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How's it going so far, you tree huggers?




I’m going to start by giving you your checkpoint. No tricks, no doubling back, you can just drive there.


You just have to figure out where it is. This town used to have a Thrift and a Rexall.


Well, that doesn’t really help, does it?







The city boasts a former governor. His name was John. There’s a church named St. Lukes. John and Luke.. That’s 2 of the fab four gospel writers. No, it’s not Ringo Alabama.




It boasts caves, springs, rivers, and even a downtown battle during the War Between the States.




On Saturday nights, you can boogie down at “T’s disco”







When viewed on the “Explore Southern History” Internet site, you can click on a link that shows you one old, weird tip to cut down on belly fat.




It has a population of about 6000 including a beautiful cross section of historic homes. One of these homes is inhabited by a well refined horned goat that enjoys reading and drinking scotch.









The local goat farm IS well known for breeding large goats. Seriously, you could ride these things.







The town rhymes with “Do Your Momma” Well, sort of.



It has some history with a lynching. 




The specific checkpoint is at a Yogurt Shop.









OK, that’s almost too easy.






Did you remember to send me your clock photo? Better do it now…..








You have to get two pictures.




One is of the team with a hand lettered sign spelling out a farm animal. You know, the ones where the employees can move around the letters to try and spell words. If they are working at an Alabama McDonalds, I will not count off for incorrect spelling. Even not trying, I saw about 6 of these. “Chuicken nugets” are apparently big in the South. A pre-made or professional sign does not qualify.















The second is of your team with an object.


There is one of these only a few miles from your last checkpoint. There may be more, but I didn’t see any.


The object is what Boxer works so hard to build despite it being destroyed during a storm.


See? I told you that you better know the damn story.












I’m assuming the Navigators look like this right about now.











I hope you have a really good phone charger and your driver has some balls.











Oh, BTW, The Yogurt Shop is named in your Start Clues. Hopefully I haven’t taken that page down yet. It's name is what the Old Prize winning boar promised.