth-piece he proceeded to wipe the booger on the tongue of his captive toilet slave. “Enjoy your meal my dear – it is only the first of many that I shall enjoy making you eat. You must always remember that the more you are made to suffer, the happier I will be.” With that Mehmet straightened up and undid his pants, letting them fall to the ground. He lowered his fat buttocks onto the seat, blocking out almost all of the light coming through the opening of the “toilet”. Letting out a loud grunt he began to slowly bear down, and Peter had an unobstructed view of her master’s anus which was slowly starting to relax and open. She could hear the master say that the beauty of the mouth-piece she was wearing was that it did not prevent the use of her teeth even though her mouth was being held wide open. A necessary feature since she also heard him say that she would need to do a great deal of chewing in order to ingest the full amount of shit that he was about to feed to her. The smell in the small box-like chamber was thick and putrid, and Peter began to cry as she saw a thick dark brown log emerge from her Master’s asshole. The column of shit made it’s way towards her mouth like it was the centre of a target. Soon the log began to fill her mouth to the point that she either had to start chewing and swallowing, or choke to death. Keeping her eyes on the anus of her master she was amazed that the shit kept on coming out, seemingly without end. By the time that Mehmet pinched it off so that Peter could finish her first piece it had measured a full foot in length. Trying not to think about what she was being forced to eat, or the horrible taste and texture of the meal that she was being fed, Peter forced down the first log without having to vomit it straight back up again. She could hear her master lighting a cigar, as he continued to relax on the toilet seat above her. “I hope you are hungry my dear” she heard him say, as there was more waste yet for her to digest. The second log was much like the first, but was softer and therefore began to coil itself on the opening to her mouth-piece, forming a small pile that now sealed the opening of the gag. Fortunately her nostrils were clear or she would have suffocated right there, under the emptying anus of her sadistic master. After a couple of wet farts, Peter’s face was once again bathed in light as Mehmet stood up and peered down into his bitch’s toilet-like prison. He felt the double satisfaction of seeing his slave-cunt unspeakably humiliated and degraded, as well as having had the relief of a really good shit. He then donned a thick rubber glove and reached in to begin shoving the remaining shit into Peter’s already full mouth cavity. Admonishing her to “eat up” he continued to pack the foul meal into his bitch-slave’s mouth, enjoying every minute of watching her strain to chew and swallow his waste. Once she had swallowed every last morsel of the disgusting meal, Mehmet used his gloved hand to yank out the mouth-piece and present it to Peter for cleaning. “Use your tongue slut – and clean your toilet attachment so that it is ready for your next feeding.” Beyond any imaginable level of degradation, Peter submissively complied and used her tongue to lick out and clean the molded rubber piece that had been the gateway for her master’s shit to enter her mouth. “You are nearly done my dear – only one very important job remains for you to complete.” With that he returned to his position on the toilet seat, and ordered his cunt-whore to lick and clean his anus. For the next 10 minutes Peter was forced to rim and clean her master until no traces of shit remained. She was to eat every last bit of his waste. Mehmet particularly enjoyed pushing down so that his asshole would open enough for Peter to insert her talented tongue right inside of his meaty asslips. Satisfied, emptied, and cleaned, Mehmet got up without another word and pulled up his pants. Peter could hear him say to Ahmet as he left the room that the bitch was ready to be re-gagged, and made ready for their upcoming landing in Turkey. The next thing that Peter saw was the diabolical penis gag heading straight for her abused mouth – being wielded by the muscular manservant who shoved it home in one smooth motion. The thickened shit-slime coating the walls of the slave’s throat greased its entry, and Ahmet once again cinched it in using the thick rubber strap around Peter’s face and head. The box was removed, and the slave slut was returned to an upright position by the former wrestler. Ahmet used a wet cloth to wipe off some remaining smears of shit on Peter’s rubber-covered face, and then spun the slut around and pushed her up against the wall. “Time for your needles slut” Ahmet announced, as he produced a large hypodermic filled with the next dose of the potent hormones that they had been using to develop Peter’s tits. With one hand Ahmet reached around under Peter’s chin and pulled her head back so that her spine was severely and painfully arched. With the other hand he expertly wielded the hypodermic and plunged it home, through the rubber, into the bitch’s left titmeat. After administering the full dose, the procedure was repeated on the right side. “I think we could also do with tightening your corset whore” Ahmet said as he undid the rubber flaps covering the lacing to the rubber suit’s corset attachment. Peter began to struggle, as she could not imagine having the restrictive garment made any more crushing than it already was. To stop her squirming Ahmet slammed Peter’s head into the wall and threatened to do far worse if she did not obey. Resigned to what was about to happen, Peter went limp as Ahmet pushed her onto her belly on the floor before placing his now familiar size 13 foot right in the middle of the rubber-slave’s back. Shoving down with his muscular leg as Peter exhaled, Ahmet was able to further cinch in the corset’s punishing grip on the abused submissive’s body. With the lacing secured once again Peter was returned to an upright position, now in even greater difficulty just to draw a breath than she had been before. With the fabric burka replaced over the rubber torture suit, Peter was returned to the main cabin of the aircraft, and once again secured on the plain wooden stool at Mehmet’s feet.
Once the jet had touched down in Ankara, Peter was once again warned to obey every order that was given. The first task would be to get past the Turkish immigration guards. Once again, Mehmet had friends on the inside. As Peter dutifully followed two steps behind the dominant sadist across the tarmac, Mehmet explained that he would be going straight to his house, where the submissive sissy would be joining him later. “You have some duties to perform in order to be granted entry into this wonderful country my dear” the master announced. With that, the pair approached a small brick building on the most deserted end of the airport grounds. The building had no windows, and was very stuffy inside, illuminated only by a single overhead lamp. A door at the other side of the one room building creaked open and a single figure entered the room. “Slut – I want you to meet Faisal” said Mehmet. “Faisal works for the Turkish government, but he and I have a little arrangement that allows me to bring trash like you into the country in order to serve me for the rest of your life as my personal whore, slut, toilet, and pain slave. My end of the bargain is that Faisal here gets use of you for two full days as payment for your entry into Turkey. You will serve him as you serve me, and do whatever he commands of you. It will be in your best interest to obey, as there are absolutely no limits to what he is allowed to do to you as long as he sees fit. See you in two days my dear.” With that, Mehmet left the small building and Peter was left alone with Faisal. Faisal was taller than the Master, and much more stout of build. He had a shaved head, but thick mats of chest hair were poking up from under the collar of his sweat stained shirt. He wore a tan coloured uniform with heavy black boots, and large wet patches in the under arms of his shirt from sweating in the Turkish sun. He had a toothpick hanging out of his mouth, and he slowly began walking around Peter as the submissive stood stock-still, terrified of this newest dominant beast that had entered her life. Peter could see that Faisal had huge slabs of muscle forming each of his pecs, and enormously thick arms and forearms which ended in powerful hands even larger than Ahmet’s gigantic mitts. Faisal was also quite overweight, and smelled strongly of a pungent body odour. Without saying a word, Faisal grabbed a hold of Peter’s neck, and forced her through the door through which he had entered. Outside of the small brick building was a rusty old car, with the trunk hatch popped open. Faisal roughly shoved Peter into the trunk of the car, and slammed the lid closed. The last thing that Peter saw was Faisal’s sadistic and evil face staring down at her before the trunk slammed shut. With that, the small car’s engine sparked to life, and Peter was off on the next segment of the hell that her life had become.