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Loan Modification
Mortgage Loan Modification
Friday, 29 May 2009
Loan modification process and home loan debtors
Topic: Loan Modification

Troubled times for home loan debtors
These are troubled times as far as homeowners and their debts are concerned. Good for the banks and lending institutes, because many debtors are defaulting, resulting into a resale of their homes, which in turn fetch a decent profit for banks. Bad for debtors since they end up losing their most prized possession – their home. Loan modification facilities can offer an alternative for the debtors to “save” their situation and still pay off their dues – simultaneously. There are options available for individuals who owe money in the form of debts to banks, and who don’t have enough funds to redeem their dues.

Loan modification process
Unlike home mortgage refinancing Loan modification process is aggregating all your existing loans into a single major loan having it’s own terms and conditions and a monthly pay off schedule. The major advantage of a loan modification process is that you end up dealing with one loan rather than keep track of several loans. You also have one monthly payment plan to redeem your loan, so it’s easier to take care of paying your outstanding loan dues. And it’s also easier to pay your monthly dues – you can select your monthly plan or have one drafted out that caters to your monthly cash inflow or income. The advantages are many.

  • Reduced interest rates, which is always lower than refinance mortgage rate so you pay less to redeem your loan
  • Reduction in the monthly payment while paying your dues
  • Consumer gets the option to pay off the total dues earlier and become debt free sooner.
  • Stop “collection” calls from creditors
  • Live a hassle-free life


Knowing the advantages of a particular process leads to the next obvious question – what’s the process involved? It’s easier to understand the exact working and the following points explain it:

  • The borrower contacts the creditor to find out whether he or she qualifies for a mortgage loan modification program, or not.
  • If the borrower is eligible, the creditor reduces the interest rate on the borrower’s mortgage. Doing so reduces the borrower’s monthly payments by as much as 38 percent of his or her income.
  • The lender then further cuts the interest rate so the monthly payments decrease to only 31 percent of the borrower’s income. The cost of this secondary rate reduction is shared between the creditor and the federal government.
  • The creditor may also lower the borrower’s monthly payments by reducing the total amount owed, and extend the loan term so as to “restructuring” the existing loan conditions. This ensures the net interest amount charged on the principal loan amount is drastically reduced.
  • The government may reward borrowers with an additional $1,000 per year in terms of “benefits” if they keep up their payments after their loan is modified.

Availing loan modification
Loan modification facilities are made available by mortgage brokers and banks, as the primary loan modification credit lenders. However, private companies and firms also deal with home loan modification facilities. The net is the best place to find such lenders, since all major creditors have their own portals – and those who don’t should be well avoided since they might not be “up to the mark” – a web site presence is most essential for all business since it provides “legitimacy” to their financial existence. The other options include going through news papers and financial periodicals where many loan modification companies advertise themselves.

Posted by homemortgagerefinance at 8:50 AM EDT
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Find a solution of your financial liabilities with loan modification
Topic: Loan Modification

Loan modification is the most effective way to avoid foreclosure for homeowners if they are lacking behind in their mortgage payments and experiencing financial difficulties. In this situation they have two option either they can go for home mortgage refinancing or for mortgage loan modification.   To put it simply, loan modification is a permanent change in one or more conditions associated with the terms and conditions of a mortgagor’s loan. This makes the payment of monthly dues easier. The repayment schedule becomes more “affordable” and easier for the mortgagor who might be already facing financial difficulties. Usually the changes involved in a mortgage loan modification are:

  • Reduction in the rate of interest
  • Increase in the length of the  term of loan
  • A different type of loan
  • Or any combination of the  above three

Many homeowners are resorting to loan modification because they find it difficult, and at times impossible to pay their mortgages.  The debtors are starting to “educate” themselves on the loan modification procedure, and many individuals now realize that availing loan modification facilities through a loan modification company can be a very easy process and its also save your thousands of dollars as it comes at lower interest rate rather than mortgage refinance rates . The company’s debt experts have the capability to negotiate the mortgage loan modifications issues successfully on your behalf, with your bank and eventually save your house. Individuals think that in order to “qualify” for this option, they need to be on the verge of foreclosure, or they need to “default” on their mortgage payments for some while. This is not true. You can avail mortgage loan modification benefits even if you have a good repayment record and still feel the modification can work out in your favor and you can save some money. If your business sales have started dropping, or you’re faced with a big decline in your income, it’s possible to negotiate the “terms” of your loan with the lender and improve upon your financial conditions without refinancing mortgage.

New government plans have given lenders more incentives to go in for mortgage modification, however, the best option for you might still be a successful “negotiation” process and restructure your existing loan. Benefiting from the loan modification process can be advantageous and help you save your “home”, however it’s important that you get the best rates for your credit, beneficial terms and conditions for paying your outstanding dues, and restructuring of your payment schedule. So make sure you get the best modification possible - the one that makes your life stress free. Same time you can also avail the services of no closing cost refinance, but its bit difficult than loan modification.


