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Snow Leopard is one of the latest versions of Mac operating system developed by Apple. Mac OS X Snow Leopard was designed with improved performance and efficiency. Snow Leopard is most popular operating system and it is used by many people throughout the world. It gives great interactive interface that is easy to use, whether he/she is a normal computer user or IT professional. Even though, the advanced security and compatibility features are there to defend data from being lost or inaccessible due to virus or some other reason. Still some of the factors like accidentally deleting a file, hard drive damage, file system corruption etc. can lead to data loss. Still, you can perform deleted data recovery from Snow Leopard using best Mac data recovery tool.

Some of the situations of data loss are explained below.

·        Accidental deletion of file is a most frequent situation of data loss for every computer user. Because sometimes you may mistakenly delete an important file instead of deleting unwanted file. Then you may think that the file is deleted permanently, but in Mac OS X Snow Leopard deleted file can be marked as free space and actual information is still available.

·        Hard drive corruption may cause data loss. Sometimes your hard disk may crash or become inaccessible due to virus attack. In such cases your hard drive cannot be able to mount, so the data from the drive may lose.

·        Improper shut down of the computer is also an important cause for data loss. Everybody may encounter this problem while they are working on computer. Because sometimes in a hurry you may close the computer without closing the files properly and it can lead to data loss.

·        File system corruption can make you to lose data. The corruption of Master Boot Record (MBR), partition table and Master File Table (MFT) may lead to huge data loss.  

In all these above explained scenarios, you can use best Snow Leopard recovery utility to recover deleted or lost data. It can restore files which are emptied from Trash and retrieve data from missing or deleted Mac volumes with the help of in-built scanning algorithm. This too can recognize and preserves file names after recovery. Best Mac recovery utility can support to get back lost data from HFS+, HFSX, FAT16 and FAT32 partitions. It performs thorough scanning to retrieve lost files from inaccessible volumes. This software can support to restore files from SATA, SCSI, IDE external hard drives, SD card, XD card, memory sticks, USB drive, FireWire drive, iPods etc. It provides preview option to view recovered files before data restoration. It supports the operating systems like Mac 10.5.x, Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion. You can download the demo version of this software to check the software features before purchasing the complete version of this tool.