INTRO Sunday, October 25th will be the EMF’s annual Cold Day In Hell pay per view. It takes place at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas. In the main event, two familiar foes will meet once again for the biggest prize in this business, the EMF World Heavyweight Championship. The World Champion Tyson Tomko defends his title against the X-Factor Dan Godwin. Godwin enters Cold Day In Hell in the midst of a feud with the EMF President John Cena, and will also go one on one with Cena in addition to his World Title match with Tomko. In the past, Tomko has struggled in his matches with the X-Factor, but this time, it will be Tomko who is defending his World Championship. Two great competitors with two totally different styles collide. Godwin with his quick strike and high flying game will be looking for the X-ecution, and Tomko with his power game will be looking for an opening to his Godwin with the Big Boot. These two men have had some epic encounters in the past in both singles and tag team competition, and Cold Day In Hell figures to be another one. Dan Godwin’s accomplishments are well documented, and Tomko enters at what seems to be the top of his game. No matter the outcome, these two men will put on one hell of a show. Who will emerge victorious as the EMF World Heavyweight Champion? You’ll have to watch EMF’s Cold Day In Hell to find out. THE MONEY PIT w/ TED DIBIASE -scene- …the setting is one of the weekly EMF house shows. The fans have been enjoying the mid card talent, but now seem excited as they see a new EMF talks show set in the ring. The ring has been lined with a black rug. Black chairs are now in the ring. The print on the chairs appears to be a million dollar bill adorned with the face of the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. There are two large flat screen monitors set up in the ring as well. On their screen, we see numerous million dollar bills with a display saying “The Money Pit w/ Ted Dibiase.” -scene- …the Money Inc Theme hits in the arena as the fans react with a largely positive reaction as they turn their attention to the top of the ramp. Through the curtain comes the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. He’s wearing a black suit and carrying a fan of hundred dollar bills. He starts to make his way to the ring. He enters the ring by way of the steps and through the ropes. He walks around the ring and admires the set of his new show “The Money Pit”. Dibiase reaches down and picks up a microphone from one of the chairs. The Money Inc theme fades out before he starts to speak… -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Let me officially welcome you all to the very first edition of my brand new EMF talk show, “The Money Pit”. I’m your host, the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. Incase anyone doesn’t know who I am, let me tell you just a little bit about myself. You see, I’m the General Manager of a little show called EMF Saturday Shockwave. It’s on that show that I try to save the EMF from the lethal combination of John Cena and Amy Jericho. God only knows where we would be if I haven’t been around. If you think they’ve been bad so far, just think what it would’ve been like without the Million Dollar Man around to keep things in order. I do more around here besides save the EMF from Cena and Jeri-ho. I’m also a manager here, and I’ve put together the most impressive assortment of talent in the history of this business. First there’s the newest member of Money Inc, and he’s perhaps the most controversial superstar to ever set foot in the EMF. Of course I’m talking about the Broski himself, the former EMF Extreme Champion Brandon Eastman who made the best decision of his career the other night when he joined the ranks of Money Inc. Next, there’s the man who may be the most outspoken of the bunch. He’s a former World Champion and enjoyed one of the most successfully Extreme Title reigns in history. He’s also the current EMF Inter-continental Champion , he is Mr. Kennedy, and he happens to be in the building tonight. So, let’s go ahead and bring him out. Ladies and Gentleman, here he is. The EMF Inter-continental Champion, Mr. Kennedy. -scene- …the Money Inc theme once again fills the arena. The fans cheer as Mr. Kennedy emerges from the back stage area. He wears a Money Inc football jersey, jeans, and carries his IC Title over his shoulder. He walks to the ring and heads up the steps and between the ropes. Dibiase shakes his hand and welcomes him as Kennedy picks up a microphone from one of the other seats… -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Ken, welcome to the first ever Money Pit, the finest talk show that money can buy. -Mr. Kennedy- Well, thank you, Ted. I’m happy to be here. It’s the very first show, so you had to have the Intercontinental Champion Mr. Kennedy. It wouldn’t be a show with out me. