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Welcome to Gothic Designs

1. NO pms without asked permission. This is NOT a cyber sex room.

2. No Avs may be worn during auction. Gothic Designs Staff Members may wear megas.

3. This is a no harassment or bashing others. Try it and get the boot.

4. You must wear a name, No just numbers or letters, or coming in with anothers name, use your own or be booted, this will not be tolerated.

5. If you come in and never post, or just come in to steal avs, you will be booted.

6. You have to be 18 to enter this room. No underage ones allowed. you will be booted then reported to the Owner of the site.

7. By entering the room you agree to the rules set forth for your protection and Ours. Have fun and enjoy the room and what Gothic Designs has to offer.

8. You will be allowed to wear avs on paint night, or just showing of pics, the size will be 350 X 500 any bigger you will be asked once to change if not then you will be booted.

9. Any caught trying to recruit Designers for their board will be booted from Gothic Designs, and will NOT be allowed to attend anything going on within the room or on the board.

Gothic Designs Board