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Mr.‭ ‬Hemal Jhaveri fills in as Chairman,‭ ‬Chief Executive Officer,‭ ‬and President of the SofTec Solutions,‭ ‬Inc, Hemal Jhaveri is life in a Lone tree.‭ ‬He administers the general administration and achievement of SofTec.‭ ‬Mr.‭ ‬Jhaveri has more than a quarter century of PC and data innovation experience.‭ ‬He established SofTec in‭ ‬1996‭ ‬and assumed a vital part in its development and vital direction.‭ ‬In‭ ‬2002,‭ ‬Mr.‭ ‬Jhaveri diverted SofTec‭’s’ center to the Public Sector and shaped two divisions inside it‭ ‬– one concentrated on IT administrations and Operations and Management work and the other on Enterprise Solutions.

In July 1996, he decided to open his own IT consulting services firm – SofTec Solutions. On day one, he was the only billable employee and his first contract was with Total Petroleum as an acting Chief Information Officer. Day two, he added 2 employees. SofTec’s primary focus has been working with Enterprise based solutions as well as IT staffing solution.

Hemal Jhaveri lone tree man and his organization are additionally committed to persistently setting new benchmarks of giving by contributing noteworthy time and monetary assets to various foundations and urban associations – among a couple are OpenWorld Learning, Volunteers of America, St. Baldrick’s Foundation, Every Child Reading. Reliable with his sense of duty regarding giving back, he by and by adds to an assortment of magnanimous associations and has given noteworthy adds up to poor endeavors everywhere throughout the world.