- Symbian OS Communications Programming/11. HTTP - Symbian Developer Community
- GPS - NMEA sentence information
- Useful NMEA sentence reference.
- Welcome - Linphone, an open-source sip video-phone for linux and windows
- Writing Socket Servers in PHP
- Asterisk video -
- Video link I had found a while back for video streaming from the phone. Just clearing out my tabs
- Symbian OS Error Codes | NewLC
- Very comprehensive list of error codes.
- Upload File to a Server using HTTP possible? | NewLC
- Most useful and thorough (yet long) description of uploading file via HTTP.
- PointSec Data Encryption - Pointsec® for Smartphone, PDA, Pocket PC ...
- Steganography
- Steganography & Digital Watermarking - Attacks and Countermeasures
- FoxHole - Steganography filemanager | Get FoxHole - Steganography ...
- How to retrieve the SSID and BSSID using WLAN INFO API - Forum Nokia Wiki
- WLAN Management API - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Password based encryption - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Symbian C++ : Multipart/form-data - Forum Nokia Wiki
- KML NetworkLinks Tutorial
- NetworkLinks are for updating KML data periodically from a server.
- Google Earth Live FPV & Cellular Telemetry
- PHP scripts and explanation of sending telemetry data to a server and updating a Google Earth view from that server to create a First Person View (FPV) simulator. He has some updated code here:
- Converting Geotagged Photos to KML PhotoOverlays - KML - Google Code
- GPS Visualizer's overlay plugin for Google Earth & Garmin Custom Maps
- gpicsync - Automatically geocode pictures using a GPS track log
- JCTerm - SSH2 Terminal Emulator in Pure Java
- SymSMB - The only application available for Wireless file sharing on Symbian Series 60 3rd - MobileTopSoft.
- How to read images to Symbian bitmap - Forum Nokia Wiki
- CS000905 - Saving a captured image - Forum Nokia Wiki
- S60 Platform: Image Converter Example
- Symbian C++ Security Articles - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Encrypt-Decrypt Messages - Forum Nokia Wiki
- TSS001333 - AES buffer encryption of files - Forum Nokia Wiki
- SecuriTeam - Bluesnarfer - A Bluesnarfing Utility
- Bluesnarfing
- Transferring data over a Bluetooth connection
- Essential Symbian C++ Coding Tips - Symbian Developer Community
- Eliminating Memory Leaks in Symbian C++ Code - Symbian Developer Community
- SmartBAT Usage - Transitioning Intelligence to Embedded Platforms
- Zagi Flying Wing Autopilots
- Google search for this. The first few results were useful.
- The Kamikaze Drones and New tactics in Modern Warfare
- Live Streaming Video Via Mobile Phone Camera: Free Tools To Broadcast Yourself Through Your Cell Phone | graphics and innovation
- Movino - Open Source Video Streaming Phone Application
- Camera Application Engine API - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Camera Engine - Capturing an Image Example
- How to Buffers
- Mastering Symbian OS Descriptors —
- Symbian OS - Descriptors
- geotagging in EXIF header - Developer Discussion Boards
- Discover Bluetooth Devices - Symbian Developer Community
- Home NewLC | NewLC
- HACK: Modify Your GPS To Take On An Entirely New Level!
- Using AES with Java Technology
- AES Encryption | NewLC
- AES encryption plugin 1.0 - Developer Discussion Boards
- Symbian Developer Network - Tools & SDKs - Developer tools - Symbian Cryptographic APIs
- Boeing: Boeing Laser Avenger Shoots Down Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Tests
- How to conform with Symbian Signed criteria - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Potentially useful for creating an application that is stable.
- CS000863 - Pausing an application on an incoming call - Forum Nokia Wiki
- CS000883 - Pausing an application on an incoming SMS - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Camera calibration toolbox for Matlab
- Forum: Aerial Photography and Video - RC Universe
- Forum: Aerial Photography - RC Groups
- Python 2.5.4 Documentation for Phone, PyS60
- Day 2: Extensions for Python
- Ability to change the default heap size - Developer Discussion Boards
- Classification-based Vehicle Detection in High-resolution Satellite Images
- Samsung i8910 OmniaHD report points out its flaws
- Apparently in the report the guy talks about people who have hacked the phone to get better images, etc. out of it. Could be useful for us.
