
Symbian OS Communications Programming/11. HTTP - Symbian Developer Community
GPS - NMEA sentence information
Useful NMEA sentence reference.
Welcome - Linphone, an open-source sip video-phone for linux and windows
Writing Socket Servers in PHP
Asterisk video -
Video link I had found a while back for video streaming from the phone. Just clearing out my tabs
Symbian OS Error Codes | NewLC
Very comprehensive list of error codes.
Upload File to a Server using HTTP possible? | NewLC
Most useful and thorough (yet long) description of uploading file via HTTP.
PointSec Data Encryption - Pointsec® for Smartphone, PDA, Pocket PC ...
Steganography & Digital Watermarking - Attacks and Countermeasures
FoxHole - Steganography filemanager | Get FoxHole - Steganography ...
How to retrieve the SSID and BSSID using WLAN INFO API - Forum Nokia Wiki
WLAN Management API - Forum Nokia Wiki
Password based encryption - Forum Nokia Wiki
Symbian C++ : Multipart/form-data - Forum Nokia Wiki
KML NetworkLinks Tutorial
NetworkLinks are for updating KML data periodically from a server.
Google Earth Live FPV & Cellular Telemetry
PHP scripts and explanation of sending telemetry data to a server and updating a Google Earth view from that server to create a First Person View (FPV) simulator. He has some updated code here:
Converting Geotagged Photos to KML PhotoOverlays - KML - Google Code
GPS Visualizer's overlay plugin for Google Earth & Garmin Custom Maps
gpicsync - Automatically geocode pictures using a GPS track log
JCTerm - SSH2 Terminal Emulator in Pure Java
SymSMB - The only application available for Wireless file sharing on Symbian Series 60 3rd - MobileTopSoft.
How to read images to Symbian bitmap - Forum Nokia Wiki
CS000905 - Saving a captured image - Forum Nokia Wiki
S60 Platform: Image Converter Example
Symbian C++ Security Articles - Forum Nokia Wiki
Encrypt-Decrypt Messages - Forum Nokia Wiki
TSS001333 - AES buffer encryption of files - Forum Nokia Wiki
SecuriTeam - Bluesnarfer - A Bluesnarfing Utility
Transferring data over a Bluetooth connection
Essential Symbian C++ Coding Tips - Symbian Developer Community
Eliminating Memory Leaks in Symbian C++ Code - Symbian Developer Community
SmartBAT Usage - Transitioning Intelligence to Embedded Platforms
Zagi Flying Wing Autopilots
Google search for this. The first few results were useful.
The Kamikaze Drones and New tactics in Modern Warfare
Live Streaming Video Via Mobile Phone Camera: Free Tools To Broadcast Yourself Through Your Cell Phone | graphics and innovation
Movino - Open Source Video Streaming Phone Application
Camera Application Engine API - Forum Nokia Wiki
Camera Engine - Capturing an Image Example
How to Buffers
Mastering Symbian OS Descriptors —
Symbian OS - Descriptors
geotagging in EXIF header - Developer Discussion Boards
Discover Bluetooth Devices - Symbian Developer Community
Home NewLC | NewLC
HACK: Modify Your GPS To Take On An Entirely New Level!
Using AES with Java Technology
AES Encryption | NewLC
AES encryption plugin 1.0 - Developer Discussion Boards
Symbian Developer Network - Tools & SDKs - Developer tools - Symbian Cryptographic APIs
Boeing: Boeing Laser Avenger Shoots Down Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Tests
How to conform with Symbian Signed criteria - Forum Nokia Wiki
Potentially useful for creating an application that is stable.
CS000863 - Pausing an application on an incoming call - Forum Nokia Wiki
CS000883 - Pausing an application on an incoming SMS - Forum Nokia Wiki
Camera calibration toolbox for Matlab
Forum: Aerial Photography and Video - RC Universe
Forum: Aerial Photography - RC Groups
Python 2.5.4 Documentation for Phone, PyS60
Day 2: Extensions for Python
Ability to change the default heap size - Developer Discussion Boards
Classification-based Vehicle Detection in High-resolution Satellite Images
Samsung i8910 OmniaHD report points out its flaws
Apparently in the report the guy talks about people who have hacked the phone to get better images, etc. out of it. Could be useful for us.
