Career jobs postings: Anyone?
Are you a fresh graduate who’s been reading through job phone interview tips to ace that first job? Or have you just resigned and are looking for something a lot better than your previous employment? Or has your overseas contract just expired and you’re now ready to move on to the next one? If you’re one of those two that have been mentioned and you’re anxious to land the job of your dreams, then you are not alone. There are million worldwide who are looking for greener pastures, or are eager to start something even as early as when they are still in their undergraduate studies.
People end up on long queues at local and international job fairs just to try their luck in landing the career jobs they have been dreaming of. For those who had been employed for some years, they can be quite discriminating as to what to apply for. But for others who have less experience and meager background, they’ll be willing to take on any possibility. Some even do not have any idea what they want just as long as they’re lining up and have several copies of their application letter and resume ready for submission. They’ll take any offer given to them after being interviewed and considered. Government agencies also post civil jobs on their agencies’ walls to entice applicants.
Your attitude towards looking for employment will greatly increase your success in securing your seat in the corporate world, or in the government hierarchy.