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ello I am Ruby Rubio; I am a junior in the College
of Technology at the University of Houston. I am pursuing a career in
construction management, but besides construction I’ve become increasingly
interested in photography. I enjoy capturing odd shape or forms and most
importantly good times with friends and family.
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hotography is a form art that
captures the diverse expression of people and the beauty of our environment. In
addtion, photography encourages us to explore our curiosity. The curiosity
leads to the discovery of beauty in
variuos odd objects or forms in our surroundings. Above all wonderful times are
also obtained with a single snap and to be cherished forever. Below are some of
my family pics.
John Cleary
John Cleary
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ohn Clearly
is a native Houstonian, owner and founder, of the John Cleary Gallery. John
Cleary focused on aiding photographers to enhance their collection. His gallery
is the longest running in Houston in which exhibits classic and modern
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