In order to understand my journey, you must first understand why I have chosen to embark on this journey. I worked for nearly 30 years in manufacturing in a very physically demanding position, with a variety of technical jobs.
When the economy began to falter, my father also became very ill and needed care. I decided to take a leave of absence because my father had terminal lung cancer. Throughout my experience of taking care of my father, I learned from doctors, nurses, as well as my brother (who was a Registered Nurse) how to administer medication and take proper care of my father. This knowledge inspired me to go back to college and to pursue a career in the medical field.

I obtained my Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) certificate and Phlebotomy certificate from Piedmont Community College (PCC). These certificates counted towards my graduation from PCC in May of 2009 with a regular graduate diploma. I decided to further my education and go into the nursing field. By having these other certifications, I was able to obtain a job in the medical field which has allowed me to pay my way through nursing school. Currently I am in the process of getting my prerequisites to enter into the nursing program, hopefully I will be ready to enter the program by this fall.
Once I complete these prerequisites, I then must apply to the nursing program. The outlook for my application does look promising, because I was recently accepted and will be inducted in April to Phi Theta Kappa (ΦΘΚ) which is an international honors and service society. I was accepted into this organization because of my high grade point average.
If I am accepted into the nursing program, I then will complete two years of classes for the nursing program. Upon successful completion of those courses, I will then obtain my Associate's degree in Registered Nursing. If I so choose after receiving that degree, I may then transfer to another school and obtain my Bachelor's in Registered Nursing, which would allow a much better chance at obtaining employment in this field about which I feel so passionate.