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Very true, very true. I wish everyone could be here tonight, but Eastman’s not and neither is the next Money Inc member I’m going to talk about. He’s currently the EMF’s Extreme Champion. I’m talking about the one and only MVP, Montel Vontavious Porter. Unfortunately he and the lovely Eve Torres are unable to be here tonight. How bout a big round of applause for your Extreme champion MVP and the lovely Eve Torres? -scene- …the fans react in cheers to a large picture of MVP and Eve that appears on the EMF tron. MVP is sporting his Extreme Championship with Eve standing by his side. Dibiase waits a moment for the cheers in the arena to die down before continuing with the Money Pit… -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- It’s too bad Brandon Eastman, MVP, and Eve can’t be here to hear it all. Luckily for all of us though, there is one more Money Inc member, and he is in the building tonight. He will be joining Mr. Kennedy and the Million Dollar Man on the Money Pit in just a couple minutes here. I’ve already introduced you to Kennedy here, the Intercontinental Champion. You heard about the newest and most controversial member in Brandon Eastman. You just saw Eve and the Extreme Champion MVP on the EMF tron there. Now, it’s time to see the final reason why Money Inc is at the top of the EMF and why the Organization, the Elite, or Revolution can’t hold a candle to us. This man is an EMF Grand Slam Champion, the longest reigning Inter-continental Champion in the history of the EMF, the second longest reigning Extreme Champion ever, one half of the current World Tag Team Champions with MVP, and also the current EMF World Heavyweight Champion. He’s also the man who will walk into Cold Day in Hell Sunday night and defend his Title against the X-Factor Dan Godwin. Everyone, welcome the Problem Solver Tyson Tomko to the Money Pit. -scene- …the lights in the arena go out as the Money Inc Theme once again begins to play throughout the building. Green and gold lights begin to flicker around the entrance at the top of the ramp. We then see the shadow of the EMF World Heavyweight Champion. He comes out of the shadows and stands at the top of the ramp. The lights in the arena come up as he walks towards the ring. We can see that he is wearing one of the camo Money Inc football jerseys with a pair of cargo shorts. His World Title belt rests over his right shoulder. He takes time to slap hands of some of the fans sitting on the aisle. He stops to admire a couple of the fans’ signs. One sign shows a picture of Dan Godwin’s receding hair line and “Rogaine” in big letters. Another kid’s sign has a picture of the X-Factor and reads “Dan Godwin Smells Like Moth Balls”. After checking out the signs and greeting the fans, Tyson Tomko finally reaches the ring. He climbs up onto the ring apron and looks at the fans.He turns around and steps over the top rope into the ring. He greets Kennedy and Dibiase. Tomko walks around the ring for a moment admiring the new Money Pit set. He reaches down and picks up the other microphone as the Money Inc theme fades … -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Well, how do ya like the new show Champ? -Tyson Tomko- Well, Ted, it’s definitely you. I know you gotta love having your face pasted all over it. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You know it. I think the Money Pit here is gonna give ole MVP and his VIP Lounge a run for his money. The Money Pit’s gonna be the perfect place for us to put the power of Money Inc on full display. What better show of force than to line the ring with EMF Champions? -The Problem Solver Tyson Tomko: That’s something we’ll never have a shortage of around here, Ted, EMF Champions. That’s also something that I don’t see changing Sunday night either. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- I take it you’re referring to EMF Cold Day In Hell. -Tyson Tomko- You know I am. I’m referring to Cold Day In Hell, and I’m referring the X-Factor Dan Godwin. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- I thought you were. It’s definitely a big night, anytime you step in the ring with Godwin, you’re gonna have your work cut out for ya. -Tyson Tomko- You don’t gotta tell me, Ted, I’ve been in the ring with him lots of times before. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- I know you have, Tyson. You know you’re not the only Money Inc member defending a Title at Cold Day In Hell. -Tyson Tomko- Yeah, I heard about MVP’s match up. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Yeah, MVP’s gonna hook it up with the returning Marc Mead. That should be interesting. The guy goes from barred from the EMF to an Extreme Title shot in two weeks, not too bad. -Mr. Kennedy- Yeah, I remember that little prick. He was here back when Tyson and I were the first time. He’s one person who I can say was probably a bigger pain in the ass than Chris Legend. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Since you spoke up, Ken, what are you gonna be doing Sunday night at Cold Day In Hell, because I checked the card and you weren’t on it. -Mr. Kennedy- I’ll definitely be around. Why I wasn’t booked, I have no idea, but that’s what happens when you’ve got John Cena and Amy Jeri-ho in charge. You’d think they’d want to have their Inter-continental Champion on the card, but instead we’ve got a double dose of Dan Godwin with him taking on Cena too. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Yeah, unfortunately, I’m just the General Manager of Shockwave, it doesn’t apply to the pay per views, but if it did, it would be the best Cold Day In Hell ever. In addition to Tomko and Godwin headlining in the World Title match, you’d be defending your IC Title. Our newest member Brandon Eastman wouldn’t have been left off the card either. I couldn’t believe when I saw names like Marc Mead, Rad Hazard, Ville Visneski, Sammy Extreme, and Degenerate on the card but Brandon Eastman and Ken Kennedy left off of it. -Tyson Tomko- Yeah, Eastman called me and asked what the hell was up with that, well actually he said “What the fuck was up” but you get the point. I just told him welcome to life in Money Inc. This is how things go when you’re a thorn in the side of Cena and Jeri-ho. He just joined Money Inc and he’s already suffering some of the ill effects of being a member. I told him to just chill and that Ted and I would find something for him to do at Cold Day In Hell. We’ve got an Extreme Title and a World Title to retain, so