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This is a temporary site until I can properly set a subdomain and new link. It should eventually end up as something along the lines of a masked or something similar

In the mean time, here are some hopefully useful links

Information on requirements for the Work Holiday Visa specific to each Country.
Searchable database of all of the world's Embassies for every nation.
TEFL Official Job Search Page
World Currency Converter
Tips for Non-EU Passport holders
With regards to the last link, Carla if you still need it, here's a direct quote from the site:

"Germany allows non-EU passport holders to get freelance visas. However, they require that you have German-approved health insurance (you can find info on Toy Town Germany, How to Germany, and there's four of them at the bottom of this page). as well as at least two offers of freelance employment. and enough money in the bank to support yourself (at least a couple thousand dollars). It also helps if you know some German to help you deal with the people at the immigration and tax offices"

Sorry for the lack of anything else yet, but I'll need a bit of time to plan out the site, add the forum and design the front page. It should be fully set up sometime before the course ends.