Ask about Custom Photo Christmas Cards and Invitations. Contact me for a quote! Thanks, Jessica Navigation home prices contact products retouching Thank You Helpy Helperson!
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Briefly... name: Jessica Poe
age: 23
gender: Female
location: Buffalo Valley, Oklahoma
status: Happily Married
job: Photographer Extraordinaire
Detailed... Welcome to my site, everyone. Take a minute to look around and notice my Darlings below; click each image to see the rest of that album. Within the next month or so, I should be adding a couple baby sessions, a wedding or two and some senior portraits. I will post examples of some Christmas Cards and Baby Announcements as well. Things are slow-going right now, but they should start picking up soon. My prices are undergoing some maintenance. So, you will have to message me for a quote on a shoot or any digital work. Thanks for stopping by. ~Jessica Darlings...
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