Hail Sophia, filled with light, the Christ is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among all the Aeons, and blessed is the Liberator of Thy light, Jesus. Holy Sophia, Mother of all gods, pray to the light for us Thy children, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.
Glory Be To The Father-
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
The Gnostic Creed-
We acknowledge one great invisible God, the Unknown Father, the Aeon of Aeons, who brought forth with His providence, the Father, the Mother, and the Son.
We acknowledge the Christos, the self-begotten Son, born from the virginal and ineffable Mother in the high Aeons, who in the Logos of God came down from above to annul the emptiness of this age and restore the fullness of the Aeon.
We acknowledge the Holy Spirit, our Celestial Mother and consoler, who proceeded from Herself, a gift of Herself out of the silence of the unknown God.
We seek the gathering of the sparks of light from the sea of forgetfulness and we look to the glories of eternal life in the Fullness. Amen.
Morning prayer-
Through the power of Jesus Christ's blood and in his name, the grace and protection of the Lord and Lady Sophia, is with me, and with my spirit, Now and forever. Amen.
Prayer For Blessings-
Through the power of Jesus Christ's blood and in his name, provender and sustenance are furnished to me and my household, through the efforts of Jesus Christ, to the glory of the Lord and Lady Sophia, and in Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
(Prayer Booklet to be continued)
Pictures of Holy Sophia-