I had been about 21 years old once i was out and about with an above average friend of mine in his pummelled old 1980s model Aerostar minivan. It was a hot day and also the minivan didn't have air conditioning, we used to call it the "Ghetto Tan Minivan" given it was beat up in and out. We were going to the mall 1 day on a very busy and traffic filled Dallas highway if the brakes just died. When he had to make the repairs he just felt like he was throwing money into a pit. It wasn't some time before the van just died period and wasn't any longer drivable without spending a couple of thousand dollars to mend it.
What do you do in a situation like that? You have a low paying job and you are driving around a 20 years old (at the time) clunker. What are you likely to do in order to get that next car covered? At least to get the initial advance payment you might need to sell it.
Most of the people won't take your automobile if it is broken down for anything further than scrap, but there are particular people out there who get your car for cash understanding that was who he called. He called one particular companies and guess what? Just a couple of days later after they gave him a bit money for his minivan and towed rid of it for him as opposed to him paying for it, he'd another car!
The moral from the story is that the car buyers saved my friend and I think that people who utilize these services get a far better deal on their car compared to the people who simply try to sell the cars to a junk yard. Sure a junk yard might tow off your vehicle for scrap but then chances are you will get about 1/4 or less for that car.
Let's face it, odds are most of these car buyers have they need to fix the cars and resell them or possibly have a specific higher paying scrap yard owner who has worked out a better take care of them. In that case they can justify a higher price on your car!