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GPC Newsletter Feburary 12th Meeting

New Meeting Time and Place: Tuesdays (2/17/09), 6:30 pm, Room 133 1000 South Wabash

Game Production Club

Columbia College, Chicago


12:20 pm John Starts the meeting. The club needs a logo. A clean, versatile logo. If anyone has an idea, please email John or Joe. Also, if you have any ideas concerning GPC community activities, email John or Joe! Such things include, inviting industry people to speak at the club, events, etc. John brings up meeting times. Today will probably be the last day we will be meeting at this time. Keep an eye out on your email box for news for the news meeting time and place.

NOTE: At the time of this writing, the new meeting time is Tuesday, 6:30, room 133.

12:25: John and Joe discuss new possible meeting times with individual members.

12:28: John brings up the possibility of mini meetings during the middle of the week for those who cannot make the major meeting.

12:30: John and Joe bring up our Projects. Scallywag is gone. Jordan states that playtesting was not satisfactory so he came up with a new idea, which he will present later in the meeting. The ARG DUSK from Robert is going on a hiatus. Bloodrush is dead. John states that S!mply Soaring's game is going well and is entering the conceptual artwork/environment art phase. Joe mentions that the only concern has been deadlines. Deadlines have been skipped. He suggests that when you work on a team, try to make game production a priority. For example, if you have a choice of playing a video game for an hour or so OR working on the game project, work on the game project. Everyone is responsible for keeping their own deadlines, if you needs help, then see your team leader. Joe concludes by stating he'll create a google calendar to create deadlines for projects

12:36: John recommends Google over other management utilities. John gets us ready for proposals. He states that is you want to work on a project, email the team leader. John reminds the members, that even though today and next meeting time are club dates for making proposals, club members can make proposals at any time! Joe writes the following on the board:
Outline for Proposal:

1. Project Introduction
2. Personnel needed
3. Projected time
4. Proper Email


Ninja Quest

1 Writer: RPG Story, "Ninja Quest", classic JRPG style

2 Pixel Artists: Pixel/Spritework, in the FF style, Characters, Monsters, Environment, GUI

1 Sound Artist: Effects, etc.

Current build:

Ben Describes his project: Similar to Final Fantasy Games. Needs story, art, music, sound. The majority of the programming is done. It is programmed using Digipen.
Robot Battles!

2 artists: traditional, robot-anime style

1 Assistant: cut/make cards, misc tasks, etc.

Jordan describes his game as a table top game. He needs artists to draw gadgets and work up cards. He has about 50 cards so needs assistance. He also brought up playtesting needs.
Ryan's Project (no title)
Mod Team(Source/ L4D/TF2)(ongoing) 3 maps by L4D Pack

1 Texture Artist:

1+ Map Designers: Source/Hammer, Team Fortress 2 Maps, and later Left 4 Dead maps

Ryan discusses his project: needs people for texture maps. This is an ongoing project, no rush. It's done when it's good. He wants something, for example, Valve can look at and say that it's a 'damn good job'.
Dragon Story

1 Flash Programmer

1 Artist: Flash, cartoony, "legendary frog" style

Matt Discusses his proposal. Dragon Story is a working title. A parody of the fantasy genre: Rescue a princess from a dragon. Progression similar to most adventure games.

John closes the meeting. Remember to please Check your email for new meeting dates and times!

Video Game News Feeds

Board Gaming News Feed:

Below is a selection of Gaming (among other stuff) News Feeds, enjoy!

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Newsletter Updates for Members

Remember, we are looking for contributors to the newsletter. I'll be speaking with John and Joe at the next meeting to see if I can turn this into an internet newsletter (seeks subscribers outside of our club). These people will read our articles, and who knows, we may come to the attention of some people in the Gaming Industry. If any club member has an idea for an article, or has any art postings, feel free to email them to me.

Also, if you would like, I can add your personal web pages, portfolio page, etc. links the newsletter. Your links to gaming blog posts are also welcome! So, if you have any links, feel free to email them to me!

Below are some suggestions from our President, John:

* Game Reviews
* Game Critical Analysis (which we should encourage over just reviews)
* Essays (Even something you've done for class, people might send in something if they got a good grade or liked it, and it's not extra work on their part)
* Game Ideas
* Game Mechanics
* Mechanics discussion (like: Turn based vs. Real Time, or the concequences of mini-games on game flow)
* artwork (done for games, or whatever they person wants to show off that's close enough to relevant)

GPC Links

Facebook Group

Are You A PC Gamer And Want The Best Out Of Your Graphics Card?


In this article you will learn how to get the most out of your graphics card by installing new drivers and tweaking Windows. The guide is based around Windows XP Professional Edition but you can use the same guide to tweak other Windows operating systems.

Step 1.

The first thing you need to know what graphics card you are using. The most popular graphics card companies are nVidia and ATi. Both these companies have an excellent range of products and offer excellent service. Once you know what graphics card you are using, then head over to the companies website where you can download the latest drivers.

Drivers are software that runs your graphics card, printer or scanner correctly. Being up to date with drivers will help solve issues that may arise with modern PC games. Just recently I had to update my drivers to fix a problem I had with a game I recently purchased, and this solved my problem.

OK once you have downloaded your drivers for your graphics card make sure you create a restore point using the utility System Restore. This can be done my click Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools and then System Restore. Then follow the on screen instructions to create the restore point. By doing this it makes sure that if a problem occurs after you installed the new drivers, you can return to the restore point to see if the problem is the drivers you installed.

Once you've finished creating your restore point, you need to install your drivers. This can done by double clicking on the file you downloaded and then you follow the on screen instructions. After you've installed your drivers you will have to restart Windows so the changes can take effect.

If everything goes according to plan you should see an increase in performance in your games and you will not need to go back to your restore point. If you do have problems, use your restore point to go back and fix the problems. If the problem persists, then contact the company that made your graphics card.

Step 2.

Make sure you have the latest version of DirectX. This can be done by going onto the Microsoft website and searching DirectX. Once you've downloaded the latest version, you will need to create another restore point. One person I know installed the latest version of DirectX and then had problems afterwards, and because they didn't create a restore point they couldn't fix the problem and so they needed to reformat their computer to solve the problem. Again to create a restore point, go to Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools and then System Restore.

Once you've created the restore point install the latest version of DirectX by double clicking on the file you just downloaded. Follow the on screen instructions and once you've finished you will have to restart your Windows.

Step 3.

In this step I will guide you through tweaking Windows XP. The first step will be changing the performance of Windows, to do this right-click on My Computer and then Properties->Advanced->Performance->Settings and select ‘Adjust for best Performance'.

The next step is to change your Themes, so right-click on your desktop and select Properties. Under the Themes tab set your theme to Windows Classic.

(NOTE: This article has been reprinted from with permission.)