The culture of fax broadcast companies is increasingly getting popular irrespective of place, life style and economic status of the people. Several fax broadcasting companies are using so many methods to attractcustomers and here is the list of famous services that are being offered by them.
Fax templates:
Designing a fax documentin auser friendly and highly attractive fashionrequires lot of skill and it is time consuming. To solve this problem,several fax broadcasting companies are coming up with fax templates. One can customize these templates as per his/her needs and several companies are offering hundreds of fax template designs so that the client can choose as per his requirements and needs.
Internet fax:
This is an innovativefeature which is getting immenselypopular these days. With this facility user can temporarilyhave a fax number and send/receive documents despite having no fax machine. Users usually choose a fax number from a large pool of available numbers and register that number with his/heremail. Fax messages can be sent from the website whereas the received documents/images will directly go to your registered mail inbox.
Fax Blast:
This is an innovative feature where you can send fax messages from your PC, laptop, desktop or from your tablet. With flash blasting, you can send thousands of fax messages simultaneously. Almost all the fax broadcasting companies are offering this feature.
Auto Redial:
Similar to the function of redial button in your phone;by enabling this function the website will automatically try to send fax messages until the receiver accepts it. One can just enable it by checking the auto Redial box that is present under the settings tab.
Schedule and Send:
This function is extremely useful fir sending wishes in case ofbirthdays, marriage anniversaries etc. You can prepare the fax message (as already told, you just need toedit the name of your loved ones in the templates) and schedule. Even if you forget also, the website will automatically send the message at the scheduled time. This feature will also help employers to send remind notifications about meetings, organizing surprise visits etc.
Do not fax list:
Usually the contact list is saved in the website and one can edit the list as per his requirements. General options include adding/removing contacts, replacing names/numbers etc. Some companies are offering not to include feature through which you can remove your family members and relatives from promotional or official fax messages and similarly one can remove official collogues while sending invitationsfor family celebrations.This feature immensely helps while using the Fax blasting.
Similar to all other websites, fax broadcastcompanies areoffering promotions to attract customers. The promotional offers include10% bonus on first deposit,sign up bonus worth USD 5, free potentialcustomers faxlist etc.Some companies are using unique pricing techniquewhere the user needs to pay if the receiver receives the fax messages only.
Almost all the fax broadcast companies are offering these features and it is better to opt for the company which is offering all these services to get hassle free user experience in future. Read More