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Episode One: The First Match Back

The scene opens up in the bottom of the Cornett Mansion, which in and of itself is expansive beyond imagination. The basement is a personal training center for what has quickly become known as the Cornett Dynasty; The Borderline Psycho-Genius, JMC, and the Angelfire, Nikki Starr-Cornett. But this time, JMC is not in the ring. He's not even in the gym area. He's in a new area, his office in the basement. He's typing on his computer, and it isn't until we see the conversation that we realize who it is he's talking to.

James.M.Cornett says:
     Good to see you able to talk in some way, Cal.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     You and me both. How's things going?
James.M.Cornett says:
     Not good. You know anything about what Drake's been doing?
The Anti-Thesis says:
     Yeah, complete crap all around. I mean, we all knew Drake could be a dick, but this is the first time I've seen just how far the ass can go.
James.M.Cornett says:
     Welcome to America...
The Anti-Thesis says:
     But congrats on being a grandpa at least! That's something I never thought I'd ever get to tell you.
James.M.Cornett says:
     :-D Yeah, it's a pretty good feeling. While I don't like how it happened, this is one of the best things I could see happening. And at least Linsday's over eighteen, so she's already a better example than I was.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     Point made. Word has it you challenged Drake to a TSFH match as a result.
James.M.Cornett says:
     Yeah, but knowing Drake, he's going to figure out a way around it. I'm pretty much done with the administration aspect, I know that.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     :-( How do you figure?
James.M.Cornett says:
     Because I know Drake well enough to know that he specifically set a clause in the contract up where if I went unstable like I did, I would no longer be able to get the TEW Executive Representative position. And now with him owning half the company, there's no need for him to even be E.R. but in name only.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     I see your point. But at least you can take your frustrations out on Magna.
James.M.Cornett says:
     I don't exactly consider that a consolation. Magna's the type that you extend the length of the match to make it look like you're actually putting up a fight. I'm just hoping to see if he's actually improved.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     And a Glass Cage Match? That's a new one even for you, James.
James.M.Cornett says:
     Yeah, but I have no choice. Hey, while I got you on here, you have all the recordings of C2W's stuff, right?
The Anti-Thesis says:
     Of course. There wasn't an aspect of that arena I didn't have tapped at some point.
James.M.Cornett says:
     Do me a favor--see if you can get any of the conversations that Drake had. Charity believes he may have had something to do with JSane's bullshit.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     You bet. I have no doubt in my mind, given the last decade, that Drake would be capable of that.
James.M.Cornett says:
     What do you mean by that?
The Anti-Thesis says:
     Well, Drake was making some commentary about HBAW that was a little off. Something about the night you won the HBAW Heavyweight Championship for the first time.
James.M.Cornett says:
     That was the night Karyn was...:-O You don't think....
The Anti-Thesis says:
     Given the way Drake's acting, I wouldn't be too surprised if he was the one behind your hand being shattered over twenty years ago.
James.M.Cornett says:
     You know, you're not wrong...Drake surfaced in my life about the time that happened...I wonder just what kind of things he's truly been responsible for.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     Now's not the time to be reflecting on the past. You have a promo to cut.
James.M.Cornett says:
     Point made. I just hope I can do's been about four years since the last time I've cut a promo.
The Anti-Thesis says:
     Dude, I don't think you have anything to worry about. You've got the honor of winning the EWA Best Mic Skills award two years in a row. You can do this.
James.M.Cornett says:
     Thanks, Cal. That's just the confidence booster I needed. I'll talk to ya after a while.

James logs off the computer and leaves the office. He goes upstairs and grabs a Flip Ultra camcorder. As he rushes downstairs, the tail of his sleeveless trench coat flows across the stairs. In fact, he almost looks old-school as he sets the camera up at one of the corners of the ring that he has set up for training purposes. He takes a deep breath as he begins to focus.

"Twenty years...I have a twenty-year history with a man that has put me into an insane asylum, and I never saw any of this coming. But then, that's the least of the indiscretions. Drake...listen up, and listen closely. You and I have a date on April 11th, in the most brutal match that has ever been conceived...the Three Stages of FinalHazard. And if you think you're weaseling out of it, you have another thing coming. You have caused my family more grief in the last few weeks than I've ever experienced in the last twenty years. Hell, for all I know, you might be responsible for some of that, too. I know the way your mind works, I should after twenty years. What I find incredulously aggravating, however, is that you had the nerve to rape, and then seduce under corrupt pretenses, the very daughter of mine that you helped get me custody of! I have done nothing but be kind to you, respect you, hell, I gave you a job when most lawyers in Indiana were having to fold up and move shop! And this is how you betray us? By knocking up my eldest child by force and putting me into the Bowen Center to dope me up on medication that is clearly more detrimental than helpful? And then, on top of that, you have the nerve to try to recreate a rivalry that was settled four years ago when we fried those two goons of yours? Charity had done nothing to you, and you violated her beyond what you even did to Lindsay in order to refuel the fires of a past issue that has since been left for dead? What kind of sick degenerative freak are you?! Did you NOT think we were going to find out anyway?

