Today I am going on the Hajj which is the 4 day trip to our holiest city, which is Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The hajj must be carried out by every able bodied muslim that can afford the trip.
During the month of Ramadan which is the ninth month on the islamic calendar is our most blessed month. Key things to Ramadan are that we are to pray, sawm (which is fasting but only from sunrise to sunset.), do charity, and have self-accountability.
We 5 pillars/rules that we must abide by.
They are that:
1.)There is no God but Allah, and the messenger of Allah is Mohammed.
2.) We must pray 5 times daily in the direction of Mecca as directed by the Quaran.
3.)The daily fast performed in the month of Ramadan.
4.)We must give a fixed portion og our income to the poor and charitible causes.
5.)The pilgrimage to Mecca that all muslims should try to make at least once in their life time.
Mohammed is the founder of our religion. We worship Allah(God).The jewish god is Jehova. Our God's are both baiscally the same we just have different beliefs than the Jews and different practices. We are also a Monotheistic faith because we believe only in Allah as a superior being.