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If you are a Microsoft OS users and using Internet Explorer or IE for browsing and accessing your Yahoo mail account; then only you will get the Security Certificate Error Message. This is a very specific issue with Yahoo Mail users which occurs when you use your Yahoo account on Internet Explorer or IE.

When you will get this error on your screen, you can’t use your Yahoo mail account as this won’t allow you to get access. In this case, you have to fix the error for accessing your account. Before you reach up to the solution; first learn why this error occurs.

Why Security Certificate Error Message occurs on your Yahoo Mail account?


·         When you computer's date is incorrect or using a different time zone



·         If security certificate has expired for you



·         When, Yahoo recognize that the website you are browsing is not trustable



These are common causes when you will get the security certificate error message while using your Yahoo! Mail account. Although the occurrence is not that common or frequent yet, this error message bothers users and you can’t access your account.



Now, you know that the possible causes behind this error message, next you should move to fixing it so, you can get access of your Yahoo mail account easily.



How to fix the Security Certificate Error Message on Yahoo Mail account?

·         You should try after correcting the date and time of your computer



·         Also try after clear the cookies and cache of your browser; also delete the browsing history



·         Always make sure that you are using Yahoo on the latest version of web browser; if needed update your web browser



·         You can also try any other browser recommended by Yahoo or which is supported for the latest  Yahoo mail

What if, none of the above tips work? 

In that case, you need to follow the given guide; this will help you to get the issue fixed.



  • Start with Internet Explorer on a desktop computer


  • Then, click on Tools and then Internet Options; this will open Internet Options for you


  • Here, you need to click on the Advanced tab


  • Now, from the Security option, simply uncheck the boxes Check for publisher's revocation and  Check for server certificate revocation


  • Then click on Apply button


  • Also click on Ok button
  • After that close and re-launch you Internet Explorer/browser, which should correct the error after these changes
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