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Thank you for seeking Jesus the Christ, here with us. The gospel is preached and taught here in the absolute truth of scripture and by revelation of the Holy Spirit. Kingdom principles of grace and truth by the light of Christ Jesus, are aimed at the heart of God's people to build up holiness and dependence of their most loving King. We are an interdenominational ministry available for visiting all gatherings with the expectations of breaking spiritual, emotional and physical strongholds. Most importantly, we strive in bringing the lost into a personal loving relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
God's children will be challenged to live victoriously over the sin and temptations of this world and the traps of the enemy.

  • All Scripture, unless otherwise stated within this gospel website, are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) which is acclaimed as the most literally accurate translation from the original languages.
  • All words or sentences in italic form are additional words placed for clarity. These type words may not have been in the original languages of the bible.
  • All links in IVORY color are additional ministerial editions by Evangelist Curtis Isaacs Munger.
  • All links in the GOLD color are useful biblical websites offered to assist in your true studies. We will only provide a tested and authentic link.

Ezekiel 47 : 9 - 12 / Acts 4 : 31

Evangelist Curtis G. Munger & Marcia Isaacs
Marcia in Ministry
Curtis Evangelizing
Beautiful Christian Life
Reflecting Christ in Life


2 Thessalonians 2:10 "... They perish because they refuse to 'LOVE THE TRUTH' and so be saved.
And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie..."

We preach grace and truth in obedience through Jesus Christ. Not man's traditions or theories of the gospel, but, line upon line, and precept upon precept.

"It is the TRUTH that sets you free" (John 8:32)

Jim Fitzhugh, Independent PastorMrs. Jo Jones, Prophetess and Inspirational FriendInspirational Friend and Writer in this Ministry, Mrs. Holly Gregorcyk-Hamilton">Pastor Jason Hodges of Watauga Church of Worship, Inspirational Friend and WifeInspirational Friend and our Church Assistant in Watauga, TNKim and Kandy Swelling, Supportive and Inspirational  Friends'Pastor Glenn Gilbert, Brian and Wives, My Internship for 2 years as Ordained Minister, Celabration Station Christian Fellowship