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My Life
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My Blog

Thursday, 3 April 2008

The Beginning
Mood:  down
Topic: My Life


First i would like to thank you for reading my little blog. and i would lik to sy that i am going to be writing about my life and lets just say it isnt the happiest story you have ever read. I want to say that if you are going through a hard time with your family, drugs, depression, cutting, or relationship problems i want to let you no that i have been there and i am 100% willing to answer any questions anyone may have either about my life or if you want advice for what to do next in your own life. now enough with the introduction lets get on with it.

     I am going to tell you the story of my life. at the time i write this  i am 14 years old. i live in ohio and my name is Tyler. i have been through many things in my short life and i am willing to tell it all to you. i absolutely dont trust people with even half of this information but im not telling you my city, school, friends names, or my last name so even if you do know me you wont be able to tell. when i say something such as "my friend Jason punched me in the stomache" Jason could be someone named Jack, Randy, Michael, or any other name in the world.

     starting from the first things i can remember my life was good. i had a nice house, fun family and relatives, no real money porblems in my home, and we all loved eachother. My dad had a job that paid him well and my mom also had a high position job. Life was fun.

     In July of my 5th year of life, my little brother was born. we had moved to a much bigger house in a "White picket fence" neighborhood in a "rich person's house." i had friends and i was still happy. my first tragedy in life wasntuntil 3 years later.

     It was in later November when my family was sitting down to watch a movie when my grandma called. she was very scared and she said that my grandpa had stopped breathing. it turns out that he had a massive blood clot by his heart. it was so large that even if he was in the hospital with his chest open and ready for surgery when it happened they still couldnt have saved him so no matter what he was dead.

     not a year later my aunt was put into the hospital for a stroke and she was going mentally crazy. i believe that it was 4 years prior ro that when she got into a car accident and broke her back and she was paralyzed from the waist down. she eventually died and that was number two...

     Then i believe it was one year after that when my aunt got diagnosed with cancer. it was a little over a year that she fought off cancer and then she was taken. she had just gotten into remission when she took a turn for the wrse that killed her.

   im sorry but im going to stop here for tonight. i tired and im getting really depressed writing this. and i want to add that if you are going through a hard time with your family, drugs, depression, cutting, or relationship problems and you need someone to talk to please dont hesitate to email me and ask for me to listen.i may become a therapist when i grow up and i want as much practice as i can get and besides that, i no how hard my life is and nothing would makeme happier than to know i helped someone wit their problems. Please consider it and email me at and add me to your friends on myspace at and thanks again for reading this first installment.

Posted by itcouldalwaysbeworse at 9:40 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 3 April 2008 10:12 PM EDT
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