Are you in Foreclosure and Looking for HELP! COAST TO COAST CONSULTANTS IS HERE FOR YOU! |
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We are a foreclosure and real estate consulting organization that can help you get out of foreclosure! There are many options out there that can assist you in stoping the foreclosure on you home through: Short Sales, Payment Plan, Refinancing, Investor Buy Outs, Loan Modifications, Forebarence Agreements and MUCH MORE! Contact us immediatly to assit you. Or Call 800-501-0907 If you are an Investor interested in learning about foreclosures and how you can get started in the industry email us as well! We can help you on your way to financial freedom.
Coast to Coast Consultants has been in Business since 2004. Helping Homeowners get the assistance they need to get out of foreclosure immediately.
CEO, William Younghans is an expirenced foreclosure invester and consultant and has been working in the business for five years. After his start on Wall Street he decided to look into assisting his investing clientel in moving in a more upward direction by helping them invest with a faster and more fluid and upward market and although real estate has slowed down, foreclosures have picked up. Foreclosures are always there and people always need help. This is a win win situation for all involved.