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Ruler: Sun / Element: Fire / Mode: Fixed
Pole: Positive / Third: Individual / Half: Subjective

Spirit entering the realm of the individual person; ego development, setting yourself apart from the rest of the world, becoming your own person; self-expression, being true to your inner nature, acting from the heart; dawning awareness of self in relation to others.

Ego, self-centered, arrogant; fixed, stubborn, persistant; artistic or creative expression as a vehicle for revealing "who I am"; needs to be a center of attention, requires acknowledgment and approval, likes to be noticed and appreciated ("ego-strokes"); personal integrity, true to self, honorable, trustworthy; kingly, self-assured, confident.

- I was born on August 9, 1996 in St. Mary of Nazereth Hospital in Chicago lllinois

- I was baptized at St. Marks Catholic Church and also recieved my Communion and confirmation

- I Graduated from eight grade at Sabin Alberto Magnet School

- I completed my freshman year of High School at Roberto Clemente Community Academy

- I Am attending Holy Trinity Catholic High School

- I have a set of twin brothers that are in 8th grade, on their way to high school.

- My mom, grandmother, and aunt are the most important women in my life.

- My dad is an extremely smart man but ignorant when he was a teenager.

- Lil wayne is the best rapper alive no doubt.  He has some of the best rap songs you could think of and has promoted a bunch of rappers who are successfull.

- Lebron James is the best basketball player alive, don't compare him to Michael Jordan they are both in a different generation.
- Floyd Mayweather is the best boxer alive...  Until somebody beats him and defeats his undefeated record then people may express their opinion on their best boxer.

- Alex Rodriguez is my favorite baseball even before he was a "Steriod using slugger".

- Tom Brady is the best quarter back hands down.

- GOD is good all the time.