The best dogs for emotional support therapy
A lot of people with mental illness are prescribed with an emotional support animal to cater them in their treatment process. Most of them go for a dog because of its great loyalty to the owners. There are a number of breeds available of the dogs and people must choose one according to their preferences and liking. Make sure that you have an emotional support dog letter to have a legitimate existence of your support dog.

Top dog breeds for emotional support therapy:
After getting a confirmation from the mental health professional about your mental instability and getting the prescription for having a dog in the official emotional support dog le you can choose for a dog by considering the following list:
· Chihuahua – it is an adorable dog and its small breed is ideal to be chosen as an emotional support dog. They come in a variety of different colors and can also have short or long coats. They are very easy to carry around and can also easily sleep with you in the hospital bed.
· Poodle – It is one of the most popular and funkiest breed of small dogs. They are loved for their cute looks and also having a nice thick coat. They are available in different color coats such as black, brown, apricot, white or a mixture of all these colors. They are highly hypoallergenic and are highly preferred for those patients who have any sort of allergies with animal skin.

Corgi – Corgi is a famous breed of dogs, mostly found in UK and Europe. But, they are accessible in America as well. It is considered as one of the most affectionate and loyal breed of dogs. They are very friendly and highly obedient to their masters.
· French bulldog – The small breed of French bulldog is another ideal option to be chosen as an emotional support dog. Even the small French bulldogs are very muscular, but are very friendly and affectionate with their owners. Their faces are usually small but have nice big body along with batman type ears.
· Dachshund – This breed of dog first originated in Germany in the 17th century. They are adorable and very friendly. They have long bodies, but relatively small sized legs. They are also known to make an excellent option for choosing as an emotional support dog. They are usually available in different shades of brown and black colors.