"My family was doing great...Lindsay was in college, D.J. was the star actress in her high school, and Eugene has shown athletic skills beyond what even I'm capable of in both football and basketball. We didn't need this drama...we thought we'd put it behind us. But then you had to go and start cancelling credit cards and return tickets, putting people into mental hospitals, and messing with the personal lives of people that have since moved on. Well, if you think going against the Cornett Dynasty is the way to go make a name for try. You try to destroy me...but I have made it clear from word go never to fuck with my family...and have crossed a line few ever survive from. Consider our alliance over, because I refuse to be associated with someone who has the downright audacity to try to ruin families like that. I am done playing that game now that I have a grandchild on the way, and if you and any other botards think for a collective three seconds...which means you would have rented functioning brain cells to accomplish that...that you can walk in and take over Twisted Elegance Wrestling and make everyone your bitch, then I have a news flash for you. You are going to be dead wrong, because come our first PPV, the Three Stages of FinalHazard will claim you like they claim everyone else that has ever done me wrong. And keep in's not just the Cornett Dynasty you're going to have to worry about anymore. You've got the Cornetts, the Donimaris, and the Krauses all ready to kick your ass, not to mention Michael and anyone else who wants to join in the games. It's about to become Dragon Season in TEW."

He takes a bit of a break and paces through the ring, trying to figure out who else to address. He happens to catch the latest Brandon Kraus promotion. Smiling wide as Brandon and Misty are finally seeing his side of things. He turns back to the camera.

"Brandon and I have always had a mutual respect for each other. We may not have always gotten along, but over the years we've put on some of the greatest matches in the history of the EWA. We even had a couple of fantastic matches as a team. I personally want to apologize to you for everything that my former ally has done to your family, and what he could potentially do. You and Misty both know I have nothing to do with anything that Drake has pulled, and I appreciate your willingness to help out on this. You and I have a common enemy now, and Drake seems determined to keep us from collaborating. Well, I say it's time to let the past be the past and take that so-called Dragon Warrior out. We have the capacity to change the nature of how things are handled. As I've said, if you need anything at all, you let me know, and I'll do what I can to help you out. We EWA people need to stick together in this chaos that has happened, and now that we have a common enemy, I think this might just be the time to form our own Extreme Alliance."

JMC runs his fingers through his hair as he closes his eyes. As he opens them back up, we see him more relaxed and composed.

"And then...we have Magna...the fuckin' bane of my existance. How is it every time I go somewhere, this Cornett wannabe follows me like a lost little puppy? Magna, don't think I've forgotten how you tried to milk your career off of my legacy by trying to pass yourself off as a Cornett. Okay, so you managed to win the C2W World Championship without it. But as I recall, that wasn't exactly an innocent win for you. You required help even then. And now you're sitting here thinking that you can use me to boost your career into TEW. Boy, let me tell you this in a way that even you will understand. When I first started out in the Attitude Wrestling Coalition, I started out on fire, and at the first PPV I was at, I challenged the biggest dog I could find to make a name for myself. You wanna know what happened? I got the shit kicked out of me and got it replaced with reality. I had to climb back up, work hard to get to where I am now.

"So you're a Hall of Famer. Your induction was a joke. Granted, you were EWA's most vocal supporter, but aside from that, what exactly did you accomplish? Meanwhile, I worked my ass off and obtained a status shared by only one other person in the entire world at this point. I earned my status by the matches I had with Brandon Kraus, and even he will tell you that pound for pound, move for move, brain for brain, there is no one in this company that even comes CLOSE to matching him, and in doing so, I have become the guy that people want to beat in order to establish themselves, meaning that I am a standard of ability that everyone has to eventually pass. There are a hundred people who have challenged me in order to meet that standard. A few of them have succeeded, and the ones that succeeded had careers far beyond what anyone has ever expected them to have. Ask Liquid-X, Coma, or Max Hell. I'll even give you one better...ask Ground Zero...the only man to ever beat me in an Inferno Match. Their names still ring synonymous with 'legend', and it's because they earned it. But you know what? That's the short list. The long list? Those are the guys that barely even made it past the Insanity or Hardcore divisions because they didn't pass the Man Setting the Standard. To be considered among the ranks of Brandon Kraus, Deacon Star, Joe Grushack, Vincent Von Glower, or Ryan Matthews, you have to bust your ass and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are that damn good. But you, Magnificent Botard, have only gotten more egotistical despite the high number of losses on your personal record.

"Let me make one thing perfectly clear, Magna. This is an element neither of us has ever participated in before, a Glass Cage Match, which means that the loser is going to be the one who shatters a pane of the glass that will surround us that night. The only one in TEW at this time who has ever participated in that kind of match is Michael Crowe, and even he got some pretty bad scars from this very type of match. I've been in a lot of weird matches in my day, but never a Glass Cage Match. And you....well, let's just say the last time you were in an Extreme Pain Match, you didn't last very long at all. So if you still think after all this time that I'm going to make believe that you're an actual talent in this industry...well...water is wet, the sky is blue, chaos is the only constant, and STUPID PEOPLE PISS ME OFF!"

JMC leans into the camera...and you can tell from the eyes that it's no longer him talking, but Shadow Chaos. His last words are almost ominous to everyone as the camera fades out.

"And for the record, that's meant more for Drake than it is for Magna, but it still applies to the both of them...because we are the fly in the ointment...the monkey in the wrench...THE PAIN IN THE ASS....and the FinalHazard to anyone using the Cornett Dynasty to make a name of their own."