Meats and Alternatives
| Milk and Milk Products
Cut away fat from the edge of the meat.
eat only the recommended number of servings of meat, as meat tends to be higher in fat.
Stay away from orocessed food.
Choose lean meats (turkey,chicken) more often.
Watch serving sizes.
Drink 1% or Skim milk.
Eat low fat cheese.
Choose sherbert, low fat frozen yogurt instead of ice cream.
Breads, Cereals and Grains
| Fruits and Veggies
Add fruit to cereal.
Choose whole wheat/grain more often.
Eat fewer crousants, donuts, and sweetrolls more often.
Choose broth based soups instead of creamy soups.
Use high fat spreads sparingly.
Use spices instead of butter and cheese sauces.
Choose baked, broiled, steamed, or roasted potatoes vs. fries and chips.
Buy canned fruit in water or its juice instead of syrup.