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Lesson One: Creating Web Pages Using Microsoft Word


One easy way to create a simple web page is to use Microsoft Word. Start by creating a Word document. Any text, graphics, or hyperlinks that you insert into your Word document will be automatically converted to a web-compatible format by Word’s built in HTML translator. When the user saves a Word document as a web page, the program does the following:



Not all versions of Word have this capability. Be sure to check your installation and, if necessary, install this portion of the Word program.


Getting Started


Word offers a variety of options for creating new web pages.  The user can simply open and start a new blank document or a new blank web page, use a template, or use one of the Word wizards. Each option allows the user to add content such as images and text to a document that will be converted to HTML format.


To save the newly created document as a web page, go to File, Save As. Give the new web page a name that does not contain any spaces and is, preferably, eight characters or less in length.  Click the arrow next to Save as Type and change the type from Word document to Web Page (*htm,*html).


Word will automatically save the document in an HTML format and append the file extension .htm to the file name.  It will also create a folder with the same name as the file plus _files and will store an XML instruction file and all image files within this folder.  In other words, if I created a Word document and saved it as a web page, giving it the name jennifer, Word would create a file called jennifer.htm and a folder called jennifer_files.


To publish my new web page to the Internet and have it appear correctly, I would need to make sure the file jennifer.htm and the folder jennifer_files plus its contents were all present in my web server directory.


Lesson Three: Adding Images to Your Web Page


As you create your web pages using Word, you will want to include images as a way of making your web page come alive.


You may download free non-copyright protected images from a variety on online sources, save these files to your hard drive, and then insert them into your web page using Word.  You may also want to take advantage of Word’s built-in clip art gallery to add images.


Adding Images from External Files


Use this method if you are adding images you have created yourself, saved from an online clip art site, or created from scanned images.


Place the cursor wherever you wish to insert an image. Click on Insert, Picture, From File.  You will see a screen that looks similar to this:




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