Sugar Daddy - Who can he be?
george clooneyOur List of Favourite Sugar Daddies
Note: This blog post is completely based on how we see these celebrities on media
We decided to share with you Sugar Daters' personal list of favourite Sugar Daddies. A true sugar daddy is someone true to the image (of sugar daddies) and is an accomplished man who knows how to treat and spoil his date. We would like to make all our readers aware that while reading this drooling might occur.
Hugh Laurie: A brilliant actor, singer, director, writer, musician and got just the right looks and enough salt and pepper in hair to qualify on our list of sugar daddies. Brilliant performance in Black Adder, Jeeves and Wooster and then the meanest role in Dr. House made him even more sexier. His clever sense of humour and intelligence makes us go bananas for him. Listen to him sing or look at his photogenic face and charming personality, you will also agree with us.
George Clooney: Every time you hear the word sugar daddy, you will by default picture in mind this gorgeous actor George Clooney. We did not add him to our list because of his acting but because of his long lasting trail of affairs with beautiful, young, rich and successful women. The recent news of him getting engaged was a real heart breaker for a lot of us but we do wish him well.
Matt LeBlanc: Famous and loveable Joey turned grey and rich after being starred in F.R.I.E.N.D.S. He is not just good looking but also has a very humble and charming personality. We do love him as Joey and as Matt from the core of our hearts and he is definitely the sugar daddy to drool for.
Peter Jones: Rich, demanding, angry and successful, do we really need to clarify our position for liking him as one of our favourite sugar daddies? If you don't see what we see then you should watch Dragon's Den.
Robert Downey Jr.: OH! The Iron Man! This man is a very rare package. Besides his personality, his character of Iron Man made it very easy for us to chalk him on our list. He is a brilliant actor, he is funny and has a singing flare also. We liked him since he sang or pretended to sing Every Breath You Take on Ally McBeal. If he dates an adventurous chick, he can be a a two in one sugar daddy; Iron Man as well as Robert Downey Jr ;)
Danzel Washington: He is a sweet smiling and down to earth individual. He is a dazzling star, successful and an accomplished man. Too nice at times and a bad ass at others...sugar daddy all the way ;)
Kevin Spacey: OMG! OMG! OMG! What a bad boy! After his role in House Of Cards we always see him as the fearless, powerful and a sexy man who knows no limits. Politics does twist our minds indeed. He might not be all that we just mentioned but he has started giving off the vibe of "my way or no way". At the same time he looks damn cute with his dimples :)
Gordon Ramsay: Rugged, rude and successful. A master at what he does and a strong personality. The more he swears, the sexier he gets. We'd date this tough sugar daddy :D
Matt Preston: A mentor with a touch of class, extremely passionate at what he does. We love his coloured eyes and a cute baby smile. If he ends up being a sugar daddy to a lucky babe, she would just want to pinch his cheeks and go "coo-chee-coo"!
Richard Branson: It is very difficult to explain why we think he is one of our favourite sugar daddies. May be Sugar Daters is that chick who loves expensive high end brands and THAT he sure is; Sir Richard Branson, he's got all to be a top notch sugar daddy.
Who is your sugar daddy?!
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