
Topic: Life
there are times when i feel that life has so much more than wat i can see....
do you sometimes wish for what you can have? Do you sometimes wonder what it would be like to be born someone else or to have a different family?
sometimes (more often now) i feel so calm and i feel as if the world is at my fingertips...not because i'm so good and popular... i just feel that wonderful feeling like anything can happen and that i'm so is, of course, short live, but worth it... that's a strange feeling, but you never wish to part with it....
sometimes... but there's so many sometimes and so many wishes, it only makes you stress and find complications in life... rather than complicated it, maybe it would be best just to keep smiling and so on with life, 'cause the past can never be change; what's done can never be taken back because it's already been done or said: no matter if you didn't mean it... it still has the same impact... maybe it's destiny or fate that you said what you said and did what you did at that time and place to that person and so on.... ^_^