Here's a kick-ass fan-site paying homage to the one and only-Charmed sisters. Taking evil down with a force since 1998! Browse this page, and enjoy some of the most fascinating information about Demons, Warlocks, Witches, and The Cast.
Piper Halliwell; Piper has the ability to blow things up with her hands. Cool right?
Phoebe Halliwell; Phoebe has the power of premonition, which is a bit of an inactive power, but, can serve as a very significant part in taking down the bad boyz'
Prue Halliwell; Prue has the power of Astral Projection, as well as moving stuff with her mind. Easily one of my favorite powers.
Paige Matthews; Paige is part Whitelighter and Witch. Her powers' include—Orbing, and Healing (it comes with her Whitelighter powers)