there’ll be plenty of things for you and him to do, Ken. -Mr. Kennedy- Well, you know how much I can’t stand Dan Godwin anyways, and Marc Mead’s just a fuckin tool, an embarrassment to the EMF. That faggot Cena and that bitch Amy might’ve left Eastman and I off the card, but they can bet their asses that we’re damn sure gonna make an impact at Cold Day In Hell. Since Cena is taking on the X-Factor Dan Godwin just like you are, Tyson, maybe Eastman and I will get involved in that match. Wouldn’t it be great if we were able to beat the living hell out of John Cena and soften up Dan Godwin for you at the same time? After we do that, I guarantee John Cena and Amy Jeri-ho will think twice about leaving members of Money Inc off the pay per view card. -Tyson Tomko- I really can’t think of anything better for the two of you to do Sunday night besides that. Now, I wanna make it clear that I’m not saying that I would ever need any help with the balding X-Factor, but I’m always happy to see him get the crap kicked out of him. I’ve never liked that little prick. He’s arrogant. He’s overexposed, and most of all, he’s over rated. This guy walks around the EMF like he’s god’s gift to professional wrestling, but really, all Dan Godwin represents is a dark age, a dark age for the EMF and a dark age for the sport. Dan Godwin garnered most of his success at a very low time for the EMF. The roster was damn near depleted. Kennedy and I had gone since Amy Jeri-ho refused to stop lining her pockets and pay us what we deserved. Two of the big names who were actually competing in the EMF at that time was the aforementioned never impressive pimply faced red headed teenage homosexual Marc Mead and the ice cream truck’s worst nightmare in the 450 pound Troy Gafgen. If that doesn’t say it all for the state of the EMF at that time, then I don’t know what does. So you had some dip shit recording promos in his fuckin bedroom, some fat fuck who couldn’t pass up a buffet line, and Dan Godwin carrying the flag for the EMF. Wow, it’s a miracle the EMF was still around when I decided to come back. With stars like that, things could’ve turned out very badly for the EMF. Dan Godwin and the boys could’ve drove this bitch right into the ground. I don’t even wanna know what attendance revenue, merchandise sales, and pay per view buy rates were like back then. They had to have hit all time lows with those kind of circumstances. It’s no wonder we ended up getting our contracts after all, Ken. After the EMF saw what was happening without us around, they made the right decision. Dan Godwin didn’t have the talent or the charisma to carry the EMF. His accomplishments were simply the result of being in the right place at the right time. With him coming along during the dry spell and the EMF at an all time low in talent, it was a perfect storm. If Godwin had come along with the roster we have now, he wouldn’t reached near the level of success as he did back then. There would’ve been no chance with a roster that includes Tyson Tomko, Ken Kennedy, MVP, Scott Tazte, and Matt Dragon just to name a few. I don’t know if Dan Godwin just had good timing or if he had a rabbit’s foot jammed up his ass, but whatever it was, it made him into one of the biggest stars in the EMF. He had run of the place for a while, but things always have a way of working themselves out. Now, I’m not saying that Dan Godwin isn’t a tough competitor, I’m just saying that he’s no where near the talent that he’s been made out to be or the talent that he’s made himself out to be. I worked my ass off to get my hands on this World Championship again, and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let Dan Godwin leave Cold Day In Hell as the EMF Champion again. I guess you could say that it would have to be one cold day in hell if that were to happen. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- A lot of people seem to think that Dan Godwin has your number though, Tyson. He’s defeated you before, and he’s held the World Championship on more occasions than you have. -Tyson Tomko- I’ve been hearing that same ole crap for a long time, Ted, and I’m kind of tired of it. Sure, Dan Godwin’s had his success in the business, but trust me when I say that I’m the better competitor. I’m bigger, stronger, and most important of all, I’m better than he is. I just talked about how most of Godwin’s accomplishments weren’t that impressive when you looked beneath surface, but still, I gotta give the devil his due. He has defeated me in the past, but he’s also been defeated as well. I’m sick and tired of everyone telling me how good Dan Godwin is, how great of a champion Dan Godwin was, and how much better than me Dan Godwin is. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says because I know what’s really true. I know how hard I’ve worked in this business. I know what I put my body through to get back to the top of the EMF. I spent a year dominating the EMF’s Extreme Title division, and after all of that, I finally got another opportunity to go for the World Title. It took a year of getting the hell beaten out of me on a regular basis, and I’m talking about being beaten with chairs, pipes, canes, trash cans, and god knows what else. A lot of blood and sweat went into earning this opportunity, and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let anyone cheapen the accomplishment or say that it’s not gonna last long. Dan Godwin is so over rated, and I’m so fuckin tired of hearing how great he is. I really expected to be facing some one else in the main event at Cold Day In Hell. When I heard about the number one contender’s match where Godwin was scheduled to take on Scott Tazte and Randy Evans, I didn’t expect the