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Hello there! My name is Jennifer Rivers. I am a 14, and I have blackheads on my nose. I really hate them!!

A few weeks ago I wanted to do something to get rid of blackheads once and for all. I heard good things about these facial cleansers but I simply couldn't afford to buy any of it because I have no money on my pocket... well, fortunately we have a huge kitchen with lots of natural things like olive oil, carrots, vegetables and such. I started to experiment what could remove my blackheads. Let me share you the five most effective methods so if you want to know how to get rid of blackheads please read on.

1. Olive Oil with Tea Tree Oil - I used to put this mixture on my face for about three weeks and I have seen significant changes on my skin. It now looks much better than before.

2. Carrot Juice - Nah, that's the coolest thing I have ever tried. I also researched on the internet that carrot juice is good when it comes to get rid of blackheads and helps to remove the dead skin cells which are the main cause of acne and pimples.

3. Banana Shake + Soap - This is an incredible combination, I'm telling you. First I was laughing on the concept, but it turned out as a good facial cleanser and also removed my blackheads on the affected areas.

4. Warm Water + Dad's After Shave - Could be strange, and you might smell like a man after this blackhead treatment but trust me, it's worth a try. Everybody has some after shave lotion at home, right?

5. Mint Toothpaste - This treatment is good to get rid of blackheads within three or four days. It's not that effective as the previously mentioned remedies, but it could do the job and you can find some toothpaste at home hopefully. Put it on your outbreaks before you go to bed, and see the magic in the morning! Don't forget to wash it off with warm water.

Well, I've came across good sites, the best one found is the article at wikipedia and there is another about how to get rid of blackheads on your nose fast.