How to get to the top of Google search results?

Every webhost would like to see his or her site on top results when
prospective clients use search engines to locate web resources. Claiming high
place on search results is no rocket science if webhosts can crack strategies
or criteria used in ranking websites. So the first question in the minds of
enthusiastic webhosts must be how to
get to the top of Google search results? Unlimited information flows on the
internet for the convenience of amateurs.
This search giant uses something called search spiders that crawl
through websites to measure one and two way web links. These are nothing but
web nodes that get registered when visitors or clients click on official sites
and its related pages at any point of time. It simply means that more traffic a
website hosts the better page rankings would be.
Now the twist to the concept is that prospective clients especially through search engines visit through sites listed on the first page preferably the first few ones. Hence webhosts can use a lot of other online advertisements and marketing strategies in order to create web nodes manually. These options of clearly elaborated on various web sources that help in bringing awareness on How to get to the top of Google search results? Keywords are optimized with interesting information and hyperlinked with next in line sites or official sites. These are placed on different web platforms in an attempt to capture the attention of target clients.