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Formation of the Kanduria Khargram Vurun

On 2012 Kanduria Khargram vurun  was established by __ voluntary person of the rural village work exclusively for motivating people to educate voluntarily in human misery from the society.icture of mission

  • To motivate people to donate blood voluntarily
  • To create awareness in the society in science of blood and blood donation
  • To make people aware of the Safe Blood Transfusion
  • To conduct blood donation camps throughout the year for Government Blood Banks
  • To organise training programmes for blood donor motivators
  • To organise school programmes for blood donor motivators
  • To publish handbills, booklets to promote voluntary blood donation, heath awareness. 
  • To motivate the donors of tomorrow.
  • Health awareness HIV , TB, Haemophilia,Thalassaemia etc.
  • Eye checking/and operation camp.
  • Tree plantation.
  • SHG group.


This hundred percent voluntary organization is run professionally, round the clock by a group of volunteers drawn from every walks of life who spare a fraction of their free time in a coordinated manner. There is no paid staff in the organization.
Philosophy of the Organization
If people placed in life can spare a fraction of their spare time along with the their skill for any social welfare mission in a coordinated manner in the principle of time sharing a real voluntary organization can do much for the welfare of a developing country in an economic manner.

All activities of the organization revolves round the five areas :

  1. Motivation
  2. Donation
  3. Recognition
  4. Publication
  5. Education

For further information write to the Secretary at the above address or send E'mail at