X-Factor to be the one to emerge victorious. Low and behold though, when the dust settled, there he was. Still, even though I didn’t expect him to be the winner, I was pretty damn happy to see that he was the winner. What better way for me to prove everyone wrong than making them watch me kick the shit out of Dan Godwin? More importantly, what better way is there to make everyone shut their mouths? Now, I know that I’ll always be compared to the X-Factor. It’s just a byproduct of the two of us competing during the same era, but I’m to the point that I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure that I’m the guy at the top of the list. Instead of everyone saying I always tried to measure up to Dan Godwin, when I’m done, they’ll all be saying that Dan Godwin couldn’t measure up to Tyson Tomko. After we’re old and gray, the only thing that will left of us in this business will be our legacy. When that’s me, I wanna be able to look back over my career and know that I was the absolute best this business has ever seen. When people think about the biggest names to ever grace this ring, the Ric Flairs, the Hulk Hogans, the Harley Race’s, I want the name Tyson Tomko to be near if not at the top of that list. People won’t put me there if I can’t get over this little Dan Godwin jinx on my career. Well, it’s not really a jinx, it’s more of a stain on my career. People are never proud of stains. Whether it’s a stain on your sheets or a stain on your career, a stain is never cool. Just ask that cat Lahey that runs around with Eastman. I think he’s the one who always has the big ass piss stain on the front of his pants. That’s what Dan Godwin has been to my career, a giant piss stain on my pants. Well, that’s all about to change. When I take his head off Sunday night at Cold Day In Hell, I’ll finally put the past and put those losses to Dan Godwin behind me. The future of this business is standing in this ring, Kennedy and I along with you Ted, Brandon Eastman, MVP, and Eve will be running the EMF for a long time to come as Money Inc. Dan Godwin and Revolution had a nice little run, so did John Cena’s Elite and Scott Tazte’s Organization, but from here on out, it’s gonna be all about Money Inc. We’ve got the General Manager, we’ve got the Extreme Champion, we’ve got the IC Champ, and we’re gonna keep the EMF World Championship as well. We’re gonna close out the rest of 2009 with a bang and 2010 will be the year of Money Inc. -Mr. Kennedy- Tyson, Dan Godwin isn’t all everyone makes him out to be. How tough can a bald guy be anyways? -Tyson Tomko- What about Hulk Hogan? -Mr. Kennedy- Oh, well, I forgot about him, but Dan Godwin is not Hulk Hogan. He’s about a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter. Besides you and MVP beat his punk ass to win the Tag Team Titles and MVP took the World Title from him too. If you ask me, I don’t think you got anything to worry about at Cold Day In Hell, especially with me and Eastman having the night off. -Tyson Tomko- Trust me, Ken, I know just about everything there is to know about the career of Dan Godwin. I’ve studied this guy so much that it could be called obsessive. I think I’ve literally seen every single match he’s ever competed in during his time in the EMF. Alot of people don’t really see wrestling as a sport where you watch video of your opponents. They think that only happens in the bigger sports, sports like football, basketball, maybe boxing, or even mixed martial arts. I’d bet though that I’ve probably watched just as much video as anyone involved in those sports. I like to go into my matches as well prepared as I possibly can be. I don’t even want to know how many hours of my life I’ve spent watching matches of the X-Factor Dan Godwin. You name the match, I’ve seen it. If there’s a video out there of it, then you better believe I own a copy. All the way back to 2007 when he won the vacant Extreme Championship that Kennedy here relinquished to the time he won the World Championship against that elimination chamber full of losers. From the time he defeated me in my return at EMF Payback to the bull shit title swap match he pulled with his Revolution mate Kevin Bourne. I’ve watched all the high points in the career of the X-Factor Dan Godwin, and I’ve watched all the low points as well. A win over the X-Factor Dan Godwin trumps most others. He probably feels the exact same way about his matches with me, and if he doesn’t, after I slap the taste out of his mouth Sunday night at Cold Day In Hell, he’ll damn sure feel that way then. If he expects to leave the American Airlines Center in Dallas and Cold Day In Hell as the World Champion Sunday night, he’s definitely gonna have to put in a tougher days work than he did back when he won his very first EMF World Title. I really couldn’t believe what I was watching when I reviewed the video of that Elimination Chamber he won to win that title. The only person in the match with any credibility was Angelus Archer, but even with that said, it was pretty obvious to everyone that Angelus’ best days were long behind him. So Godwin’s toughest opponent that night was long over the hill with his glory days in the rear view mirror. The other four men in the match could serve as examples one through four in my argument that Godwin’s victories weren’t nearly as impressive as they were made out to be. You’d think that a match of this magnitude would require the participants to actually have a resume or some kind of championship pedigree, but it really looks like the EMF brass just posted a fuckin sign up sheet in the back stage bath room. Let’s start at the absolute bottom of the list, and trust me when I say that names don’t get any closer to the