Ways to search the Internet effectively as a teacher
Are you looking for summer volunteer programs for teenagers where you could send your students to get some volunteering experience, but do not know how to find them on the internet? Do you want to send those students that are weak in the Spanish language for Spanish summer programs for high school students, but are not able to find the right programs? Do you wish to easily find information that you can show your class from the internet? Now, you can easily find anything you want to assist your class with easily and effectively on the internet. Google is now providing teachers with effective internet search tricks that would help them save a lot of their time.
So, what can you do
to effectively search on the internet?
Carry out a
specific search - If you are looking for summer
volunteer programs for teenagers,
summer programs for high school students,
images or diagrams for showing the class, or wish to demonstrate
currency-conversion to your class on the internet, type out the
specific keywords. If you for instance wish to convert 6 dollars into
euros, then you could type in the keywords "6 dollars into
euros" in the search box.
Access blocked
sites with ease - Are you unable to access a blocked site? Then
simply type "cache:website address" after typing in the
web-address and you could get access to a cached-copy of the
web-site, even if not the original.
Find results according to year - If you are looking for information on an incident that took place in say 2012, then you would need to type "in URL:2012", so that it would give you results related to that particular year alone.
File type search -
You could now simply search for only PDF files, MP3 files or Word
documents related to the information you are seeking. If you for
instance wish to look up a specific song, then you could simply type
in "file type:mp3" before your search keywords to find
search-results that only display that file-type.
Make use of a tilde - After a specific search-keyword, type ~ to get all the results related to that search term.
Take A Google a day challenge - Try out specific search-terms and test your search mettle to the fullest with "A Google a day challenge". With each time you take a quiz and perform a search, your internet search skills keep improving.