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Dirty Valente

Turning Records believe That the running of a label and how you deal with the artists Should be no different to how a successful business would deal with customers.

Its been the experience of ourselves and our artists That, record labels have failed to reply to emails, answer questions about sales, ingnored royalty check requests and sometimes not even Mentioned that a track had leg released, re released or featured on any of the labels compilations.

At Turning Records we aim to put this right. This is the music 'Business' and we are intending to operate as a business.

Turning Records will send quarterly statements to its artists so they know just how well Their productions are selling. Also State will advise and help artists on how to Promote a track alongwith the labels own promotion team to achieve maximum sales and air play.

The artist is key and the success of the artist with reflecting on the success or Turning Records.

Turing Records aim to reply to all demos received, successful or unsuccessful within 7 working days. We will listen to everything we receive and appreciate you sending us your demos.

If your track is successful then Turning Records will then LIAISE with the you, the artist on the possibleness release date, promotion, remixes and artwork for your release Within the month.

Turning Records is a business and our USP is That it will be run like one. Your questions will be answered, your stats will be published and your checks will be sent. We aim to make a statement to the music industry ... Turning Records.

Dirty Valente