bottom than Dewey Pond. How in the hell did this pathetic excuse for a professional wrestler ever get a shot at the EMF World Title? This Bad Company shit he does makes me laugh every time I hear it. “Cause We Are Bad Company”, that shit’s hilarious. Speaking of hilarious, how bout one of the other guys Dan Godwin defeated to win the World Title back then, the immense talent of Troy Gafgen. Now, I will admit that the word “immense” does come to mind when I think about Troy Gafgen, but it’s definitely not followed by talent. Maybe the words “Immense Waist Size” or “Immense Appetite” come to mind but definitely not “Immense Talent.” I know he won a World Championship which might’ve been the all time low for the EMF, but come on, give me a break, it’s Troy fuckin Gafgen. That’s how Dan Godwin made his name, defeating the likes of Troy Gafgen and Dewey Pond. Yeah, that’s impressive, but wait, it gets better. Apparently some clown named Erik Hasher was involved in that match too, and I gotta admit that I have absolutely no idea who in the hell this guy is. I’ve watched the video of the match several times, and I can’t place this cat.Not too good when you’re the least known guy in that match. He must’ve been a hell of a talent to get in a match with such big names like Troy Gafgen, Dewey Pond, and oh yeah, Dan Godwin. The last guy I saw on the video was Tony Ikeda’s long time crony Carnage. I’m not sure if this guy has ever even won a match in the EMF, but somehow, he got on the bill when Dan Godwin was going for his first ever World Heavyweight Championship. I guess the stars just kind of lined up for ole Dan, but that’s not the case anymore. Now, all of the stars are lined up on my side, which is only fitting since I’m undoubtedly the biggest star in this business. Dan Godwin has had easy match after easy match to garner most of his accomplishments, but he’s gonna face an entirely different monster Sunday night. I’ve been called a lot of things throughout my career, but I can assure that “Pushover” was never one of them. You’ve heard about the indestructible force and the immovable object, well they don’t got shit on yours truly, the Problem Solver Tyson Tomko. Ted, Ken, we all know why I am the EMF World Heavyweight Champion and why I’ll stay the World Champion, and after Sunday night, the X-Factor Dan Godwin is gonna know it too. -Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase- Tyson, I know you’re right. I know that this year’s Cold Day In Hell is gonna be one for the ages for Money Inc. MVP’s gonna defeat Marc Mead to retain the Extreme Championship and you’re gonna take care of the X-Factor Dan Godwin and remain the EMF World Heavyweight Champion. Hey, I wanna thank you two for being the first ever guests on the Money Pit. So until next time everyone, this is the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase reminding you all that “Everybody’s Got A Price For The Million Dollar Man”. HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! -scene- …the fans begins to cheer as the Money Inc Theme begins to play throughout the arena again. Tomko goes to one corner and Kennedy goes to the other. Each of them climb to the second rope and hold their respective titles high in the air, Kennedy the IC belt and Tomko holding the World Championship. After the flash bulbs, they hop down and leave the ring along with the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. The music continues to play as the three of them walk up the ramp and head to the backstage area… ON THE WAY TO THE AIRPORT -scene- …the next scene opens Friday afternoon in the back of a limousine on an Arizona highway. It’s a long black limo with a gold dollar sign on the door. As the camera switches to an inside view, we see the only person in the Money Inc limo is the EMF’s World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Tomko. He wears a white English Laundry shirt with the sleeves rolled up, blue jeans, and black sunglasses. We can see a black bag on the seat beside him with the World Title belt sitting on top of it. He checks a message on his iPhone before turning his attention to the EMF cameras… -Tyson Tomko- Now, did you guys really want to hear my thoughts on my match with the X-Factor Dan Godwin or are you cheap bastards just tryin to catch a ride to the airport and a free flight to Dallas on my plane? Regardless of your true intentions, now that you’re here, you’re gonna get to listen to me talk about my match on the way. In two days, I go one on one with one of the most decorated competitors in EMF history in the X-Factor Dan Godwin. I know I’ve bitched about some of the ways he managed to attain his accolades and accomplishments, but regardless of who he defeated and how he beat em, they’re all in the record books. Sunday night, he’s gonna try to write another chapter in those record books, and he’s gonna try to do it at the expense of good ole Tomko here. That’s not something that I’m prepared to let happen. This EMF World Heavyweight Championship that you see sitting right here beside me is probably the most important thing in my life right now. Whenever I was screwed out of my Extreme Title a few months back, I told myself that there was only one place for me to go and only one thing for me to do. The place that I decided to go was to the main event, and I did it to recapture the EMF World Heavyweight Championship. I heard everyone doubting me, talking about times in the past where I came up short in my quest to recapture this Title, so I took all the insults and all of the criticism and used it to fuel my desire to and my drive to get back to the top. So after listening to everything everyone had to say, I was given a spot in the EMF