Benefits of Chiropractic Medicine for Pregnant Women
Dr. Maurice Pisciottano, known as Dr. Moe Pisciottano to his patients, graduated with honors and research honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1989. In addition to managing as many as three full-time practices, Dr. Moe Pisciottano has trained 12,000 chiropractic doctors. He advocates the benefits of chiropractic medicine for the entire population.
As a pregnancy progresses, women may experience aches, pains, and various physiological changes. Many of those changes, such as a protruding abdomen and a curved back, cause discomfort. Some discomfort can be ameliorated by qualified chiropractors.
Pelvic changes may occur during pregnancy, and a misaligned pelvis reduces the room available to the baby. Chiropractors can apply techniques to relieve back pain and smooth out pelvic changes.
These techniques not only mitigate discomfort, but also can minimize the risk of cesarean delivery brought about due to complications. In less extreme cases, receiving chiropractic care while pregnant reduces nausea, relaxes the body, and facilitates a quicker labor.
Women interested in receiving chiropractic care during pregnancy should consult with their healthcare provider before making an appointment with a chiropractor.
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Oh yeah one more thing. “The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake - you can't learn anything from being perfect.” - Adam Osborne