C++ Python Extensions - Forum Nokia Wiki
A better diy infrared filter - Take stunning digital IR pictures, and video footage.
Developing for i8910 HD
Head Counting and Tracking
Identifying heads from an overhead camera using image gradients
vision-based overhead view person recognition
Smart Conference room. Bayes Net & Decision Trees
EXIF Library
S60 Platform: Thread and Active Objects Example
Example Applications - S60 C++
S60 C++ Coding Conventions
GeoCrawler 2 (Cellphone autopilot) - DIY Drones
S60 Location Acquisition API Specification
Playing with the N95 - Use LBS API and so more | NewLC
POWERVR SGX OpenGL ES 2.0 Application Development Recommendat...
internet with AT&T in the US - Samsung i8910 Omnia HD User Forums
*.SIS vs. *.SISX - Developer Discussion Boards
S60 Platform: Location Example
CS000915 - Reducing accelerometer sensor noise - Forum Nokia Wiki
CS000914 - Displaying sensor data - Forum Nokia Wiki
Technical paper: Overview of OpenGL ES 2.0 on Samsung S60
How to use sensors in Java ME - Forum Nokia Wiki
CS000913 - Listening for rotation sensor data events - Forum Nokia Wiki
S60 CK Forums • View topic - Cant sign applications? - Part 2: YES YOU CAN
CS000888 - Listening for accelerometer sensor data events - Forum Nokia Wiki
Samsung Omnia HD & USA - Page 5 - Samsung i8910 Omnia HD User Forums
Imagination Technologies OpenGL ES 2.0 SDK for Samsung S60
Multi-Language Programming - Combining Python with Flash Lite and Symbian C++
Symbian^2 - Symbian Developer Community
Symbian Freak | The premier place for symbian users, supported with the No. ONE Smartphone discussion forum
jtoivola's googlepage - Python For Symbian: PyS60usb
Python on Samsung S60
Symbian OS error codes (NOT panics) -> TamsS60
Symbian Example | Helping Symbian developers
Automated taking pictures over exposure compensation values (useful for HDR) - All About Symbian Forums
Symbian Press Books - Symbian Developer Community
Python - Symbian developer community forums
Symbian Foundation
Python Technical Overview - Symbian Developer Community
Symbian Developer Network - Documentation - Books - Developing Software for Symbian OS Second Edition
cyke64 - Everything on pys60 !
Getting started with Symbian
Discrimination and classification of vehicles in natural scenes from thermal imagery
A System for Real Time Gesture Recognition
IR (Infra-Red) Applications
Nokia CV | Nokia Research Center
The detection of vehicles in airborne downward looking infrared linescan imagery
An infra-red source classification system
Vehicles, Aerial Images, Vehicle Detection
Simple DirectMedia Layer
Welcome to BitPim
Hacking Eye-Fi For Data at Rob Faludi
EyeFi Linux Hacking
Lots of Vision Papers
SparkFun Electronics
POWERVR Insider Forums: OpenGL ES 2.0 Forum
Dean Goedde interview, part 3: All about IR sensing vs. gyros - DIY Drones
Mecevans Paparazzi How-to Guide - RC Groups
paparazzi-devel Archives
Wireless Communications - Community Tutorials
Bluetooth Cellphone Hacking Overview
Crossbow Technology
Aerosight Aircraft
Interview: Dean Goedde and the AttoPilot project - DIY Drones
54'' Zephyr ,AP FPV UAV sport wing - RC Groups
Ares Homepage
Fixed Wing Airplane, good sized internal bay.
Falcon - Ascending Technologies GmbH
Queen Bee power solution - WattFlyer RC Electric Flight Forums - Discuss radio control eflight
Dean Goedde interview, part 2: All about the AttoPilot - DIY Drones
Flying Wing, Glider, 2lb payload, good sized internal bay needed!! - DIY Drones
Cool idea: "point and toss" UAV - DIY Drones
SmartBAT Fixed-wing UAV - Engineering TV
UAV Video - Recherche
Autonomous Helicopter Project
Radio Control Wiki
MIT/Draper Autonomous Helicopter Project

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