Beat the Clock competition. Everyone told me that there was no way I was gonna win that, not with Dan Godwin, Randy Evans, and my boy MVP in the mix for the title shot, but when the dust settled and it was all over, it was me, the Problem Solver Tyson Tomko standing tall with the best time of the night. After everyone doubted me, I had my shot, and I was the new number one contender for the World Championship. Still, after overcoming all the odds and proving everyone wrong, there were still doubters and naysayers out there. No one was giving me a chance in my match with the EMF Hall of Famer, the Equalizer Scott Tazte. So I just sat back and listened to it all. I got in the gym, got myself ready, and got myself focused, and then I walked into EMF Legacy of Blood and did exactly what I said I was going to do. I took the fight to Scott Tazte, I embarrassed his ass, and then I took his EMF World Championship. After I did that, all those people who were counting me out and saying that I didn’t have a chance in hell of winning the World Title for the second time, they had to eat their words and shut their mouths. You’d think they would’ve learned their lesson about not counting out the Problem Solver, but like it happens so many times in this business, they didn’t learn a damn thing. They managed to keep their mouths shut for a couple weeks, all the way up to the time that the X-Factor Dan Godwin defeated Randy Evans and Scott Tazte in a triple threat to become the number one contender for my newly won title. When that happened, all those birds started chirping again. They were saying “Well, it looks like Tomko’s gonna be a transitional champion” or “It looks like Tomko’s gonna lose another one to the X-Factor.” My favorite one was probably “There’s no way that Tomko can beat the X-Factor.” Well, you’d think all those assholes would have learned from the first two times they put their foot in their mouth, but it didn’t happen apparently. Maybe it’s some kind of foot fetish or something, but all they’re doing is setting themselves up for another disappointment and sealing the fate of the X-Factor Dan Godwin at the same time. I’m to the point now where I love to hear everyone telling me that I don’t have a chance. I’m feeding off every single one of those doubters out there, and I’ll be doing everything in my power to prove them all wrong. The Tyson Tomko who’s gonna walk into the American Airlines Center in Dallas on Sunday night is a long ways away from that guy who failed to capture the World Title from Dan Godwin back at last year’s edition of EMF Payback. This version of Tyson Tomko who you’re looking at now is at entirely new level. This version of Tyson Tomko has finally reached his potential and became the EMF World Champion. This version of Tyson Tomko plans on doing anything it’s gonna take to make sure the EMF World Title stays around his waist. Nothing and no one is gonna to be able to stand in my way this time, not Dan Godwin, not Revolution, not John Cena, and not Amy Jericho. I’ve come a long ways since I reentered the EMF last year, and I know for a fact that I’m the best that I’ve ever been. I’m at the absolute top of my game, and if you don’t believe me, just ask the Equalizer Scott Tazte, he’ll tell you. Better yet, just watch Cold Day In Hell on Sunday night, and I’ll show each and everyone of you myself. -scene- …Tomko pauses for a moment, clears his throat and continues what he was saying… -Tyson Tomko- I haven’t been in the ring since I defeated Tazte last month, so I’ll be in perfect condition when I reach the ring Sunday night. I’ve sat back and watched Dan Godwin have to compete in a Triple Threat and also catch a major league ass whoopin at the hands of John Cena, Randy Evans, and Brandon Maddox. While I’d like to beat Godwin when he was at the top of his game, I’m not an idiot. If he sticks his nose in places it doesn’t belong and catches a beating, then that’s nothing but good for me. I didn’t make him decide to get himself involved in that bull shit wedding of John Cena and Amy Jericho. Sure, I hate Cena and Amy just as much as he does, if not more, but I’m not fuckin retarded enough to try and take on the entire Elite by myself to put a stop to it. To be honest, I kinda wonder why he would even go to the trouble to do some dumb shit like that. It’s not like preventing Cena and Amy from getting married is gonna change anything around here. Maybe there’s something between Dan Godwin and Amy Jericho that we don’t know about. Maybe all that time he and Amy used to spend together before she started sleeping with the enemy meant more to him than met the eye. They did seem to get awful close before all this shit started with Cena and her. Could it be that the X-Factor Dan Godwin is carrying around a flame for Amy Jericho? If that was the case, then I really wouldn’t be surprised. It would actually clear some things up. I might’ve even talked about that shit in the past before all this shit with Cena and her came to the forefront. Come to think of it, Cena seems to have an awful lot of animosity towards Dan Godwin. Sure, I know that they’ve had their share of disagreements in the past. Godwin was hooked up with Cena’s ex best friend Chris Masters in Revolution, and I’m sure John wasn’t crazy about that. Still, that doesn’t seem like it would justify all the crazy shit I’ve seen Cena send Godwin’s way. There was the time that he sicked Randy Evans on him and he ended up punting Dan Godwin’s head like it was a fuckin foot ball, or maybe since it’s Godwin’s head, I should say soccer ball, with him being from the other side of the pond and all. This rift between Godwin and Cena seems to go deep, deeper than you’d think it should