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A Program of NFI North, Inc.NAFI


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  March 16, 2025
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The Contoocook School, located in Contoocook, New Hampshire is an intensive educational day school for grades 6-12. The school's components include academic programming, individual and group counseling support, recreation, and experiental learning. Students are encouraged to become invested in their school program and actively participate in their own educational and personal advancement.




The Contoocook School provides a safe, caring and structured educational
environment for students.


"To value and respect ourselves and the community while learning and growing."


2007-2008 Handbook






Delicious Milk Chocolate candy bars on sale now! See a staff member or student to purchase. Only $1.00!

Overnight Trip
June 16-17th: End of the year overnight trip to
Moosilauke Ravine Lodge

Moosilauke Lodgemore info >

©2008 The Contoocook School / Nafi,Inc.