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Who we are and Who we help

Hello and Welcome. We are a small, local, discreet investigating firm with 15 plus years combined experience in surveillance, security (both armed and unarmed), personal and retail protection (loss prevention), tracking / locating (multi state), open hand defense, disarming and detaining, and use of force on both state and federal levels. We have molded our unique skills into a trade we are passionate about. We have become the exposers of the liars, manipulators, cheaters and abusers. We find the TRUTH and PROOF people need to have peace of mind, safety and health with their loved ones and themselves. We offer many services with everything from exposing cheaters to driving services and personal security and many things in between. If you don't see what you are looking for we encourage you to contact us and see if we can help. Chances are that we can and look forward to doing so!

 Do you suspect infidelity? 

Is your partner constantly on their phone? Is their screen locked or protected? Have you caught them in lies? Were they not where they claimed to be? Are the suddenly working late often or different hours? Do they work out of town or go on business trips that you wonder about? Did they recently become involved with someone you don't know and spend a lot of time with? Do they leave the room to take phone calls at odd hours? Is there different behavior recently? Has your partners attitude or demeanor changed towards you recently? Do things just not add up? Have you ever wanted a way to know for sure if they are being faithful? We can give you that peace of mind and get the answers you need!

 Do you suspect that a loved one may have an addiction problem?

Addiction comes in many forms and is never prejudice of who it attacks. Unfortunately it creates many victims and not just the person who becomes addicted, it often tears families apart in its wake. You can help, but first you may need proof, that's where we can help. We are not law enforcement so that you don't have to worry about your loved one getting in trouble. Instead you can get the proof you need and then the additional help to stop the addiction. People can become addicted to many things: drugs, gambling, sex, over spending, shopping, alcohol, pornography, lying, getting attention from other sources, video games... all of these things can have serious consequences and effects if not controlled. If you believe someone you love has a problem with addiction and you need proof weather its to know the truth, so you can confront, or to prove for a custody case, or even if you believe someone who works for you is having problems with addiction contact us! We can help!

 Do you wonder about the people around you?

Babysitters, caregivers for our children or parents, tutors, instructors, work crews in your home or around your yard or property, the hot guy or girl you met on tinder your going to go out with this weekend, your kids friends, people who you are thinking about hiring for an odd job... these are all people that could potentially harm our loved ones. Wouldn't it be best to be a little more prepared and have the information you need to protect your family from a bad situation, or remove them from one before a bad situation occurs? Let us help you protect your family from potential evils of the world!


 Are you getting a divorce or separated and worry about the kids? 

Sometimes situations become tough. Maybe your in different states or counties or just not able to be around like you want to be, but something happens that attracts your attention, your ex is always late dropping them off, Their clothes were dirty the last 3 times you picked them up, you get notices they are missing several days of school, they don't want to go home when its time, they don't talk about the time they are with the other parent, court orders aren't being obeyed, child support isn't being paid, you suspect the other parent of undesirable or illegal activity, your child or a friend mentions something that needs to be looked into... what ever the case may be you need to know. We can assist you with that. We can and do even appear for court cases if needed and when applicable.

 Do you require private security for a local event or business trip? 

Are you planning an event that you would like some security to be present for? Are you a VIP coming into town on business and would like some security with you? Are you a performer who is going to be in the area that would like some additional security while preforming or just sight seeing around town? Would you like someone to have eyes on your child at a concert, after a dance, or at a sporting event that you aren't able to be present for? (They don't have to know we are there we remember what it was like to be young.) Are you hosting a party and want security to let the right people in and remove the ones that may be an issue? Contact us for all your security needs. 

 Do you need a driving professional?

Are you flying in or out of town and need a ride to or from the airport? Are you going out of town for awhile and don't want to leave you vehicle at the airport? Are you coming to the area and don't want to worry with renting a car and having to get directions to your destinations? Are you  in town handling business and want to be free to make calls or work on your laptop on your way to your destinations? Do you need a driver to / from a special event or meeting? Arriving in town and need a driver that is familiar with the area? Do you have an issue with your license and are unable to drive at the moment but still have business to handle? Are you or your child going to a ball or a dance and don't want to have to worry about drinking and driving or having a designated driver? Maybe you just don't trust your daughter's new beau to drive your princess home... call us and then we can make sure he stays the perfect gentlemen and you don't have to worry about his driving skills or lack there of. We are here for your needs! 

 We are passionate about what we do. We care about your peace of mind. Our goal is to investigate and prove whatever it is you need to know about so that you can be armed with the truth and facts you require to make good decisions and pursue a better, safer, healthier future. Time is the most valuable asset in this life and on our journeys. It is also something you cannot get back once its gone. Don't waste any more time keeping people in your life that don't deserve to be there! Have us get your truth and reclaim your time! We are here for you. 


Have you been cheated on?
What line crosses the line of flirt to cheater for you?
Talking with someone your attracted to once, and not mentioning it to your partner
Talking to someone and deleting text and phone calls
Meeting with someone without telling your partner
Kissing,Touching, and /or more
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