looking at it from the outside. That’s what makes me think we got some kind of sick fuckin love triangle going on here. Hell, if you throw in their buddy Chris Masters, maybe that triangle with Godwin, Cena, and Amy becomes a rectangle. I don’t wanna know too many details, but something just doesn’t add up. I’ve never actually seen anyone try to stop a wedding in person like Godwin did with Amy and Cena, but I’ve seen that shit happen plenty of times in the movies. Do you know what the common theme was in pretty much all of those movies, whether it was a man trying to stop the wedding or a woman trying to stop the wedding, they always were in love with one of the people who were getting married. Now, as fucked up as Dan Godwin is, I don’t think he was trying to break up the nuptials cause he was in love with our EMF President John Cena, at least I hope not anyways. So assuming it wasn’t for Cena, that only leaves one person at that altar. I think it had to be Amy who Godwin was after. Judging from John Cena’s reaction and all the attention he’s been paying to Dan Godwin over the last couple months, I think he knew why Godwin was really there too. Maybe Amy Jericho has confessed something to John Cena in private, something about her and Dan Godwin, so that’s probably why Godwin’s been getting that kind of rise out of Cena. To be honest, I try to avoid anything I see on EMF television that pertains to John Cena and Amy Jericho, so I really don’t know the current status of their relationship, but I’d assume it was pretty tight since they were just trying to get married. That being said, how funny would it be to find out that everything I’m speculating on here is true? Just think about all the times we’ve been forced to watch John Cena slither from woman to woman over the years, and to think that it might have happened to him this time. What if Amy had been shacking up with the X-Factor behind Cena’s back, that would be funny as hell. Maybe John Cena’s been acting this way as a result of a broken heart, and here I was thinking he didn’t even have one. If it is true, then Dan Godwin’s definitely got a lot more things to worry about than the match he’s gonna have with me at Cold Day In Hell Sunday night. Hell, he should be worrying about what else John Cena’s got in store for him. I looked over the card and I saw that the Problem Solver isn’t Dan Godwin’s only opponent on Sunday night. I see that he’s gonna get a chance to get some revenge on John Cena for that beat down Cena and the Elite dished out when Godwin fucked up the wedding ceremony, or maybe it’s gonna be John Cena’s who’s gonna get his chance to extract another piece of revenge on the X-Factor for Godwin banging his old lady. -scene- …Tomko’s interrupted by the buzz of iPhone. He pauses, checking the message before continuing… -Tyson Tomko- After what I saw happen with Randy Evans before and what went down during the wedding, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Dan Godwin not even make it to the ring for our World Title match in the main event. I thought I might head to the ring and try to get a closer view for that Godwin/Cena match up, but after thinking it over, I figured I’d just sit back, enjoy a little popcorn, and watch the show in my locker room. Maybe they can just keep Dan Godwin on the stretcher they wheel him away from the ring with and just bring him back out for me to pin him when it’s time for us to have our match. I really don’t expect Dan Godwin to be in too good of shape after he hooks it up with John Cena. It’s not that I think John Cena’s that much better than Godwin, it’s that I know what John Cena is capable of. I remember being hired by John Cena once up on a time to kick the shit out of Amy’s ex husband Chris Jericho, who I don’t think I’ve seen around the EMF since then either. I’ll admit that I’m not a fan of the X-Factor Dan Godwin, but I don’t really want him to fall off the face of the earth like Jericho did after his run in with Cena. Now, I could be wrong about that beat down being the last time he was in the EMF, but I’m near positive that John Cena is the reason Chris Jericho’s no longer around. Dan Godwin might have a one on one match with John Cena, but knowing Cena, that’s not gonna be how it goes down. Godwin better be prepared to deal with Randy Evans and Brandon Maddox as well. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Cena throw even more people at Godwin either. If the X-Factor Dan Godwin manages to somehow survive everything Cena has in store, then his reward is a match with the most dominant superstar in the EMF today. Of course, I’m talking about me, the Problem Solver Tyson Tomko. John Cena and I have definitely had our issues this year, but it seems like we’ve finally got something in common. Neither one of us can stand the X-Factor Dan Godwin. Sure, my problems with Godwin are more of the professional variety and Cena’s seem to be a little more personal, but a problem is a problem. I’d be lying if I told you that I didn’t want to see Cena dismantle Dan Godwin before he even walks the aisle for his World Title shot. The competitor in me wants to see him at his best, but then the common sense kicks in and if Cena wants to lend me a hand by softening Godwin up, then I’m all for it. How about that? John Cena and I finally have something in common. I didn’t think it was possible, but it goes to show you that anything is. I really don’t know how Dan Godwin is even able to prepare for something like this. To face two of the biggest stars in EMF history on the same night, that’s career suicide. There’s no way in hell Dan Godwin’s gonna be able to walk out of Cold Day In Hell in one piece, much less win the EMF World