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   Hiking is to travel by foot for a long distance, usually in a natural environment, mountainous in nature. Things to bring or wear when hiking are hiking boots, rain-gear, water bottles, and a daypack. Additional items to bring are a map and compass, first aid kit, insect repellent, sunscreen and sunhat, whistle, flashlight with spare batteries, toilet paper, knife, matches, and a hiking stick or hiking poles. Heavy synthetic or wool socks have long been the first choice of many hikers. For maximum comfort and freedom of movement, it’s best to wear pants that are loose fitting. Shorts give your legs the maximum amount of freedom, of course. They’re especially good for warm or hot weather. It’s vital to avoid cotton underclothing, especially for your upper body, if you’ll be hiking in potentially cool or cold temperatures, because it may cause heat exhaustion. A T-shirt by itself will often be enough for the upper body on a warm summer day (although additional clothing should always be brought in case the temperature drops). Wool sweaters are suitable for hiking, but fleece and other thick synthetic garments have taken over in large measure, because they’re especially lightweight and durable. Down-filled garments have the advantage that they’re quite warm but compress into a small space, so they’ll fit into your daypack especially easily. A windbreaker is a thin garment, usually made of nylon or other synthetic material, with a hood, and typically water repellant or waterproof. A wool or synthetic knitted cap or other outdoor hat is highly recommended for cool or cold weather, since a significant amount of heat is lost from an uncovered head. Hands and other extremities may need some protection even in temperatures that are not very cold, especially in you’re out in the rain and/or wind. Sequoia National Forrest and Yosemite National Forrest in California are great places to hike.


   Backpacking is to Travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a backpack. It includes the use of a backpack or other luggage that is easily carried for long distances or long periods of time; the use of public transport; inexpensive lodging such as youth hotels; a longer duration to the trip when compared with conventional vacations; and an interest in meeting the locals as well as seeing the sights. It is typically associated with young adults, who generally have fewer obligations and thus more time to travel. They also have less money to spend on hotels or private vehicles. The definition of a backpacker has evolved as travelers from different cultures and regions participate. Backpacking as a lifestyle and as a business has grown considerably in the 2000s as a result of low-cost airlines and hotels or budget accommodations in many parts of the world. Digital communication and resources make planning, executing, and continuing a long-term backpacking trip easier than before. Essential things to bring are a map, compass, GPS (optional), sunscreen and lip balm, sunglasses, jacket, vest, pants, gloves, hat, headlamp and/or flashlight (plus spare), extra batteries, first-aid kit, matches or lighter, waterproof container, fire starter, knife, mess kit, duct tape, water bottles, water filter, tent, backpack, tarp (footprint), sleeping bag, and sleeping pad Sierra National Forest and other parks similar have backpacking trails.



   Camping is an outdoor recreational activity. The participants (known as campers) leave urban areas, their home region, or civilization and enjoy nature while spending one or several night’s outdoors, usually at a campsite. Camping may involve the use of a tent, caravan, motor home, cabin, a primitive structure, or no shelter at all. In many parts of the world, 'camping' refers exclusively to the use of tents or similar portable structures. Camping as a recreational activity became popular in the early 20th century. Campers frequent national or state parks, other publicly owned natural areas, and privately owned campgrounds. Camping is a key part of the program of many youth organizations around the world, such as scouting. It is used to teach self-reliance and teamwork. Camping is also used as an inexpensive form of accommodation for people attending large open-air events such as sporting meetings and music festivals. Organizers often provide a field and other basic conveniences, comforts, and luxuries.

The following is a list of commonly used camping equipment: