Welcome to the CÚG Home Page!
What is the CÚG?
CÚG is short for Comità per
l'Útzil del Glhetg, or Committee for the Use of
the Language. The Glhetg (Talossan language) was
created in 1980 and has been the official language of the
Kingdom of Talossa since then.
The CÚG, founded on November 14,
1983, by H.M. King Robert I (creator of the Glhetg), is an
independent group whose aim is to encourage the use, practice
and the creation of a good style for the Talossan
language, as well as to promote the study of
Talossan literature and the production of works in Talossan.
Whenever necessary, the CÚG issues Arestadas,
decisions regarding matters of the language (e.g. grammar,
spelling, vocabulary). The CÚG motto is "Estetz Talossan,
parletz Talossan" (Be Talossan, speak
The CußeglhThe Cußeglh is made up of all full CÚG
members and its functions are to elect the President, approve
or reject budgets and applications for membership and make
decisions concerning the Glhetg.
Who are we?The CÚG is currently made up of nine
- Full members:
King John, Cresti Siervicül, Lord
Hooligan, Xhorxh Asmour, Nic Casalmac'h and Quedéir
- Candidate
Aspra Laira, Mataiwos Vürinalt
and Alexandreu Gavártgic'h
President: Xhorxh
Asmour Vice-President: Cresti
language geeks and users of the Talossan language may become
CÚG members by following these steps:
- Upon
nomination by an existing member, seconded by another member,
the nominee becomes a candidate member, entitled
to participate in discussions and in all of the Committee's
- Candidate
members go through a six-month probatory period with no vote
in the Cußeglh, after which they may ask for full
- Candidates
finally become full members after being approved by 2/3 of the