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“Operating at the Speed of Life”

Surgical Technology Class pictured with Miss. North Carolina, Brooke McLaurin

About Us

Phone: 910-678-8358

Fax: 910-678-8500


FTCC, the third largest community college in North Carolina has a comprehensive educational program including over 110 majors or concentrations.  In addition, the college offers college transfer programs for those who are pursuing a baccalaureate.  Our laboratories are equipped with the latest technology, and our outstanding faculty and staff are here to assist you in reaching your educational goals.

Surgical Technology education requires students to master a combination of knowledge, skills, and values.  Faculty, staff and students develop collaborative learning partnerships to foster commitment to academic excellence, respect for persons, accountability, self reflection, critical thinking, leadership, professional development, and life-long learning.  Over the years, we have built a solid reputation of educating outstanding and compassionate Surgical Technologists, both at the Diploma level and the Associate Degree level.  During 2007, FTCC was named one of the top 20 programs within the US.  We are proud to be among those professionals standing in the forefront of  Allied Health Education helping to create Surgical Technologists who will lead us into the next millennium. 


While students have the option of attending a diploma or associate degree program, according to the Association of Surgical Technologists, most employers prefer to hire graduates from two-year associate degree programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP).


The CAAHEP-accredited program at FTCC offers these features:

· Fully-equipped laboratory to simulate the surgical suite for skills practice and assessment prior to entering the clinical setting

· Integrated professionalism-across-the-curriculum experience to prepare students for success in the workplace.

· More than 500 hours of clinical experience in the operating room.


Clinical Rotation sites include the following:

· Cape Fear Valley Health System

· Southeastern Regional Medical Center

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