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Dario Cotero




Meaningful Topics I Learned in CISB11

            One of the topics that I learned most about is the use of biometric systems.  Biometric systems are the use of a unique physical feature of a person such as a fingerprint.   This is very interesting because these types of systems will pose a challenge to identity theft hackers.  It is a lot more difficult to copy a unique physical feature than it is to copy numbers.  I plan to be an electrical engineer so I might one day work on programming these types of systems which would be interesting because I would help people indirectly fight identity theft with my programming.  As the use of this technology increases, more jobs will be available meaning I will have a better opportunity of finding work. 

            Another topic I learned about is the different types of programming styles.  There are many programming languages used for many different purposes depending on the project.  Programming is something I am interested in.  I enjoy the complexity and the fact that not many people know what is going on with all the words and symbols.  I also enjoy the fact that carelessness is not an option when writing a program.  I like the challenges it poses.  Learning about all this will help me see a broad variety of languages the types that are being used more often in the computer world today such as Java.  Becoming proficient in these languages and learning methods on how projects are executed will allow me to have an advantage over other competitors in my field of study. 

            Knowing how to hyper link web pages are very useful.  Almost all the web pages online today have hyper links that link web pages to one another with a click of the mouse.  I am now able to create a multiple page website although not like the professional ones.  In case I ever want to start my own web page I now have a base to start off with.  With an engineering degree, many possibilities are open and being a web page designer is one of them.  There are so many things I would like to do and this would be another possibility.  Mastering the art of creating web pages like ebay, yahoo and even youtube would be something of my interest.  Having multiple skills with computers will give me more worth to multiple companies and having a variety of choices is something I would like.

            An operating system is the heart of a computer.  Learning there is more than one operating system is interesting because it seems like Intel is the only one that exists today.  One particular operating system named Linux is the most interesting because there are many versions that companies and individuals create.  If I were to work for a company that wants me to work on programming an operating system it would be a company making the Linux operating system.  Intel and Macintosh are well known operating systems but Linux is hardly ever heard of.  I would like to work on creating a Linux operating system because majorities of the people use Intel and Macintosh.  If people were to use the Linux I helped create I would feel accomplished.  I also enjoy the challenge of having to create an operating system that is not very well known and that has big competition in the market.  Learning about these operating systems gives me a more broad view of what is out there and like I previously said, having options is something I want.


Chapter 2 RAM

Chapter 3 Storage

Chapter 5 Linux