Posted by homemortgagerefinance at 8:49 AM EDT
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Thursday, 28 May 2009
Loan Modification Tips - To Get Best Solution
Mood:  happy
Topic: Loan Modification
Loan modification services are becoming more popular these days. Each day around 10,000 foreclosures are carried out in the United States, and the number is likely to increase in the near future. Loan Modification help you to avoid foreclosures by modifying the existing loan. As on today, many debtors are becoming more and more interested in availing the modification facility to avoid foreclosure. Modifying the current loan helps lenders save on legal fees, and ensure a steady inflow of monthly payments from the homeowner.

Lenders and homeowners both are in a win-win situation. Considering the market conditions and the financial difficulties faced by debtors while repaying their loan installments, perhaps it’s the best time to opt for loan modification program, since the lenders are ready to “allow” loan modifications.

Loan modification features
• Your credit history does not matter. It won’t matter even if you have excellent credit history or if you’re on time or late with your mortgage refinance payments. You will be eligible for home loan modification facilities.

• It’s not necessary to maintain equity for your home. It won’t make any difference even if you have lots of “equity”. At times, having small or no equity will in fact help in reduction of the principle amount.

• Your previous or current employment “history” is not an issue. Factors such as job changes, employment gaps, and decline in monthly or annual income are not important factors.

• You don’t need a bad interest rate, or an ongoing ARM loan to qualify. Many times loan modification is a good option for consumers who are looking out to Bad Credit Refinance. Having a low equity, a “small” bank balance, or improper credit ratings is not an issue while availing loan modification services.

• If you’re not prepared or don’t understand the “qualifying” procedure, or if you make a mistake while filling up the Mortgage Loan Modification application form, there are good chances of being rejected. You get just one chance to qualify. So it’s important to prepare your case well and present it in the best possible manner to qualify.

Cash out home mortgage refinance loans available for bad credit and no credit people at best mortgage interest rates. No credit check, no closing cost and no doc mortgage refinancing loan at low interest rate and second mortgage.

Posted by homemortgagerefinance at 5:17 AM EDT
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What you require to acquire Loan Modification
Mood:  happy
Topic: Loan Modification
Loan modification is the all time favorite most advantageous resolution for all homeowners for whom refinancing is not an alternative. The Loan Modification popularity has exploded as a solution for those homeowners facing financial difficulties in the current market. There are a lot of nuances to believe when placing your loan modification program. For initiator, lenders have an exclusive set of standards for what they need from you, in terms of fiscal papers like evidence of income, cause for demanding a loan modification, etc., and often times attaining these details can be complicated. Your lenders may have sold your finance to other agencies to formulate complicated substances, either as a mortgage refinance or in a package of finances called a safety, where you can ask any questions and gather information, which is called the loan service.

Thousands of Americans suffer defaults and probable foreclosure if they are not able to negotiate a mortgage modification with their own lender. Agencies have bounced up to develop these borrowers, kill their worries of foreclosure as well as their unawareness of the complex foreclosure process. Loan Modification Programs “counselors” charge fees or offer services free-of-charge. Many mortgage loan modification services and the quantity of loan modifications keep on increasing as the federal government splits out almost $10 billion for 7 services to carry out modifications. They also initiated a new loan modification program that uses standard measure to qualify borrowers for loan modifications.

It can be complex, but availing loan modification programs may be just worth it, still make certain you are dealing with person who would provide you all kind of option so your family and you would have an apparent idea and you can make out the best decision independently, this will provide you the maximum probability for achievement! Dishonest loan modification loan counselors can be found easily outside in every mortgage like bad credit refinance , mortgage refinance firm, trolling for worried borrowers. Their announcement and advertisement flood region that have been suffered from foreclosure. So you need proper guidance and research to choose best loan modification companies which can provide you your all required oan modification Companies and facilities. Take a caution before choosing any loan modification companies. Non-lenders could charge for assisting to manage a loan modification only after offering promised loan modification facilities and services and they inform customers that parallel services are obtainable without charge from non-profit accommodation counselors.

What will you require to acquire Loan Modification? Most probably there will be only one online form that you’ll require to fill up completely. The Apply forms required are accessible on any secure website when you can apply for Mortgage Loan Modification services. The fields on web form must be personalized to your circumstances, but can contain an application. Now days many people meet the criteria for a home loan modification than you even might think! Consider that someone having difficulty paying their finance is a possible person for a loan modification.

Especially best candidates are home owners having high interest rate on permanent rate loan or Second Mortgage. The list of meeting the criteria for hardship is lengthy, and it includes “reduced hours at work”, “job loss”, “divorce” and “illness”.

Posted by homemortgagerefinance at 5:16 AM EDT
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