- C++ Python Extensions - Forum Nokia Wiki
- A better diy infrared filter - Take stunning digital IR pictures, and video footage.
- Developing for i8910 HD
- Head Counting and Tracking
- Identifying heads from an overhead camera using image gradients
- vision-based overhead view person recognition
- Smart Conference room. Bayes Net & Decision Trees
- EXIF Library
- S60 Platform: Thread and Active Objects Example
- Example Applications - S60 C++
- S60 C++ Coding Conventions
- GeoCrawler 2 (Cellphone autopilot) - DIY Drones
- S60 Location Acquisition API Specification
- Playing with the N95 - Use LBS API and so more | NewLC
- POWERVR SGX OpenGL ES 2.0 Application Development Recommendat...
- internet with AT&T in the US - Samsung i8910 Omnia HD User Forums
- *.SIS vs. *.SISX - Developer Discussion Boards
- S60 Platform: Location Example
- CS000915 - Reducing accelerometer sensor noise - Forum Nokia Wiki
- CS000914 - Displaying sensor data - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Technical paper: Overview of OpenGL ES 2.0 on Samsung S60
- How to use sensors in Java ME - Forum Nokia Wiki
- CS000913 - Listening for rotation sensor data events - Forum Nokia Wiki
- S60 CK Forums • View topic - Cant sign applications? - Part 2: YES YOU CAN
- CS000888 - Listening for accelerometer sensor data events - Forum Nokia Wiki
- Samsung Omnia HD & USA - Page 5 - Samsung i8910 Omnia HD User Forums
- Imagination Technologies OpenGL ES 2.0 SDK for Samsung S60
- Multi-Language Programming - Combining Python with Flash Lite and Symbian C++
- Symbian^2 - Symbian Developer Community
- Symbian Freak | The premier place for symbian users, supported with the No. ONE Smartphone discussion forum
- jtoivola's googlepage - Python For Symbian: PyS60usb
- Python on Samsung S60
- Symbian OS error codes (NOT panics) -> TamsS60
- Symbian Example | Helping Symbian developers
- Automated taking pictures over exposure compensation values (useful for HDR) - All About Symbian Forums
- Symbian Press Books - Symbian Developer Community
- Python - Symbian developer community forums
- Symbian Foundation
- SAIC Visual SLAM
- Python Technical Overview - Symbian Developer Community
- C++
- Symbian Developer Network - Documentation - Books - Developing Software for Symbian OS Second Edition
- cyke64 - Everything on pys60 !
- Getting started with Symbian
- Discrimination and classification of vehicles in natural scenes from thermal imagery
- A System for Real Time Gesture Recognition
- IR (Infra-Red) Applications
- Nokia CV | Nokia Research Center
- The detection of vehicles in airborne downward looking infrared linescan imagery
- An infra-red source classification system
- Vehicles, Aerial Images, Vehicle Detection
- Simple DirectMedia Layer
- Welcome to BitPim
- Hacking Eye-Fi For Data at Rob Faludi
- EyeFi Linux Hacking
- Lots of Vision Papers
- SparkFun Electronics
- POWERVR Insider Forums: OpenGL ES 2.0 Forum
- Dean Goedde interview, part 3: All about IR sensing vs. gyros - DIY Drones
- Mecevans Paparazzi How-to Guide - RC Groups
- paparazzi-devel Archives
- Wireless Communications - Community Tutorials
- Bluetooth Cellphone Hacking Overview
- Crossbow Technology
- Aerosight Aircraft
- Interview: Dean Goedde and the AttoPilot project - DIY Drones
- 54'' Zephyr ,AP FPV UAV sport wing - RC Groups
- Ares Homepage
- Fixed Wing Airplane, good sized internal bay.
- Falcon - Ascending Technologies GmbH
- Queen Bee power solution - WattFlyer RC Electric Flight Forums - Discuss radio control eflight
- Dean Goedde interview, part 2: All about the AttoPilot - DIY Drones
- Flying Wing, Glider, 2lb payload, good sized internal bay needed!! - DIY Drones
- Cool idea: "point and toss" UAV - DIY Drones
- SmartBAT Fixed-wing UAV - Engineering TV
- UAV Video - Recherche
- Autonomous Helicopter Project
- Radio Control Wiki
- MIT/Draper Autonomous Helicopter Project