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  • Recharge 24 hours a day online
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Alltel, Boost Mobil, Cingular, STi Mobil, T-Mobil, Tracfone, and Verizon Wireless.
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  • You receive credits to your Account for every first purchase your friends make: $2 for $10 purchase, $4 for $20 purchase, $10 for $50 purchase.
  • You get 1% Discount for one year for every friend who makes a purchase. You may accumulate up to 15% Discount for all your purchases!

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Call to All Countries!

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Low rates for long distance and international calling inside the U.S. and around the world. Phone cards with best prices to call Europe, Russia, Africa, Latin America, Australia, India, Israel, Asia, China. Calling Card Calls processes your order online using a secure SSL protocol and instantly delivers your calling card via e-mail 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Buy phone cards from the comfort of your own home. Recharge your calling cards online. Check the balances on your prepaid phone cards and transfer balances between your calling cards

Select countries to find the Best phone rates!

We offer you a great variety of calling cards for your national and international phone call needs.

Take a look at the international phone card features:

  • Local access numers. Get even lower rates when calling using local numbers. Also works great if you have free minutes on your cell phone.
  • Toll free access. Use toll free 1-800 access if you prefer.
  • Instant PIN. Receive your instructions and PIN instantly via e-mail 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No wait!
  • Permanent refillable PIN. You setup remains the same. Just recharge your card securely online.
  • Automatic refill option. If you would like, you may enable automatic refill of your card if it reaches a certain balance. No need to access internet, your card will be recharged automatically.
  • Direct PIN-less dialing. Register the phone numbers from which you are calling, and you won't need to enter any access codes or PIN.

Use your Visa, MasterCard and Discover, privacy and security guaranteed.
Your privacy and security. Credit card payment transaction is processed by leading e-commerce Payment Transaction Company: VeriSign - Credit Cards Processing Center. Our site does not have access to your credit card number and your private information.  
Your credit card's data is transferred to VeriSign directly using security protocol for Internet payments - SSL, so the information remains confidential. Site receives confirmation from VeriSign that your payment transaction is completed.
You may also use PayPal.
Read more about privacy and security.

Calling cards to use to call USA. If you ever travel abroad, you know how expensive those calls back home to USA are. You will pay anywhere from $1 to $5 a minute depending on your location. Calling Card Calls offers you a variety of calling cards that can be used in Europe, Russia, Mexico, Central and South America, Africa and Asia. Some of the cards work both in the U.S. and abroad, so you can use it while you travel and when you are home.

If you have relatives or friends that live outside the U.S., do them a favor and buy a calling card for them. For example, to call USA from Russia will cost around $2.00 a minute if your loved ones are using a local phone company. In comparison, Calling Card Calls offers phone cards with local access numbers in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities, so it won't cost anything for your friends or family in Russia, and it will only cost you around 10 cents a minute, as opposed to $2 a minute.

We also offer calling cards with local numbers that work in Europe, Mexico, Japan, Canada, to name a few. Just choose a country where you would like the call to be placed from to find the best international rate.

Frequently Asked Questions about Calling Cards

When and how do I receive my calling card?
You receive an e-mail with your calling card information with complete instructions and access numbers immediately after placing your secure order. If you are a first-time buyer your credit card information and identity will first be verified. This is done for your protection.

What if I lost my calling card instructions, access numbers, or PIN?
You may login to your account and look up your invoices securely online. They will include a copy of your calling card instructions with all the information you might need to use a card purchased on Calling Card Calls.

Can I check my phone card balance online?
Login to your account to check your balance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Recharge your calling card or transfer balances between your calling cards online.

Is there a way to recharge my calling card without internet access?
Yes, there are two ways you can recharge your cards without using the internet:
1. You can activate Automatic Refill on your card.
2. You can refill by phone using a toll free number supplied in your calling card instructions.

More Frequently Asked Questions may be found in the FAQ section.

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