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Christians are being profiled by their sacrament and thrown into Unemployment, Criminalization, Captivity, and even economic slavery  for using, possessing or sharing the Holy anointing of God and proclaiming citizenship of a secular government!(Exodus 30:23)

I pray the UN Saves us from the sins of our Criminal Justice System!--Keshet Yashua IsRael



Keshet's Book of the Month choice

Pray For U.S. Prisoner's  In The  War on God         in America! Read about:    Dan & Mary


Mission Statement          Art. of Incorp.          Church Charter         Sovereign Rights

You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, Your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of Joy.  --Hebrews 1:9

Shalom and Namaste,                  Welcome Home!          Where but "Little Israel"?      My Rainbow name has evolved over the years.  I did three + tours of the U.S. going Rainbow Gathering to Rainbow Gathering and Church to Church. Now I have settled into "Little Israel" after a total of about 7 years, as "Jack" would have said, "On the Road". - Keshet

"Little Israel" (Isaiah 41:14) has been desecrated           Her sacraments abominated and stolen by Florida!       

    Her Priest Arrested for possessing the Sacred      Anointing (Exodus 30:23); Kaneh Bosm!


ISaiah    41:14

*Patriotically Proclaiming (i.e.. . .Praying ) that our Sovereign (Constitutional) Rite (Exodus 30:23)           To follow God into His Entheogenic pursuits of    Happiness is protected!



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"We must be allowed our holy sacraments, that we may be consecrated to the Lord our God and by it fulfill the will of the supreme Godhead.  For it is thru revelations that unfold in divine imaginings of priests, who have been called and chosen to partake in entheogenic path of the Divine Godhead, that our God may evolve His dialect into His Kingdom come.