Heavyweight Championship. If I was Dan Godwin, I’d be losing my mind right about now. I hope to hell that Dan Godwin didn’t accept this match himself. He can’t be that fuckin stupid to actually decide that he wants to face both of us on the same night, especially with his World Title shot coming after the match with Cena. I don’t know what the hell Fairbanks was thinking when he signed up Godwin for this shit. If he was my manager or agent, I’d fire his ass. The guy has to realize he can’t make any commission if his client’s dead, which isn’t really that far fetched of a result considering what Godwin’s gonna be facing Sunday night at Cold Day In Hell. I’m glad I got the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase in my corner because I know he wouldn’t ever pull any dumb shit like that. Still though if it did happen to me, then I’d be able to handle it. I’m not the X-Factor Dan Godwin either. Also, I wouldn’t touch Amy Jericho with someone else’s dick, so I don’t ever have to worry about any love triangle. Hopefully Amy doesn’t take that the wrong way, I’m just trying to make a point. I guess if she does take it badly, she can seek comfort in either John Cena or Dan Godwin huh? Damn, Amy and Godwin, I can’t believe it took me this long to put it all together. How fuckin dense am I to miss this shit? It’s all good though. It’ll be even better after I walk over what’s left of Dan Godwin and show the world that the Problem Solver Tyson Tomko will not be, I repeat will not be a transitional Champion. Well, it looks like we’ve finally made it to the airport here. I probably shouldn’t do this, but you guys can catch a ride with me to the show. I might have something else I wanna say before we hit Dallas. …at that moment, the car comes to a stop, and the scene comes to an end as we see the chauffeur open the door. We can see a leer jet in the back ground as the scene fades out… ON THE PLANE …the scene picks back up the plane with the World Champion. We see Tomko sitting in one of the leather seats, relaxed sipping a cocktail. He’s looking at an in flight movie that he doesn’t seem particularly interested in… -Tyson Tomko- Damn, why the hell do they always have these damn Pirates of the Caribbean movies on these planes? Anyways, I guess I could take the time to talk a little more about my balding opponent at Cold Day In Hell. I could sit here and crack some jokes about Dan Godwin being bald. Like I could say Dan Godwin went to the doctor and said “Doctor Doctor, my hair keeps falling out, can you give me anything to put it in?” and the doctor said “Yeah, here’s a paper bag.” Or how about Dan Godwin went to the barber and said “Why did you take off so much hair?” and his barber said “I didn’t, nature beat me to it.” I kinda like that one myself. Or how about this one? Dan Godwin is so bald that when he wears a turtleneck sweater, he looks like a roll on deodorant. Okay, I got one more. There are three ways a man can wear his hair. He can wear it parted. He can wear it unparted, or he can wear it the way Dan Godwin wears his, Departed! All right, I guess that’s enough. I could go one with this these things all day. I know Godwin would probably tell me that I’m bald too, but I make a decision to shave my head. Godwin’s genetics took care of that decision for him. Thinking about the matches he has coming up Sunday night, I imagine what hair he has left has already fallen out. I bet this son of a bitch is scared shitless, and I can’t blame him. If I had to face me, then I’d be nervous too. Throw in the fact that he’s gotta deal with John Cena and the Elite, and I bet Godwin’s a nervous wreck. He’s probably so scared of what’s gonna happen in his match with Cena that he’s not even thinking about me. He’s probably been up nights worrying about Cena, Randy Evans, and Brandon Maddox. The man he really should be worried about is sitting right here, but no matter who he worries about, I don’t see Cold Day In Hell having a good result for the X-Factor. If he somehow manages to survive that match he has with Cena, then I got a size 16 boot here waiting to put him out of his misery, which is exactly what it’s going to do. All I’ve heard for the last tow years is how great the X-Factor Dan Godwin is, and I expect it all to come to an end Sunday night. With the work I’ve put in and all the preparation, I really don’t feel like there’s any way for Dan Godwin to come out on top this time. I’m fresher and I don’t have to wrestle two matches Sunday night. If Godwin only had to worry about his match with me, then I might give him a little better chance. Not much better since I still would expect to win, but better none the less. With him having to worry about John Cena and whatever may or may not be happening with Amy Jericho, there’s no way he can have his head on straight for his World Title shot. I don’t know why he got himself involved with those two, but hey, different strokes for different folks right? It’s an assist I won’t need but I’ll damn sure take it. If Dan Godwin wants to commit career suicide and throw away his chance at becoming the EMF World Champion, then so be it. Who am I to stand in his way? His match with me is gonna be nothing more than a miserable ending to a terrible night for the X-Factor Dan Godwin. I’m walking into Cold Day In Hell as the EMF World Champion, and you can bet your ass that I’m gonna be walking out the exact same way. Now, I’m gonna turn this Pirates of the Caribbean movie back on and try to catch a little shut eye before we hit Dallas. -scene- …with that said, Tomko reaches down and puts his headphones back on. He lays his chair back and closes his eyes as the camera pans around the plane and slowly fades to black…